From Us Airways Pilots To Awa Folks...welcome!

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I agree,

Thank you for the welcome :)

HPearlyretiree said:
Lets all hope for a good merger, there are some quality people at US and, if this thing is handled properly we could have one hell of a great airline.

It is my personal opinion (As a U pilot), that most of the fear mongering about U pilots taking AWA pilots seniority is baseless. I for one am married with a child in school and soon in college, have a business and live in an area not easily accessable to PHX or LAS. I believe most U pilots are in a simular circumstance. I encourage the AWA pilots out there not to pay much attention to the fear mongers on this and other boards...after all, you are in the catbird's seat in this aquistion anyway. I look forward to being able to non-rev to PHX, LAS and PHNL with more options. I think we have the oportunity to have some fun. PBI, BDA, PWM are not bad places to non-rev to either. And don't forget Europe and the Caribbean.
Both of these companies are still in existance because of the efforts of the employees. The management history of both companies is dismal, it was the employees that have kept them afloat.

They are in existance due to lenient bankruptcy laws and screwing of not only employees but investors and suppliers.

Get your pay and benefits and schedules up to SWA levels and quit dragging the industry down.
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That is too funny. SWA is who led the industry down fool! You folks were willing to fly for 60% of what we made at USAir. With the exception of the last 3 years I have been paid lots more than SWA pilots; for example, Metro just was a huge paycut for me (I flew Captain on the Airbus instead) and that pay was SWA pay.

It is ironic that SWA is amonst the top pay now...just goes to show what happens whan you hang in there with a sucky deal, over time it can evolve into a great deal...I would call SWA today just that.

Good luck to you and all of us :)

Cfm56 said:
Both of these companies are still in existance because of the efforts of the employees. The management history of both companies is dismal, it was the employees that have kept them afloat.

They are in existance due to lenient bankruptcy laws and screwing of not only employees but investors and suppliers.

Get your pay and benefits and schedules up to SWA levels and quit dragging the industry down.
Today's AZ Republic opinion page.

Boeing is big loser in America West deal
May. 21, 2005 12:00 AM
If the America West Airlines merger took place in France, hundreds of thousands of Parisians would take to the streets in protest. The American Embassy would be stormed. In Germany, leading politicians would denounce foreign capitalist "locusts" for interfering in the domestic economy.

Why? It's Airbus vs. Boeing.

Airbus, European competitor of Boeing, hasn't sold a single A350, against 160 Boeing 787s. Airbus is in a huge battle with Boeing, which no longer manufactures a complete fleet and developed the 787 to stay in the business.

To defeat Boeing, Airbus needs to have a hit with the A350. Desperate for a first sale, Airbus puts up $250 million for the merger, and GE some of the rest. GE makes the engines for the A350. A few other A350 parts are also made in the United States, including the escape chute and the thrust-reversers in Phoenix. The merged airline must order 20 A350s. No planes, no merger.

US Airways, known for old aircraft, lost baggage and poor service, could not survive much longer after two bankruptcies. Even after cutbacks, it is a higher-cost carrier.

AWA faces problems, too - it is too small, but it is a more attractive takeover candidate because of low-cost operations. Both lines decided to risk the merger. About 8,000 employees will have to go, hopefully by attrition.

The merged airline will have to grow routes and find new customers to succeed. AWA's management thinks that it can make the new airline a winner.

Here is where the Airbus/Boeing battle comes in. AWA flies Airbus, and already has ordered a bunch of A330s, without money to pay for them.

However, the only way it can finance the merger is also to buy A350s and then find routes for them. They will "become the launch airline for the A350," according to the official statement. Airbus isn't selling the 350, it's giving it away.

This is a new page in the competition between Airbus and Boeing. Will Boeing now fund a merger between Malev (Hungarian) Airlines and Alitalia (Italian) Airlines in order to sell the 787? Money provided, of course, by Washington? Will the EU allow that? Will the new US Airways, bolstered by its heavy funding package, survive?

It's America West CEO Doug Parker's gamble, and some employees will lose out in order for the rest to hold on.

