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Giving Thanks


May 18, 2003
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Giving Thanks

ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - As we complete a busy and successful Thanksgiving travel period, there is only one message of importance for employees today. Specifically, US Airways thanks each and every employee for the hard work and dedicated effort shown over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Employees met challenges head on, including a number of weather events, such as snow, heavy rains and gusty winds. In spite of these and other operational issues, US Airways met its flight performance goal on four out of the five travel days. To employees’ credit, there were no cancellations on Friday.

“Our operations group and ground employees worked in tandem to get people where they needed to be,†said Bob Maloney, managing director of Operations. “In fact, Wednesday was the only day in the last 13 that we missed our cancellation goal. At the end of the day, that’s our greatest joy -- overcoming tough situations and reuniting friends and family,†he said.

US Airways boasted load factors of 81.5 percent on Wednesday, and 81.4 percent and 88.5 percent for Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Our Customer Service employees met this high volume with professionalism and deftly handled airport crowds, assisted passengers with special needs and helped with boarding and connections.

Reservations representatives also assisted by responding to customer inquiries about on-time arrivals and airport conditions.

In thanks, Executive Vice President of Operations Al Crellin said, “Employees maintained their usual level of professionalism and admirable performance during one of the heaviest travel periods since 2000.†Going into today, when hub and focus cities are reporting up to 95 percent load factors, US Airways employees are continuing to step up to the task. Crellin added, “We look forward to continued excellent customer service throughout the holiday season.â€

US Airways meets goals, offers employees tickets

"There were no signs of labor unrest that had threatened to disrupt US Airways' operations."

Complete Story

Best regards,

I liked the last line in the story the best . . . . .

"In an attempt to discourage employee sickouts, US Airways had offered two free standby tickets to employees who complete all of their shifts between Thanksgiving and Jan. 5."

Wow, who says U management doesn't have a heart. I'm sure that'll compensate for having legal labor contracts abrogated by judicial fiat and transformed into nothing more than at-will servitute "agreements." ROTFLOL.
Winglet said:
Wow, who says U management doesn't have a heart. I'm sure that'll compensate for having legal labor contracts abrogated by judicial fiat and transformed into nothing more than at-will servitute "agreements." ROTFLOL.

So, who's forcing you to work there?
ITRADE said:
So, who's forcing you to work there?

The bill collectors?

The mortgage company?

Come down from your thrown and join the crowds...73 Itrade...Curt
ITRADE said:
And there are no other jobs out there?
...Yes, There are other jobs out there. I'm just gonna ride this roller coaster and see what happens..Any more stupid questions ?
ITRADE said:
And there are no other jobs out there?

Matter fact I found one and not stopping there, that is NOT the point...the term forsaken is appropriate here.

How can anyone "in there right mind" fault people who are getting screwed daily on a grand scale, how can anyone sit by and throw darts at employees who are going thru hell. Just this morning in the news it was reported that airline employees are seeking counseling in records numbers due to dire realities falling upon them.

And then we come to these boards with a few people calling employees to task for venting when it’s a miracle someone hasn’t lost it completely and emptied out CCY with an assault rifle.

Ecclesiastes says it all with CCY and it’s foolish folly at the expense of innocent employees where it says “One can easily lose all he acquiresâ€￾, with the help of course of a heartless, clueless, self serving management team that awards it’s own millions whether they fail or succeed.

But Itrade...you know this, don't you___Curt