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United is aware of the problem and is currently in the process of hiring more reservations agents. The domestic call volumes are through the roof and International Mileage Plus call volumes is also high. I suggest you call early AM when call volumes are not so high and you can get through. It seems everyone wants to call an airline in the afternoon after lunch and especially at night when they get home.
With your call volume so high this seems to be a "good" problem for you chaps. Has the market demand turnaround been so rapid and so great? Is the industry starting to finally turn around after so much drawdown in capacity? Is this the beginning (although we can see with a few misteps) of the upside? I thought your previous president said that the business cycle as we know it had ended!!!
On 5/19/2003 5:35:04 PM ual747mech wrote:

From the time we had a chance to vote the 7% paycut to have a chance of preventing us from going bankrupt and keeping our company mostly intact, ie: not closing maintenance bases, lower paycuts, etc., we always have a choice.

You are right in saying that we had a choice. There is always a choice in everything we do. But I think you have bellied up to the cooler full of the ade one to many times. The measely (sp?) paycut wouldn''t have saved this company from walking in the court to file BK. There were many other factors involved besides the pay cuts. Next time the company askes you for something, find the coolaid before you answer, it will make you feel better.
On 5/20/2003 1:16:47 PM Borescope wrote:

On 5/19/2003 5:35:04 PM ual747mech wrote:

From the time we had a chance to vote the 7% paycut to have a chance of preventing us from going bankrupt and keeping our company mostly intact, ie: not closing maintenance bases, lower paycuts, etc., we always have a choice.

You are right in saying that we had a choice. There is always a choice in everything we do. But I think you have bellied up to the cooler full of the ade one to many times. The measely (sp?) paycut wouldn''t have saved this company from walking in the court to file BK. There were many other factors involved besides the pay cuts. Next time the company askes you for something, find the coolaid before you answer, it will make you feel better.


How do you know? Do you have a crystal ball? The fact is you either didn''t believe we were in the brink of bankruptcy or didn''t believe the company and the iam(who you don''t trust) was telling you. Like I said, the majority only ratified the cocession after they learned their lesson the hard way and you know it!!

Next time, get all the facts so you can make an informed decision. Don''t listen to all the loudmouths out there. Verify it if you don''t like where it came from.
On 5/20/2003 10:53:00 PM ual747mech wrote:

How do you know? Do you have a crystal ball? The fact is you either didn''t believe we were in the brink of bankruptcy or didn''t believe the company and the iam(who you don''t trust) was telling you. Like I said, the majority only ratified the cocession after they learned their lesson the hard way and you know it!!

Next time, get all the facts so you can make an informed decision. Don''t listen to all the loudmouths out there. Verify it if you don''t like where it came from.


Like I said your drinking to much coolaid. All anyone had to do was look around, the writing was on the wall about BK. A company that looses 1.3 bil. surely can''t continue to operate with it''s current cost structure. The closing of the maintaince bases and the outsourcing probally would have come with or with out the measly pay cuts. As other airlines become more cost efficient, so will UAL have to if it is going to survive. If they don''t say la vie!!
On 5/21/2003 11:51:46 AM Borescope wrote:

On 5/20/2003 10:53:00 PM ual747mech wrote:

How do you know? Do you have a crystal ball? The fact is you either didn't believe we were in the brink of bankruptcy or didn't believe the company and the iam(who you don't trust) was telling you. Like I said, the majority only ratified the cocession after they learned their lesson the hard way and you know it!!

Next time, get all the facts so you can make an informed decision. Don't listen to all the loudmouths out there. Verify it if you don't like where it came from.


Like I said your drinking to much coolaid. All anyone had to do was look around, the writing was on the wall about BK. A company that looses 1.3 bil. surely can't continue to operate with it's current cost structure. The closing of the maintaince bases and the outsourcing probally would have come with or with out the measly pay cuts. As other airlines become more cost efficient, so will UAL have to if it is going to survive. If they don't say la vie!!

Boy! you seem to know a great deal about running a company, maybe we should make you the next CEO. Or have you been smoking too much of that funny stuff? The writing is in the wall... I was right, you do have a crystal ball. He he he...So what else do you see happening Mr. Psychic? Or Mr Psycho?
On 5/18/2003 3:20:52 PM ual747mech wrote:

Although, I blame mostly past management for the reasons we''re in this predicament, I think the current management is doing everything they can to exit bankruptcy as soon as possible for the good of the company.


UC, Like I said in my previous post, I think the current management is doing everything they can to exit bankruptcy sooner. Read this article: "Ual pondering early bankruptcy exit." http://www.chicagobusiness.com/cgi-bin/pri...pl?news_id=8919
On 5/20/2003 1:16:47 PM Borescope wrote:


On 5/19/2003 5:35:04 PM ual747mech wrote:


From the time we had a chance to vote the 7% paycut to have a chance of preventing us from going bankrupt and keeping our company mostly intact, ie: not closing maintenance bases, lower paycuts, etc., we always have a choice.


You are right in saying that we had a choice. There is always a choice in everything we do. But I think you have bellied up to the cooler full of the ade one to many times. The measely (sp?) paycut wouldn''t have saved this company from walking in the court to file BK. There were many other factors involved besides the pay cuts. Next time the company askes you for something, find the coolaid before you answer, it will make you feel better.


I guess it might be time for me to throw my 2 cents into the fray.
There was about 75% of the mechanics that wanted to drag the company down and cared little about anyone else.
When push came to shove they became meek little lambs and 75 % voted for what they wouldn''t give earlier.

There is a good old saying about this:
Experience is the best teacher, but fools learn no other way.

Your still spouting stupid opinions about coolaid.
Obviously, some fools learn lessons and others head down a course of self destruction. You would have made a good soldier for Bin Laden, since you really do not have a thought process of your own.

It is always good to stand against evil in the world and injustice.
The problem here is you are grasping at straws. Trying to stand against an invisable force that doesn''t exit.

You are trying to fight the economy. Trying to get blood out of a stone.

Give it up, go to work and get a better attitude. Life will get a lot better if you do.
ual747mech: I definitely agree with you!

Of course there are still nay sayers - and challanges still exist - but the momentum is building.

In terms of exit financing - the ATSB loan is just a part of what they are planning - in my opinion. The ATSB always left the door open. United should be a shoe-in at this point to win approval.

United is going to kick AA''s ass when they emerge. Hell - they''re kick them now.

Headin to LGA on Wednesday...look forward to a nice trip.

P.S. All of the legal wrangling with ACA is just that. I wouldn''t read too much into it.