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Attention All TWAers -- Get Your TWAer Certificate Now!!!



I've been logging on daily since June. You, AAirmale are lying. TWA'rs don't post on that board. It's a stupid board for stupid people. The flame baiters are the worst and we all know they are AA'rs who "tried" to get responses to their negativity but didn't. When they didn't get those responses they turned on each other. We don't need to argue with AArs at all. We have highly paid top gun attorneys to do it in front of a jury for us.

And so it goes...

AMEN, flamer baiting on this end is relegated to a select few. We all should will rise to the occasion only when necessary, but certainly not in the realm of the APFA board.

Many remain firm in the pursuit of DOH and bases for all TWA inflight employees. The last round of concessons by the APFA regarding returning after furlough OPEN BASE scenerio and what ever else ensued is a modest start.

US Federal Court has line judges and referees. Only that adjudication will insure the DOH and base snap back.

As I outlined a month or so ago, APFA board should have asked for John Ward's resignation AND allowed on a voluntary basis a 1 for 3 slot in for DOH. Shaking they remain at best, wondering.

The next shoe is dropping as we speak. A well intentioned response is more than welcomed.

Warmest regards, Aloha and Mahalo from Cairo!
Hey, MrMarky, this is a great idea!!!!!

Do you think you could work one up (seriously) for all of us AA'ers the company has laid off and won't be bringing back? And no, before anyone accuses me of baiting, this is not a Displaced by a former TWA employee thing. Since American will be getting rid of my old job classification in the next few months, I would love to have something to remember it by...

Let me say that I again agree with MrMarky 100% through and through. AAirMale, I didn't take your post any other way than as a positive reply to me and senor pelon. Please keep in mind that there is plenty of negativism from AA and TWA people although we all should now be just AA people. The enemy are the Jetblue and SWA's of the world and not within AA.
WXGuesser; I think it would be great for a certificate pronouncing a true AA to be modeled. MrMarky and Nick Boyd (MrMarky, help with additional credits) worked months on that certificate. I now have mine complete with the famous Capt Randy's signiture. I'm honored to have one and hope somebody can do the same for you.

I've been logging on daily since June. You, AAirmale are lying. TWA'rs don't post on that board. It's a stupid board for stupid people. The flame baiters are the worst and we all know they are AA'rs who "tried" to get responses to their negativity but didn't. When they didn't get those responses they turned on each other. We don't need to argue with AArs at all. We have highly paid top gun attorneys to do it in front of a jury for us.

And so it goes...

correction, there are several TWA'rs who have posted at the APFA board, people like Ken Riley, Mr & Mrs Ward (who signed embarassed by their last name), and some of Sherry Cooper's lackeys. Some were posting things just to spew out their venom and disgust (like Riley and Cooper's clan), while some were just trying to convey their thanks and appreciation and gave insight about how united their group really is (and thus be considered traitors by the small group of Sherry's clan). The Webmaster of the apfa board does a great job of cleaning up and if you don't see any posts from the past months, it's because it's been edited to conserve server space.

Now for the comment of It's a stupid board for stupid people...if that wasn't a flame baiting comment, then I don't know what is. just remember that stupid is as stupid does. Is it a stupid board because it goes against everything that you hope for? Or is it stupid because it contains useful information and the truth you guys don't want to hear?
speaking of stupidity, turning every well-intentioned post (like the original topic of this thread) into a oh look at us poor TWA'rs being screwed by AA is, well for lack of better words, STUPID.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/27/2002 4:10:51 AM coldplay wrote:[BR][BR]speaking of stupidity, turning every well-intentioned post (like the original topic of this thread) into a oh look at us poor TWA'rs being screwed by AA is, well for lack of better words, STUPID.[BR][BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[BLOCKQUOTE][/BLOCKQUOTE]It would appear to me that the first salvo came from a n[FONT color=#ff0000]A[/FONT][FONT color=#0000ff]A[/FONT]tive, skyangelinflight. People who live in glass houses should not cast stones.
I wish TWA would have been the World's Greatest Airline. That way I would feel much better about Carty screwing his own employees in his quest to be the World's Largest Airline. I just don't see it. Carty screwed his own people and bought a company that should have been allowed to go out of exsistance.
On 11/23/2002 11:50:03 AM bagsmasher wrote:

It says "TWA World's Greatest Airline." That's kinda like Texans thinking they live in the greatest spot on the earth. I can't figure either one of those out.

Was TWA Really The Greatest Airline?

Well, I always thought so and have no intention of changing my mind, however, we ALL KNOW that this will have to be a matter of personal opinion on this message board.

My brother, an American pilot who enjoyed a wonderful career for many years, always believed that American was the greatest airline. I am proud that he had this belief and pride in his company.

Once upon a time I met a Marine who thought he was in the greatest branch of the military. He and I did not agree, but we both held to our beliefs. (And it did not affect the outcome of the war)

Pride and loyalty seem to be a little old fashioned in today’s business world. There is still a little of it around and it should be applauded whenever and wherever it is noticed. It has not become a sin.

For all of you who believe that your airline was/is greater than TWA WAS, I admire your loyalty. Now that we are one, this should become a reality.

An old guy with a gray moustache.

On 11/27/2002 9:08:38 PM extwacaptain wrote:

On 11/23/2002 11:50:03 AM bagsmasher wrote:

It says "TWA World's Greatest Airline." That's kinda like Texans thinking they live in the greatest spot on the earth. I can't figure either one of those out.

Was TWA Really The Greatest Airline?

Well, I always thought so and have no intention of changing my mind, however, we ALL KNOW that this will have to be a matter of personal opinion on this message board.

My brother, an American pilot who enjoyed a wonderful career for many years, always believed that American was the greatest airline. I am proud that he had this belief and pride in his company.

Once upon a time I met a Marine who thought he was in the greatest branch of the military. He and I did not agree, but we both held to our beliefs. (And it did not affect the outcome of the war)

Pride and loyalty seem to be a little old fashioned in today’s business world. There is still a little of it around and it should be applauded whenever and wherever it is noticed. It has not become a sin.

For all of you who believe that your airline was/is greater than TWA WAS, I admire your loyalty. Now that we are one, this should become a reality.

An old guy with a gray moustache.

Well said, Randy. You are one of a kind fellow. Thats why I have admired you for so many years.

We knew this was gonna be ugly from the start. You can't bring together 2 proud carriers without some bitter feelings. Happy Thanksgiving to all those working or at home with their families!!
Mr. Marky,

Thank you again for the work you have done....mine is framed.

Also, my board is down because my domain keeper screwed up....I am working on it now.
This would have to happen over Thanksgiving.
