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Former TWAer''s sue...

  • Thread starter Thread starter bagsmasher
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There was a proffer for 30 LLC for training to begin on Sept. 3. There will be no further training until the aircraft conversion begins sometime in the sring of 2003. This is the information posted by the company. And you are correct, Mikey. The APFA could have signed a letter of agreement allowing an additional 220 LLC to be trained for international flying thus saving some jobs, but they wouldn't and didn't. I plan on being at the meeting in DFW tomorrow to find out why.
Ok Now this is war. TWA U had ALL better look for a new job, because once you are integrated with us at AA and working on the line your lives are going to be hell. Just ask the scabs of 1993 at AA. You guys keep trying to push the limits and you have pushed too far. Good Luck especially when u begin working trips with us at AA.

You guys better simmer down and stop with the threats. If Mr. Kasher gets involved with this lawsuit AAer's could be screwed. All we hear in the media is sympathy for the poor LLCer's. Hopefully the judge won't let this sway his decision, but if it does, and the LLCer's get there seniority system wide, all the good trips will be taken by LLCer's and they could make your life miserable, if you still have a job. Make no mistake, this lawsuit is about TWAer's wanting YOUR JOBS. They want you on the street instead of them. They want all the senior trips, leaving the scraps for AAer's to pick up.
I would love to hear about a lawsuit by AAer's against TWAer's. I'll pledge $100 a month to support the cause.
On 8/28/2002 11:05:17 AM

Kirkpatrick has hit the nail on the head. OVl's offered at other AA bases will not help mitigate furloughs at STL. Anyone recieving a notice of furlough is, by contract, ineligable to proffer for any form of job protection. So now, the available pool of F/A able to proffer for OVL or Partnership Flying is only 2200 out of 3200 or so. One can extrapolate from prior OVL offerings and estimate the effect this will have with the ultimate furlough numbers. With this in mind, it is unfortunate indeed, that the APFA could not protect another 220+ jobs at STL by allowing a proffer for ISL training.

From the APFA web site:
From the Hotline dated Friday August 23rd
"APFA and American Airlines signed a letter of agreement this week that will increase the number of Flight Attendants eligible for the Overage Leaves and Partnership flying in STL. The complete text of this agreement can be found on the web site under Reduction in Force"

To access the text, one must be a member.
On 8/28/2002 12:53:55 PM

On 8/28/2002 12:29:05 PM


Now I'm truly surprised! I was under the impression (as are most AA FA's) that AA was going to be training you all in the next six months. So as to staff the AA aircraft that will be flown by the AA pilots that will replace the most junior of the TWA pilots that will be furloughed soon. If this is the case, I feel for you.
The sad part is there is a bloodbath going on in STL and the union that we are paying dues to could mitigate some of the furloughs by about 220 but they refuse to do so.
Its more cost effective to get rid of LLC'ers who are making more per hour than the AA'ers who would be furloughed. What would the pay year of the most senior LLC'er on possible furlough be?
On 8/28/2002 12:43:30 PM

On 8/28/2002 11:05:17 AM

Kirkpatrick has hit the nail on the head. OVl's offered at other AA bases will not help mitigate furloughs at STL. Anyone recieving a notice of furlough is, by contract, ineligable to proffer for any form of job protection. So now, the available pool of F/A able to proffer for OVL or Partnership Flying is only 2200 out of 3200 or so. One can extrapolate from prior OVL offerings and estimate the effect this will have with the ultimate furlough numbers. With this in mind, it is unfortunate indeed, that the APFA could not protect another 220+ jobs at STL by allowing a proffer for ISL training.

From the APFA web site:
From the Hotline dated Friday August 23rd
"APFA and American Airlines signed a letter of agreement this week that will increase the number of Flight Attendants eligible for the Overage Leaves and Partnership flying in STL. The complete text of this agreement can be found on the web site under Reduction in Force"

To access the text, one must be a member.


What this means is....The overage is about 2500 system wide. At first, since we are at the bottom of the seniority list, there would have been 2500 LLCers that would not be eligible to ask for a leave. That would have left only about 900 in STL able to request an OVL. All the agreement did was to allow all, but the the 970 that just received furloughed to be eligible or approximately 2300 flight attendants.
On 8/28/2002 12:29:05 PM


Now I'm truly surprised! I was under the impression (as are most AA FA's) that AA was going to be training you all in the next six months. So as to staff the AA aircraft that will be flown by the AA pilots that will replace the most junior of the TWA pilots that will be furloughed soon. If this is the case, I feel for you.
Who is Mr. Kasher? Not familiar with this name! Thanks

Mr Kasher is the arbitrator assigned to arbitrate the integration of the TWU/IAM represented workforce. He made a ruling that bagsmahser did not agree with it, therefore he has been bashing him ever since.
It should not be the unions position to decide by pay who stays and who goes. When working with in the AA/APFA agreement.

From everything I've heard and read, AA is not planning on furloughing (if there is anybody to furlough) everyone at the same time. This will take place between October 13th and sometime in March. The goal is to train as many of you LLCer's on AA metal as fast as possible. This gives AA at least six months to train enough of you to cover the AA flying in STL.

The word has come down from upper management. No further training until MD80's start conversion in early spring.

If APFA is not doing absolutly everything to keep every member on property as it can. Then some explaining and some new management is in order.

I'd like to see the explaining. I can understand APFA wanting to protect its own members by stapling us, but we aren't THEM anymore; we're US. We are dues-paying APFA members and APFA should be doing everything in their power to save our jobs.

FYI, having dallas and Chicago flying the ISL trips does not improve there bid sheets. They hate 6 day trips. When IDF flew the 6 day CDG for JFK. There was nothing but whining.

I'm sure some whined and some loved it. The least it does is increase the number of international positions at these bases and it does so at our expense.

On 8/28/2002 2:03:06 PM

Its more cost effective to get rid of LLC'ers who are making more per hour than the AA'ers who would be furloughed. What would the pay year of the most senior LLC'er on possible furlough be?

Top of the pay scale. March of 1984 seniority.


From the APFA web site:
From the Hotline dated Friday August 23rd
"APFA and American Airlines signed a letter of agreement this week that will increase the number of Flight Attendants eligible for the Overage Leaves and Partnership flying in STL. The complete text of this agreement can be found on the web site under Reduction in Force"

To access the text, one must be a member.


I think that was to allow "only" 947 furlough letters to be sent to TWA people instead of 2390. 2390 would have prevented the vast majority of our people from being eligible for overage leaves. As it is, the 947 number costs some jobs as some of those released from furlough would have taken leaves, thus saving a couple of dozen other jobs.

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