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Get your walking papers

Is that why the majority of management and as of late, board members are comprised of DAL. :lol:

I can only speak for NW...

We maintained strict testing for basic grammar/maturity skills before offering employment. Better hope that is not one of the requirements from your new NW masters, as Georgia is a employment at will State is it not?

I regret what is about to happen to most of the non union people at Delta/Northwest (your old Delta payroll folks can advise you)...except for a few. Some will get what they have been asking for from Anderson/Steenlands bankhand and foot.

Is that why the majority of management and as of late, board members are comprised of DAL. :lol:


I'd like to know why on the one hand you try to pimp the concept of us "all being one," while at the same time championing the any fact that shows a DL majority. This smacks of serious hypocrisy to me.

Could it be that you're of the "it'll be okay as long as it's the Delta way" mentality? That hubris-and it's rampant among your co-workers- will destroy this merger in no time flat.

If I'm off, please explain why, and be specific. No emoticons or BS (eg. telling me to relax).


I'd like to know why on the one hand you try to pimp the concept of us "all being one," while at the same time championing the any fact that shows a DL majority. This smacks of serious hypocrisy to me.

Could it be that you're of the "it'll be okay as long as it's the Delta way" mentality? That hubris-and it's rampant among your co-workers- will destroy this merger in no time flat.

If I'm off, please explain why, and be specific. No emoticons or BS (eg. telling me to relax).


Ok...now you've done it Kev, we won't be hearing from him for awhile now! You've requested a serious mature answer, one that will require the actual activation of a LIVE cerebral cortex.
I can only speak for NW...

We maintained strict testing for basic grammar/maturity skills before offering employment. Better hope that is not one of the requirements from your new NW masters, as Georgia is a employment at will State is it not?

I regret what is about to happen to most of the non union people at Delta/Northwest (your old Delta payroll folks can advise you)...except for a few. Some will get what they have been asking for from Anderson/Steenlands bankhand and foot.
Gee sounds like you guys are going to really work well together!

I'd like to know why on the one hand you try to pimp the concept of us "all being one," while at the same time championing the any fact that shows a DL majority. This smacks of serious hypocrisy to me.

Could it be that you're of the "it'll be okay as long as it's the Delta way" mentality? That hubris-and it's rampant among your co-workers- will destroy this merger in no time flat.

If I'm off, please explain why, and be specific. No emoticons or BS (eg. telling me to relax).


My recent replies have been geared more towards people (NxNW) who seems pretty easy to fly off the handle and "champion" some ridiculous statements. They like to "champion" that everything is in the toilet, doom, gloom, NWA is DAL blah blah blah.

Call it hypocrisy if you want. Im really ok with it. So me being also very human, cannot resist to throw facts at them when they reveal themselves just to prove them wrong.

For those that take great pleasure in burning everything down to the ground around them, they are for the most part hopeless.

There's nothing wrong with wanting all of us to work as one, but there's always going to be some that will feel that they are cheated. For those nothing is ever good enough (or will be), if that where the case then they would have nothing to complain about. That would fall to far out of some peoples comfort zones. Then there's some who just like to hear themselves talk (rant).
My recent replies have been geared more towards people (NxNW) who seems pretty easy to fly off the handle and "champion" some ridiculous statements. They like to "champion" that everything is in the toilet, doom, gloom, NWA is DAL blah blah blah.

Call it hypocrisy if you want. Im really ok with it. So me being also very human, cannot resist to throw facts at them when they reveal themselves just to prove them wrong.

For those that take great pleasure in burning everything down to the ground around them, they are for the most part hopeless.

There's nothing wrong with wanting all of us to work as one, but there's always going to be some that will feel that they are cheated. For those nothing is ever good enough (or will be), if that where the case then they would have nothing to complain about. That would fall to far out of some peoples comfort zones. Then there's some who just like to hear themselves talk (rant).

Firstly- I am highly complimented! I take great pleasure is stirring the confused to life with some kind of passion and debate.

"me being also very human, cannot resist to throw facts at them"

THAT...is the best laugh I've had all day!

I am glad you've come out of the "denial closet". For the thousands that lived through the terror of your new bosses and their manipulation of the bankruptcy courts I say on their behalf, I hope certain ones are some of the first to taste their whipping stick.

A plausible denial of reality endangers the well being of thousands of those that have dealt with liars operating under the guise of leadership when all they are capable of is profit by employee pay cuts/ or job loss.

