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Twaers Lawsuit To Get Full Seniority

MCI transplant said:
<_< New twist in the game! It seems the boys in AFW have a new two hour rule! Just two hours of production a day, per person, until we're (MCI) is gone!!!! It seems the last 767 "C" check went out a week late even with blanket overtime! Keep it up boys! We'll have that line of 767s here that much sooner!!!!! You've even got management here talking about it! 😛

WAKE UP! You must be having a dream if you think that the 767's are coming to MCI.
you know everybody should quit bad mouthing each other. i blame aa for all of this fighting between work forces. i am not going to sit here and say that twa maintence is better than aa or vice versa. i think both programs are and were the best in the industry. but i do think all three bases better start worrying about outsourcing. is there any airline besides american doing overhauls on there airplanes? one thing i said earlier and i do believe is aa is behind all of this turmoil. i can only compare aa to twa so thats what i am going on. but aa moves checks around like its no big deal. they sit there and tell you that your not getting the checks done fast enough so they pack them up and move them. then a year later they are moving the checks again. this can not help with the money situation.
The TWA folks should have checked their info for accuracy before spewing a bunch of B.S. No one at AFW is working this so called "two hour" rule. TWA people seem to think they have been the only ones threatened with base closures and layoffs. AA has been threatening to close AFW for years now, even before it opened in 1991! Many of us here at AFW are fed up AA's garbage just like the good people at MCI are fed up with AA's garbage.
The TWA folks should have checked their info for accuracy before spewing a bunch of B.S. No one at AFW is working this so called "two hour" rule. TWA people seem to think they have been the only ones threatened with base closures and layoffs. AA has been threatening to close AFW for years now, even before it opened in 1991! Many of us here at AFW are fed up AA's garbage just like the good people at MCI are fed up with AA's garbage.
<_< If I'm wrong I do appolagize!!! But I got this info from what is supposed to be a "reliable source"! What I do know for sure is that the company is playing us against each other! Seems to be the way they like to run things! Also the "Forum" on your local's web sight makes for interesting reading to "outsiders!!!" :down:
mike7867 said:
you know everybody should quit bad mouthing each other. i blame aa for all of this fighting between work forces. i am not going to sit here and say that twa maintence is better than aa or vice versa. i think both programs are and were the best in the industry. but i do think all three bases better start worrying about outsourcing. is there any airline besides american doing overhauls on there airplanes? one thing i said earlier and i do believe is aa is behind all of this turmoil. i can only compare aa to twa so thats what i am going on. but aa moves checks around like its no big deal. they sit there and tell you that your not getting the checks done fast enough so they pack them up and move them. then a year later they are moving the checks again. this can not help with the money situation.
<_< I agree with you totally! The company is playing us like drums!!! But right now with 500+ people going out the door we're more than a little pissed because we've bust our butts, just to get slaped in the face by both company and Union! And no, that's not how it worked with the 737's! We had those aircraft for two years, and turned everyone "On Time, or less"! Didn't matter! They told us they'de give us our own MD-80's in exchange! What a deal! Temperary work in exchange for perminant!!!! Then cancelled the temperary, and started laying people off! But it kept those people in Tulsa working!!! Lay off's are now back to 1986! :down:
AA did the same thing to AFW. We had two 757 overhaul lines down here. We turned them on time almost every time and alot of the time ahead of schedule. How does AA thank us? They shut down those two lines and moved them to TUL. Then for some reason they sent us the 777. Doesn't make any since at all! The DC-10's,MD-11's were being phased out in TUL. Tulsa already had docks that could be easily adapted to the 777. The AFW hangar had to undergo major modifications just to get that airplane to fit. Just seems AA's planning is very poor and uncordinated.
AA did the same thing to AFW. We had two 757 overhaul lines down here. We turned them on time almost every time and alot of the time ahead of schedule. How does AA thank us? They shut down those two lines and moved them to TUL. Then for some reason they sent us the 777. Doesn't make any since at all! The DC-10's,MD-11's were being phased out in TUL. Tulsa already had docks that could be easily adapted to the 777. The AFW hangar had to undergo major modifications just to get that airplane to fit. Just seems AA's planning is very poor and uncordinated.
<_< Makes you wonder doesn't it!!!!In the case of the 737's, that was a political move! a.a. wanted that city money, and bringing the 737 jobs back to TUL was the way to get it! At the expence of jobs here! Oh I'm sure they originally intended to bring those MD-80's out of the desert. But the end result sux!!!
<_< What happened? I say one little thing about AFW's local's web sight Forum, and they pull the plug??? 🙄
AA did the same thing to AFW. We had two 757 overhaul lines down here. We turned them on time almost every time and alot of the time ahead of schedule. How does AA thank us? They shut down those two lines and moved them to TUL. Then for some reason they sent us the 777. Doesn't make any since at all!  The DC-10's,MD-11's were being phased out in TUL. Tulsa already had docks that could be easily adapted to the 777.  The AFW hangar had to undergo major modifications just to get that airplane to fit. Just seems AA's planning is very poor and uncordinated.

The same thing happens on the Line with B-checks. The company threatens to pull checks if the productivity is not good enough but even if it is they still move them around and simply blame "routing".

Believe what you want, they dont put the work where it gets done, they put it where they need the airplane. So it really doesnt matter what your performance is, St Louis found that out last year, now its MCI's turn. Its simply a sales pitch"make them believe that if they work hard they will be rewarded". The sad part is that your union, the TWU plays along with the scam of pitting station against station.

Fill out an AMFA card yet?
Hopeful said:
Nor is it the fault of AA employees who got bumped to the street by TWAers in NY and SFO
AAquila said:
Well, let me see, Local 501, my TWU union dues are used in a lawsuit to take away all of what the Kasher ( TWU-IAM ) ruling gave us.

So we should be happy, and accept the fact, that the union that pretends to represent all it's member equally, is at the same time shafting it's new brothers.

Give me a break, we should not only get 100%, we should get 125%, an additional 25% to cover for the years of on the job harassment.
Aren't you guys just happy that you even have jobs? You seem greedy to me in the time like this where some of the people don't have jobs????
okoge1027 said:
Aren't you guys just happy that you even have jobs? You seem greedy to me in the time like this where some of the people don't have jobs????

You are lucky to even have a job,BROTHER! ==== The TWU