How about 833 plus the 970 newest recipients of furlough notices. Subtract 1803 from 4033 and that leaves you with 2230. One half of 4033 is 2017. I'd say that saying nearly 1/2 of the LLC flight attendants are gone is pretty accurate. Maybe you should take a math refresher.
On 8/27/2002 10:46:43 PM
Ok Now this is war. TWA U had ALL better look for a new job, because once you are integrated with us at AA and working on the line your lives are going to be hell. Just ask the scabs of 1993 at AA. You guys keep trying to push the limits and you have pushed too far. Good Luck especially when u begin working trips with us at AA. [:devil:] [:devil:]
On 8/27/2002 10:55:26 PM
You are not getting the BIG picture. The Overage Leaves will come from the ENTIRE system. Then they redo the system of flying for ALL bases. After all is said and done, many bases will be flying routes they weren't flying before or will be flying less. The first time this happened, YES the STL base was on their own because they were LLC. NOW we are all one on October 1st, so things will be different. If you don't understand keep asking questions. I'm VERY patient.[😉]
On 8/28/2002 9:48:24 AM
I'm afraid you're the one missing the big picture. Overage leaves are offered by base, not by system seniority. Since you can't fly our equipment and we can't fly yours without being trained, leaves taken by AA people at other bases will not mitigate our furlough numbers.
My guess is the total number of actual furloughs at STL will be 500-600, which when added to the 833 already furloughed comes to around 1400, which is about 33% of our original workforce.
That's not what we've been told. No aircraft conversion or training until Spring of next year.