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The union is the problem every time you suggest that improving productivity is a concession.....
.... the problem is having to have 3 pilots for an 8 hour flight, 90% of which is flown by a computer. The problem is the union.


The company doesn't make the regulations governing crew size. When you're over 8 hrs/ 12 hrs you need an additional 1 to 2 pilots respectively. That's mandated by the FARs. What the traveling public (that's you, sitting in the back!) gets is a well rested and safe crew. If you really have a problem with that just divide the "extra" pilot's pay for the trip by the number of seats you have on board and you'll quickly see that the "extra" safety margin that pilot represents is a bargain.

Another thing, quit trying to paint everything wrong with the legacy carriers as a labor problem. The truth is in a lot of instances labor has helped management from making some even bigger blunders, most notably and oft times in the interest of safely. Best of luck in your next endeavor, I'm sure your blood pressure will be a lot lower and you'll sleep better at night.

Z B)
Here is the list of people in the company who pull down $1 million paychecks:

Pardon me. How many managers do we have making between 200 and 600K per year plus bonuses and stock options? Too many is my answer.

The whole idea of retention bonuses for top management at airlines is a joke too.

I've noticed that you didn't refute my statement regarding amount of management and how none of them have the autonomy to make any real decisions.,
How many managers do we have making between 200 and 600K per year plus bonuses and stock options? Too many is my answer.


Nobody at AMR earns over $600K, including Arpey.

A few years ago, someone published stats on the 250-ish individuals at AMR earning over $100K per year in salary and bonuses. I believe all but 50 were pilots.

I seriously doubt you'll find anyone in management below the officer level (VP) earning over $200K, and even there, I'd only expect 15 VP's who be between $200K and $400K.

From the 2005 proxy statement, there are at least five officers who earned over $400K (Gary Kennedy earned $409K as General Counsel, and is probably on par with what the head lawyer makes at any other Fortune 500 company), with Arpey earning $512K, which is probably at the low end of CEO pay for the Fortune 1000.

Also from the proxy statement, it confirms that nobody got bonuses between 2002 and 2004.

205 AMR Proxy Statement said:
No bonus payments were made under American's incentive compensation plans for 2002 and 2003 because performance criteria were not satisfied. Similarly, in 2004 no payments were made under the financial component of the 2004 Annual Incentive Plan, because the financial performance criteria were not satisfied.

There may be people who get commission checks, but that's totally separate from financial/operational bonuses. Certain people in Passenger Sales and perhaps Cargo Sales used to have commission as a part of their compensation package, but I haven't seen it included in a job posting for about ten years.
Are there any employers, let alone airlines, that are willing to pay their hourly employees for their meal breaks? Seriously.

I agree with the "Just say no to concessions."

Time for AA to sink or swim with the paycuts given in 2003.
Of all the line maint jobs, union and non-union, I've had, this is the only one that made me stay 8.5 hrs for 8 hrs pay. The fact is we dont get a set time for lunch, only somewhere between 3 and 5 hrs into the shift. So the company gets 8.5 hrs of coverage for only 8 hrs pay.I'd be willing to have no lunch period in exchange for going home the half hour early. Since we only get to have lunch when its conveinent, somewhere between the 3rd and 5th hour its not time that I can use.
Of all the line maint jobs, union and non-union, I've had, this is the only one that made me stay 8.5 hrs for 8 hrs pay. The fact is we dont get a set time for lunch, only somewhere between 3 and 5 hrs into the shift. So the company gets 8.5 hrs of coverage for only 8 hrs pay.I'd be willing to have no lunch period in exchange for going home the half hour early. Since we only get to have lunch when its conveinent, somewhere between the 3rd and 5th hour its not time that I can use.

I have to believe that not having a set time for your break is the right way to do business. There are way too many examples of an aircraft being a little behind schedule pulling up to the start of the leadin line to the gate and having to sit for up to 30 minutes (with paying passengers writhing to get off!) waiting for the ground folks to finish their break and bring the aircraft in. Get the job done then go back on break if you need to. Still, that being said, if they can't guarantee you a specific time block for your break you're essentially "on call" and should be compensated for the whole 8.5 hrs.
I have to believe that not having a set time for your break is the right way to do business. There are way too many examples of an aircraft being a little behind schedule pulling up to the start of the leadin line to the gate and having to sit for up to 30 minutes (with paying passengers writhing to get off!) waiting for the ground folks to finish their break and bring the aircraft in. Get the job done then go back on break if you need to. Still, that being said, if they can't guarantee you a specific time block for your break you're essentially "on call" and should be compensated for the whole 8.5 hrs.