Some wouldn't know a "rant" from an intelligent debate vs. your endless stream of one-liners and delusional, masochistic belief that they won't be mean to me because they are at "Delta" now.

FYI...it takes qualified intelligence to rattle my cage. And you dear sir, couldn't rattle my baby's rattler with all the wind you huff and puff...you flatter yourself with ridiculousness.

Some hear only what they want to hear and their hands must be really tired from holding them over their ears in an attempt to block out the sound of reality.
For the life of me,...I can't understand why a lot of the DL people..DON'T Understand what NxNW/Kev and other Big Red employees are saying ??

Yes the "name and paint job Only" will be DL, BUT now comes the "face off" between a Unionized company..vs...a Non Unionized company.

What the NW people are saying is............"we've got NO problem with working with you, so long as YOU(DL) folks don't mind being Unionized, (and That means...going to the REAR of the Union seniority bus) NO MATTER what Grinstein or Anderson promised you !!!

Now before you(DL) folks say...."we don't want a UNION, and we will be dove-tailed in for seniority purposes"..........There will quickly come the lil' matter of UNION ELECTIONS to see who's edict will prevail(and there is NOTHING (new) Management can do about it) !!!

Already (DL) folks, I can tell you that your res folks will be non-union, the ticket/ gate people will be Non Union, and more than likely, your AMT's will be Non union.

You already know that ALL the pilots are UNION.

Which leaves us to F/A's and Rampers(which include Air Freight, and Post Office rampers)

Judging from the current number of NW..F/A's, coupled with the PRO Union DL F/A's, ..it "looks like" the Union will prevail for F/A's.

As for the Rampers etc,...NW has many more Unionized Rampers, than DL has "regular" Non Union rampers, which should result in a (new) DL Unionized ramp.

SEE, I told you it was not hard to understand

(oh I almost forgot, .......there is a TOTAL Pro Union Government coming to power, BEFORE the Union Elections come up. I mention that SPECIFICALLY for..."Just because I'm FORCED to be Unionized,...I'm NOT going to the back of the occ seniority bus") :rant: :rant:

(Guess AGAIN)!!!

THIS is EXACTLY the points NxNW is "trying" to get you guys to "understand" !!!
Firstly- I am highly complimented! I take great pleasure is stirring the confused to life with some kind of passion and debate.

"me being also very human, cannot resist to throw facts at them"

THAT...is the best laugh I've had all day!

I am glad you've come out of the "denial closet". For the thousands that lived through the terror of your new bosses and their manipulation of the bankruptcy courts I say on their behalf, I hope certain ones are some of the first to taste their whipping stick.

A plausible denial of reality endangers the well being of thousands of those that have dealt with liars operating under the guise of leadership when all they are capable of is profit by employee pay cuts/ or job loss.

Some wouldn't know a "rant" from an intelligent debate vs. your endless stream of one-liners and delusional, masochistic belief that they won't be mean to me because they are at "Delta" now.

FYI...it takes qualified intelligence to rattle my cage. And you dear sir, couldn't rattle my baby's rattler with all the wind you huff and puff...you flatter yourself with ridiculousness.

Some hear only what they want to hear and their hands must be really tired from holding them over their ears in an attempt to block out the sound of reality.

Geez I don't know, you seem pretty rattled to me :huh:

The fact still remains that you and others have spouted "look at your new management-its all NWA!" yada yada, and that's clearly not the case. Since this is merger, some of the existing management at NWA now sits on the board and staff at the newly combined Airline. But it is not the majority like you and others have alarmed everyone to be.

Nor does is it look like that silly notion of NWA bought DAL, blah blah either. If that were the case common sense would dictate the majority of decision makers would be NWA personal. And again, this is not the case.

Listen, we are all in this together now. The success and failure of this new combined group weighs upon us all and we all have a vested interest to keeping the paychecks coming. Im sure not everyone is going to like change, but since I entered the workforce 20+ years ago, change is almost guaranteed. No matter what line of work you are in.

Like my fave Kev always says...it is what it is. 😱
Geez I don't know, you seem pretty rattled to me :huh:

The fact still remains that you and others have spouted "look at your new management-its all NWA!" yada yada, and that's clearly not the case. Since this is merger, some of the existing management at NWA now sits on the board and staff at the newly combined Airline. But it is not the majority like you and others have alarmed everyone to be.

Nor does is it look like that silly notion of NWA bought DAL, blah blah either. If that were the case common sense would dictate the majority of decision makers would be NWA personal. And again, this is not the case.

