
The company is trying to give as much a heads up as possible under the circumstances. The October and November proposed flight schedules were used to create staffing plans for each station using some adjusted staff requirements (single agent boarding with aircraft under 120 seats, higher kiosk, online usage). From that the numbers by station have been determined. That is about it so far, they are working on names for this layoff and getting the layoff packets and juniority packets out to the individuals. That is not an easy task. Once those employees are notified, which should be this next week.

The guess is that juniority will be up to January, 2008 for Mainline agents and June 2008 for Mainline/Express agents. The reason it is a guess is because of opening which will be included in the layoff options and how many FT agents will decide to remain in their city by displacing a junior PT. All transfers have been frozen until this is over. The number of openings is a moving number as people quit/terminate. All opening must be filled before any displacement. So the number of opening included in the layoff should be known shortly but the number of FT going PT in city won't be known until the awards are given out. Note-all this applies to FT only. PTers do not have any displacement rights.

Employees cannot displace across classification lines. Club can only displace club; CARs can only displace CARS;mainline can only displace mainline; Mainline/Express can only displace Mainline/Express and CTOs can only displace CTOs.

Notification of who gets what and where will be the end of August. Report date is middle of September.
Ive heard that in my old station, the inside agents are losing 4 or 5 agents 2 or 3 PT and 2 FT Im wondering if that is happening to other cities that have mainline inside and contract outside. Also side note Piedmont ramper starting pay dropped to 7.35 an hr with a top rate of 10.00 hr because they cant keep people. I amnot surprised they cant keep people. (Deleted by Moderator: changing the spelling of a profanity/vulgarity or using diacritical marks--#,@,etc--in place of vowels does not make it less so. Do not do this, please.)
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The October and November proposed flight schedules were used to create staffing plans for each station using some adjusted staff requirements (single agent boarding with aircraft under 120 seats, higher kiosk, online usage). From that the numbers by station have been determined.

Great for their "staffing model", but anyone working the airport can tell you that the kiosk doesn't work like it's supposed to and the agents at the gate now have more duties (international recheck, etc ) dumped on them because not everyone international HAS to check in like before. If the kiosks and web checkin (including the new bag check which already has issues that are "supposed" to be fixed in the August release) worked like I'm sure Tempe is being told they do, then we'd probably be fine. BUT, and its a big one, we still have major issues with them on many issues. Kiosks do not do moveups like advertised they do, we still have many UA codeshare ticket issues, any ticket out of sync coming or going produces an error message, International does not recognize many countries in a passport entry and it does not like kids traveling international, web checkin in many instances wants $20 even though the bag is prepaid, the kiosks dont take cash (which has increased as a form of payment since many of our customers do not have credit cards for some reason), etc. Some of these people really, really need to get out in the real world and quit living off of spread sheets. Its a whole different ball game out on the front line folks! :blink: :down:
Great for their "staffing model", but anyone working the airport can tell you that the kiosk doesn't work like it's supposed to and the agents at the gate now have more duties (international recheck, etc ) dumped on them because not everyone international HAS to check in like before. If the kiosks and web checkin (including the new bag check which already has issues that are "supposed" to be fixed in the August release) worked like I'm sure Tempe is being told they do, then we'd probably be fine. BUT, and its a big one, we still have major issues with them on many issues. Kiosks do not do moveups like advertised they do, we still have many UA codeshare ticket issues, any ticket out of sync coming or going produces an error message, International does not recognize many countries in a passport entry and it does not like kids traveling international, web checkin in many instances wants $20 even though the bag is prepaid, the kiosks dont take cash (which has increased as a form of payment since many of our customers do not have credit cards for some reason), etc. Some of these people really, really need to get out in the real world and quit living off of spread sheets. Its a whole different ball game out on the front line folks! :blink: :down:
And don’t forget every active duty military personal checking a bag has to be checked-in by an agent
Friend just told me GSO lost 12. 6FT, 6PT. She said that leaves 15 ticket counter/gate agents and 7 US Air club reps?

Said they are adding two flights in September?

WOW! Sounds like GSO will have more agents hanging out in the club than working the flights? :lol:
"a significant decline" in revenue this year necessitated the staff reductions, effective in mid-September.
TPA was told their furloughs were effective NEXT TUESDAY!
Make sure that extra 10 days of pay is in your last check since they didnt give proper notice.
what? Next(last) tuesday??? WTF?