It's a silly rule that makes productivity look marginally better. Everyone gets spanked occasionally, but the only ones consistantly working all their assigned time are part timers. I can't speak for bases but the line has allways had down time. Having the pretense of a half hour lunch and a 15 min. break is laughable.
When I worked in Res we worked 8.5 hurs and got paid for 8. Not sure what the big deal is.

In crew skd, we work 8 and get paid for 8 but we do not get any breaks. We eat at our desk and take breaks as time and phone calls allow. Again, nobig deal.
When I worked in Res we worked 8.5 hurs and got paid for 8. Not sure what the big deal is.

In crew skd, we work 8 and get paid for 8 but we do not get any breaks. We eat at our desk and take breaks as time and phone calls allow. Again, nobig deal.

If you guys had a union then, you could have a lunch break. BTW, it's the law that if you work for more then 6 hours straight you must have a break. But, all of you CS's and Res agents are to scared to stand up for your rights. What a pitty that is. 🙄
When I worked in Res we worked 8.5 hurs and got paid for 8. Not sure what the big deal is.

In crew skd, we work 8 and get paid for 8 but we do not get any breaks. We eat at our desk and take breaks as time and phone calls allow. Again, nobig deal.


Garfield(the Movie)

Do you have to "raise your hand" to go and take a DUMP ?????


It's gettin' close to that nasty F/A "FLU SEASON" (11/24....1/02) :shock: :shock:


It's gettin' close to that nasty F/A "FLU SEASON" (11/24....1/02) :shock: :shock:


Yes, it's getting to be that time of year. Oops I just coughed and my nose is running from AA! 😉

This year, I think it will be worse then ever before. :shock:

Garfield(the Movie)

Do you have to "raise your hand" to go and take a DUMP ?????


It's gettin' close to that nasty F/A "FLU SEASON" (11/24....1/02) :shock: :shock:


Ok. Bathroom breaks must all come at the same time because there are plenty of times I call scheduling and it rings, and rings, and rings, and no answer.

Not only is it flu season, it is also elective surgery time!!!!!!! hahahaha :up:
If you guys had a union then, you could have a lunch break. BTW, it's the law that if you work for more then 6 hours straight you must have a break. But, all of you CS's and Res agents are to scared to stand up for your rights. What a pitty that is. 🙄

It would not work in our environment. We have 1 person working each desk. If I take a "break" someone else has to watch my desk while I'm gone. To give me a 1/2 hour break is not practical and would place to much a burden on my peers and would not be efficient.

The system that is currently in place works very well with out a union. I think I prefer to keep it that way.

OH BTW, is your base manager still laughing? SBY's were cut by 40%. My guess is the next reduction will be down to 0 but I could be wrong.

When you call crew skd, you put your employee number in the system. We know who you are before we answer the phone. And most times we have a pretty good idea of why you are calling. If we have more pressing issues to deal with you wait. It's very simple.

The sick list has pretty much followed the same curve each year. I seriously doubt this year will be any different than last or that next year will be much different than this year. The lazy call in sick, the people who show up for work have to pick up slack for their lazy peers and life goes on. I do my 8 hours and go home ... LIFE GOES ON. It is the same year after year. Perhaps AA will get a back bone and start nailing people for dependability but I doubt it.
All joking aside, I am sitting here at home with Strep Throat and blocked ears. I haven't called in sick because I have been able to drop my triips. Our working environment is so different from yours Garfield. Even though sure there those who call in sick needlessly, we are stuck in a tube with people hacking all over the place. Our rest is reduced and our defenses are down. It is not all abuse when the sicklist goes up every winter!
Alot of us do fly sick and that just makes things worse! Years ago a flight attendant begged me to go to the medical office and get checked out while we were sitting in MIA. I did, I had Strep at that time also. He was scared to be by me as he was HIV positive. Imagine how long he would of been out if he had caught my strep! I knopw this is an extreme, but we come into contact with tons of things you would never have to deal with. Have a little empathy once in a while.
All joking aside, I am sitting here at home with Strep Throat and blocked ears. I haven't called in sick because I have been able to drop my triips. Our working environment is so different from yours Garfield. Even though sure there those who call in sick needlessly, we are stuck in a tube with people hacking all over the place. Our rest is reduced and our defenses are down. It is not all abuse when the sicklist goes up every winter!
Alot of us do fly sick and that just makes things worse! Years ago a flight attendant begged me to go to the medical office and get checked out while we were sitting in MIA. I did, I had Strep at that time also. He was scared to be by me as he was HIV positive. Imagine how long he would of been out if he had caught my strep! I knopw this is an extreme, but we come into contact with tons of things you would never have to deal with. Have a little empathy once in a while.

Garfield 1966 wants to turn all workplaces into sweat shops.Garfield does not care if you are really sick because all use of sicktime is abuse according to his/her previous postings on this topic.