Listen, we are all in this together now. The success and failure of this new combined group weighs upon us all and we all have a vested interest to keeping the paychecks coming. Im sure not everyone is going to like change, but since I entered the workforce 20+ years ago, change is almost guaranteed. No matter what line of work you are in.

Like my fave Kev always says...it is what it is. 😱

Listen...JUST so you are thoroughly clear about why this new airline is called DELTA:


Perhaps it will sink in coming from an outside source. It was about MONEY, moreover you can deny the financial strength of NW all you want, your denial won't change the facts of both companies balance sheet. So YES, NW could have very well been the buyer, but, I guess in your silly little world that would have made sense to piss away a $9.1 billion dollar tax credit for ego. We...NW people know your new leaders well. You will learn that that warm fuzzy Delta song died yesterday along with the brand Northwest.

Actions speak louder than words...I can't wait to see the first earthquake from Anderson.
Geez I don't know, you seem pretty rattled to me :huh:

The fact still remains that you and others have spouted "look at your new management-its all NWA!" yada yada, and that's clearly not the case. Since this is merger, some of the existing management at NWA now sits on the board and staff at the newly combined Airline. But it is not the majority like you and others have alarmed everyone to be.

Nor does is it look like that silly notion of NWA bought DAL, blah blah either. If that were the case common sense would dictate the majority of decision makers would be NWA personal. And again, this is not the case.

Listen, we are all in this together now. The success and failure of this new combined group weighs upon us all and we all have a vested interest to keeping the paychecks coming. Im sure not everyone is going to like change, but since I entered the workforce 20+ years ago, change is almost guaranteed. No matter what line of work you are in.

Like my fave Kev always says...it is what it is. 😱

Dapoes--I will try to summarize what I think this is all about. First off, I think most everyone wants a secure, pleasant, well-compensated work life. It's just that there are 2 different ways of viewing how to get there:

1. You are all about being positive, believe the best/not the worst, let's come together (despite your past needling) and everything will be ok.
2. People like Kev, NxNW, BlacknBlue have a more defensive posture, based on past experiences. This is perfectly normal. Even dating back to pre-historic man, he didn't leave the proverbial cave without his club or spear--most likely because he had seen that tiger, bear or whatever -beast, even if just once (one of the reasons we have adrenaline).
In our case, the "club" or "spear" is formal representation. It's kind of like what's going on now with the healthcare elections. Some of it like long-term disability and group accident insurance, someone may (God willing) never need but they choose to make the election, have the $ taken out of their paycheck as, yes...insurance. Sure, they could choose not to elect it based on the fact that they have always been in good health, never been in an accident, etc...but the built-in (caveman) part of them says: "I may not need this, but if something happens, I don't want my savings depleted."
I'm glad you have been happy with Delta in the past. A positive attitude is a very good thing, but others feel the best way to that positive attitude comes with a sense of security. You like walking the tight rope without a net because you've never had a strong wind come up and throw you off balance a little. Others prefer a net because they have been jostled around while trying to walk it. That doesn't make them chicken-littles or bad employees. Just makes them human.
Dapoes--I will try to summarize what I think this is all about. First off, I think most everyone wants a secure, pleasant, well-compensated work life. It's just that there are 2 different ways of viewing how to get there:

1. You are all about being positive, believe the best/not the worst, let's come together (despite your past needling) and everything will be ok.
2. People like Kev, NxNW, BlacknBlue have a more defensive posture, based on past experiences. This is perfectly normal. Even dating back to pre-historic man, he didn't leave the proverbial cave without his club or spear--most likely because he had seen that tiger, bear or whatever -beast, even if just once (one of the reasons we have adrenaline).
In our case, the "club" or "spear" is formal representation. It's kind of like what's going on now with the healthcare elections. Some of it like long-term disability and group accident insurance, someone may (God willing) never need but they choose to make the election, have the $ taken out of their paycheck as, yes...insurance. Sure, they could choose not to elect it based on the fact that they have always been in good health, never been in an accident, etc...but the built-in (caveman) part of them says: "I may not need this, but if something happens, I don't want my savings depleted."
I'm glad you have been happy with Delta in the past. A positive attitude is a very good thing, but others feel the best way to that positive attitude comes with a sense of security. You like walking the tight rope without a net because you've never had a strong wind come up and throw you off balance a little. Others prefer a net because they have been jostled around while trying to walk it. That doesn't make them chicken-littles or bad employees. Just makes them human.

