On 8/28/2002 12:43:30 PM
On 8/28/2002 11:05:17 AM
Kirkpatrick has hit the nail on the head. OVl's offered at other AA bases will not help mitigate furloughs at STL. Anyone recieving a notice of furlough is, by contract, ineligable to proffer for any form of job protection. So now, the available pool of F/A able to proffer for OVL or Partnership Flying is only 2200 out of 3200 or so. One can extrapolate from prior OVL offerings and estimate the effect this will have with the ultimate furlough numbers. With this in mind, it is unfortunate indeed, that the APFA could not protect another 220+ jobs at STL by allowing a proffer for ISL training.
From the APFA web site:
From the Hotline dated Friday August 23rd
"APFA and American Airlines signed a letter of agreement this week that will increase the number of Flight Attendants eligible for the Overage Leaves and Partnership flying in STL. The complete text of this agreement can be found on the web site under Reduction in Force"
To access the text, one must be a member.