Phoenix may win. Boeing loses.
Reduced fleet total coming -- who's airplanes? AWA or U? Which airline (till full merger) to get (more?) furloughs?
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That is above my paygrade...right now it is -50 at Airways and -10 at AWA. They are hiring and continue to take new aircraft, and Airways is very much understaffed.

My guess is NO Furloughs unless something new is thrown into the mix.

Cfm56 said:
Reduced fleet total coming -- who's airplanes? AWA or U? Which airline (till full merger) to get (more?) furloughs?
UseYourHead said:
Hello to all AWA folks,

I am a US Airways pilot and want to say welcome! I am honored to spend the next 11 years with both the wonderful folks of the old US Airways and our newly welcomed bothers and sisters from AWA.

TOGETHER we will be an awesome force to reckon with, and I look forward to sharing the remainer of our careers together!

Good luck to us all.


It will be a pleasure to fly with the pilots of USAirways! This new company has a lot of potential. Welcome
cactus757 said:

It will be a pleasure to fly with the pilots of USAirways! This new company has a lot of potential. Welcome

cactus757, thanks it will be a pleasure. Also, I hope the company keeps the 'Cactus' call sign, I've always liked it. Here's to a great airline!
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Thank you Cactus,

I look forward to flying with you too!

cactus757 said:

It will be a pleasure to fly with the pilots of USAirways! This new company has a lot of potential. Welcome
Cfm56 said:
Today's AZ Republic opinion page.

US Airways, known for old aircraft, lost baggage and poor service, could not survive much longer after two bankruptcies. Even after cutbacks, it is a higher-cost carrier.


AGAIN LIES!!!! AWA's fleet on average is about one year younger. Check the fleet comparisons on the US Airways Hub website. More BS and dribble from those who do not know what they are talking about.

Lets get real. AWA and US f/a's make the same top out rate to the cent...AND AWA gets MORE vacation. Lets put it on the table. Other AWA groups, what is your top out pay? How much vacation do you get?

Everyone forgets that we fly into ridiculously priced markets who are SOOOOOO willing to give other airlines a break while screwing their hometown airline. Lets put it out there...How many sweatheart deals have SWA and JB gotten while screwing the majors......silence...Can a SWA manager or JB manager dare name it? Oh NO, they know better. AA, have you ASKED the management of JFK what the sweatheart deal was that Butthead Bloomberg got JB? Oh no, we are paranoid. It's our imagination. Give me a f -ing break.

This is just more US bashing. For those into it, GET A LIFE!!!! :down: :down: :down:
I think it's clear that there are obstacles to come, but the potential of this endeavor are huge. The fact that SWA is publicly denouncing it as "on dope" speaks volumes. They have smelled blood for a few years and now the steak is pulled from the table?? AWA is "hung started", and U is gasping, but together, they absolutely can revolutionize the common LCC. Think of the gravity of the deal, with the international reach which only now with ATA is SWA tasting. Sorry for the other legacy's, it's gonna take a new playbook to stay in the game. For all the U and AWA guy's and gals, stay focused on the end product, a good deal will result in a little torque on each side, but the end will justify the means.
Cfm56 said:
Today's AZ Republic opinion page.

US Airways, known for old aircraft, lost baggage and poor service, could not survive much longer after two bankruptcies. Even after cutbacks, it is a higher-cost carrier.


EW! :shock:

US Airways does not have old aircraft! Hello? Most of the fleet is Airbus aircraft no older than delivery fresh 1998-2002! Even the Boeings are mostly from the 80s! Which matches Hp's fleet makeup exactly. Uh, Northwest etc, anyone?

Lazy reporting. A couple of years ago HP was known as America's worst airline and Airways won Airline of the year as well as multiple awards for cabin service and frequent flyer program. The last year or two has been bad, but who's to blame for that? That's what happens when your only business plan is to demoralize employees, cheapen the product, and slash the airline in half.

The new airline will have a very young fleet, and great service. But I'm sure it won't be reported.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

(well) fly,

It now seems US and AW have a plan to exit BK.

Please tell us ALL(using your "inside" info from Elk Grove Village) how UAL will emerge from BK ??

"This" I can't wait to hear !!!


I didn't think AWA was in bankruptcy. Not until they buy U at least.

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