Fair enough...
1. You are all about being positive, believe the best/not the worst, let's come together (despite your past needling) and everything will be ok.
2. People like Kev, NxNW, BlacknBlue have a more defensive posture, based on past experiences. This is perfectly normal. Even dating back to pre-historic man, he didn't leave the proverbial cave without his club or spear--most likely because he had seen that tiger, bear or whatever -beast, even if just once (one of the reasons we have adrenaline).
In our case, the "club" or "spear" is formal representation. It's kind of like what's going on now with the healthcare elections. Some of it like long-term disability and group accident insurance, someone may (God willing) never need but they choose to make the election, have the $ taken out of their paycheck as, yes...insurance. Sure, they could choose not to elect it based on the fact that they have always been in good health, never been in an accident, etc...but the built-in (caveman) part of them says: "I may not need this, but if something happens, I don't want my savings depleted."
I'm glad you have been happy with Delta in the past. A positive attitude is a very good thing, but others feel the best way to that positive attitude comes with a sense of security. You like walking the tight rope without a net because you've never had a strong wind come up and throw you off balance a little. Others prefer a net because they have been jostled around while trying to walk it. That doesn't make them chicken-littles or bad employees. Just makes them human.

well said..I would only add that positive thinking is not limited to only believing the best in all outcomes/situations, it also helps prepare for lifes eventualities...so you can take charge and be in control because the only real sense of security lies within yourself.
Dapoes--I will try to summarize what I think this is all about. First off, I think most everyone wants a secure, pleasant, well-compensated work life. It's just that there are 2 different ways of viewing how to get there:

1. You are all about being positive, believe the best/not the worst, let's come together (despite your past needling) and everything will be ok.
2. People like Kev, NxNW, BlacknBlue have a more defensive posture, based on past experiences. This is perfectly normal. Even dating back to pre-historic man, he didn't leave the proverbial cave without his club or spear--most likely because he had seen that tiger, bear or whatever -beast, even if just once (one of the reasons we have adrenaline).
In our case, the "club" or "spear" is formal representation. It's kind of like what's going on now with the healthcare elections. Some of it like long-term disability and group accident insurance, someone may (God willing) never need but they choose to make the election, have the $ taken out of their paycheck as, yes...insurance. Sure, they could choose not to elect it based on the fact that they have always been in good health, never been in an accident, etc...but the built-in (caveman) part of them says: "I may not need this, but if something happens, I don't want my savings depleted."
I'm glad you have been happy with Delta in the past. A positive attitude is a very good thing, but others feel the best way to that positive attitude comes with a sense of security. You like walking the tight rope without a net because you've never had a strong wind come up and throw you off balance a little. Others prefer a net because they have been jostled around while trying to walk it. That doesn't make them chicken-littles or bad employees. Just makes them human.

...and Luke, don't forget to add in the three P's: Past Proven Performance. We've seen what these people are capable of. If it's raining, get an umbrella. If it's snowing, dress warm. If you're doing business, get a contract.
Im sure not everyone is going to like change, but since I entered the workforce 20+ years ago, change is almost guaranteed. No matter what line of work you are in.

The ironic thing is that for us at NW, the "change" is a return to what we had before.

Like my fave Kev always says...it is what it is. 😱

When do I say that?!

Dapoes--I will try to summarize what I think this is all about. First off, I think most everyone wants a secure, pleasant, well-compensated work life. It's just that there are 2 different ways of viewing how to get there:

1. You are all about being positive, believe the best/not the worst, let's come together (despite your past needling) and everything will be ok.
2. People like Kev, NxNW, BlacknBlue have a more defensive posture, based on past experiences. This is perfectly normal. Even dating back to pre-historic man, he didn't leave the proverbial cave without his club or spear--most likely because he had seen that tiger, bear or whatever -beast, even if just once (one of the reasons we have adrenaline)........(snip) I'm glad you have been happy with Delta in the past. A positive attitude is a very good thing, but others feel the best way to that positive attitude comes with a sense of security. You like walking the tight rope without a net because you've never had a strong wind come up and throw you off balance a little. Others prefer a net because they have been jostled around while trying to walk it. That doesn't make them chicken-littles or bad employees. Just makes them human.

You're dead on with your analogies.

We also know that no matter how many times the leopard says he won't eat us, we know he will... After all they can't change their spots...

As for the wind? Well, try walking that tightrope during a hurricane!

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