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"fooled Again By Ward"

wowo-all this is interesting reading-Cooper-Gibbs---he said she said..
the bottom line is that if we cut off our nose-to spite our face we are sure to be in a worse position than we are in now....if that is possible...

The combined talent of TW/AA negotiators and old time union guys and gals is an asset we MUST take advantage of...as time heals ect ect..any new administration at APFA must recoginize this b4 he/she gets my vote...if you would have put this to me say 6 months ago I would have felt differently--

I see now that divided we can only fail-----------------------------------------------
AC AA LA FA said:
wowo-all this is interesting reading-Cooper-Gibbs---he said she said..
the bottom line is that if we cut off our nose-to spite our face we are sure to be in a worse position than we are in now....if that is possible...

The combined talent of TW/AA negotiators and old time union guys and gals is an asset we MUST take advantage of...as time heals ect ect..any new administration at APFA must recoginize this b4 he/she gets my vote...if you would have put this to me say 6 months ago I would have felt differently--

I see now that divided we can only fail-----------------------------------------------
Thank You!! You see "outside" the box. And you have class.... :up:
Investigate the candidates-and you will find those that want "true Unionism".
Again, Thank You!!!!!
woztwa said:
AC AA LA FA said:
wowo-all this is interesting reading-Cooper-Gibbs---he said she said..
the bottom line is that if we cut off our nose-to spite our face we are sure to be in a worse position than we are in now....if that is possible...

The combined talent of TW/AA negotiators and old time union guys and gals is an asset we MUST take advantage of...as time heals ect ect..any new administration at APFA must recoginize this b4 he/she gets my vote...if you would have put this to me say 6 months ago I would have felt differently--

I see now that divided we can only fail-----------------------------------------------
Thank You!! You see "outside" the box. And you have class.... :up:
Investigate the candidates-and you will find those that want "true Unionism".
Again, Thank You!!!!!
I'm with you woztwa...instead of wishing that we would all just scurry off and disappear (because we wont) or hoping that the 5years will pass quickly and we will lose our recall right, it looks like at least some are interested in mending some of the fences that have been put up...AC AA LA FA does know what true unionism is...and that we could be a strong force with you.
"Wishing five years goes by quickly", is just a provocative statement designed ti incite similar responses.
TransWorldONE said:
I bet you do...what a nasty thing to say, but not surprising.

I am not sure MiAAmi is referring to the expiration recall rights of the furloughed flight attendants in five years (well, four and a half and counting for the latest group).

I believe that five years is the time frame for reopening contract negotiations for the CBA; the poster may hope that will bring an end to the concessionary agreement.
You might be right TWAnr about the five years. Maybe it was the contract or maybe getting rid of the TWAers? 50% chance.
TWAnr said:

I am not sure MiAAmi is referring to the expiration recall rights of the furloughed flight attendants in five years (well, four and a half and counting for the latest group).

I believe that five years is the time frame for reopening contract negotiations for the CBA; the poster may hope that will bring an end to the concessionary agreement.
You are too kind and give them too much room--of course, they were talking about
the 5 yr recall, they spew hatred, for they do not know--but thank you. there is no one to blame for the illegal vote and this absurd "give away" of an RPA,except APFA= MiAAmi/Str8 would like nothing better than to get rid of us--if i am wrong,
than I am sure they will post.
woztwa said:
TWAnr said:

I am not sure MiAAmi is referring to the expiration recall rights of the furloughed flight attendants in five years (well, four and a half and counting for the latest group).

I believe that five years is the time frame for reopening contract negotiations for the CBA; the poster may hope that will bring an end to the concessionary agreement.
You are too kind and give them too much room--of course, they were talking about
the 5 yr recall, they spew hatred, for they do not know--but thank you. there is no one to blame for the illegal vote and this absurd "give away" of an RPA,except APFA= MiAAmi/Str8 would like nothing better than to get rid of us--if i am wrong,
than I am sure they will post.
Ironically, woztwa, I was a very vocal opponent to the RPA, and to its illegal imposition on the AA flight attendant group. Similarly, I believe that AA knew exactly what it was doing when it refused to extend unlimited recall rights to our furloughees. I have had arguments with members of management who continue to chant the mantra that carrying furloughees on the books somehow costs the company money. I counter them each time by asking them when is the last time they had to communicate with a furloughee...that unlimited recall rights are a no-cost item to the company.

I agree neither with the RPA, nor the voting process, nor the issue of recall rights being limited to 5 years.

Of course, I am sure that you, seemingly blinded in your hatred of all AA flight attendants, will find a way to venemously attack my position, even though it agrees with yours, in this specific instance. Please feel free. You are quite entertaining.

:up: :up: :up:
MiAAmi -in 5 years I expect I will be working then (either by a win in the courts or by recall). So, I am glad that you expect that and want things to be shortened for us. Maybe I will see you on the line. Thanks for expecting that we will be back and our time shortened!
jsn25911 said:
MiAAmi -in 5 years I expect I will be working then (either by a win in the courts or by recall). So, I am glad that you expect that and want things to be shortened for us. Maybe I will see you on the line. Thanks for expecting that we will be back and our time shortened!
Actually, jsn, that sentiment was posted by me, as hard as that may be for you to comprehend or admit. Sorry to disappoint you.

😀 😀 😀
StraaightTaalk said:
Actually, jsn, that sentiment was posted by me, as hard as that may be for you to comprehend or admit. Sorry to disappoint you.

😀 😀 😀
I was responding to MiAAmi saying they wished 5 years would go by quickly. Sorry I didn't include the quote. I'll try to include quotes more in the future.

No, you didn't disappoint me!
jsn25911 said:
StraaightTaalk said:
Actually, jsn, that sentiment was posted by me, as hard as that may be for you to comprehend or admit. Sorry to disappoint you.

😀 😀 😀
I was responding to MiAAmi saying they wished 5 years would go by quickly. Sorry I didn't include the quote. I'll try to include quotes more in the future.

No, you didn't disappoint me!
That would be helpful, because you know how I like substantiation.

😀 😀 😀

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