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Fll Routes -- How Are The Loads?

You guys don't like anything. Why doesn't USAir compete? Why do we compete? What market could this airline move into that would make anyone here happy? Is there a large city somewhere with an airport that absolutely no airline uses that USair could move into with its current resources and make bundles of dough? That would be the only way this airline could do anything that would make some of you happy.
It sounds like FLL will work as an alternate to MIA. I do, however, remember when a similar strategy was tried in TPA with little success. Is FLL that much different? I hope so. I'm looking forward to layovers in PTY next month. 🙂
LGA / FLL loads are around 90% for all four flights on average . The problem is the fares are $87 one way with a one day advance purchase. US417 the 10:00am has been getting caught in Ground Delay Program almost every Fri/Sat and Sun as FLL seems to have a flow problem around that time. With February's schedule, LGA loses the afternoon and evening flights and will have just two AM flights as the company seems focused on selling the FLL/Caribean/Latin America markets and not the local LGA/FLL market.
LGA / 037 said:
LGA / FLL loads are around 90% for all four flights on average . The problem is the fares are $87 one way with a one day advance purchase. US417 the 10:00am has been getting caught in Ground Delay Program almost every Fri/Sat and Sun as FLL seems to have a flow problem around that time. With February's schedule, LGA loses the afternoon and evening flights and will have just two AM flights as the company seems focused on selling the FLL/Caribean/Latin America markets and not the local LGA/FLL market.
lodo's are getting sjo layovers for march . sweet! don't see any for non lodo trips . which sucks. . i think clt is getting them
Former ModerAAtor said:
That's only because we can still afford to buy lunch, as opposed to having to stealing someone elses.... 😉
:down: :down: :down: OHH you sky NAAzias will never change....bitter bitter HATEFUL AA employee....least forget what they did to BN and how they thought they invented flying- AA that is, thinkin TWA was a bmunch of looser LOL....Watch out AA cause if US ever were to go away then ud have to deal with JETBLUE and Southwest- and guess what they would eat AA alive!!!!
Believe it or not, I think Former ModerAAtor was simply making a joke.

Get it? You're eating their lunch? If you take it literally, then you must be eating theirs. You complain about the poverty wages, so he just put the two together.

OK, it might not have been in the best of taste, but other than that it was rather funny.
ITRADE said:
Why should US start service at MIA when AA already crowds out the gates and runways? JetBlue went to LGB, not to LAX. WN flies out of DAL, not DFW. So, why would US do something differently???

And, I thought that AA did announce increased service out of FLL - and then dropped some of it...

AA canceled some FLL routes and frequencies in markets which were duplicated at MIA when they announced value pricing at MIA about two months ago.

Also, don't overlook that both DAL and LGB are places where competition is stifled thru perimeter rules and/or local slots.
NAPAUS said:
:down: :down: :down: OHH you sky NAAzias will never change....bitter bitter HATEFUL AA employee....least forget what they did to BN and how they thought they invented flying- AA that is, thinkin TWA was a bmunch of looser LOL....Watch out AA cause if US ever were to go away then ud have to deal with JETBLUE and Southwest- and guess what they would eat AA alive!!!!

Me? Bitter and hateful? That's a good one.... The only person more pro-company than me on these forums is probably Chip.

With a screen name that indicates your having worked for NA, PA, and now US, I guess you've got more reason to be bitter than anyone else...

Thanks for your concern, but AA has dealt with WN longer than any other airline except perhaps for CO, and 30 years later, we're all still alive.

Y'all just need to lighten up a bit. After all, it's only a job. I survived being cut by Lorenzo once, and I'm sure y'all can survive this.
In addition to the reduction in frequencies from BOS-FLL, the company has discontinued Sa only BOS-MCO. I'm beginning to wonder about the p2p flying that is supposedly so crucial to the transformation plan.
FlyUs said:
It sounds like FLL will work as an alternate to MIA. I do, however, remember when a similar strategy was tried in TPA with little success. Is FLL that much different? I hope so. I'm looking forward to layovers in PTY next month. 🙂

The TPA experiment only had international flights to MEX/NAS/GCM. There was almost no local traffic or VFF to NAS. To GCM there was a decent local base, but most of them were loyal to Cayman Airways and didnt take US unless they missed KX so it was mainly limited connecting traffic. The MEX flights were some VFF (and migrants going back home), but the time was off so it was almost impossible to connect there going (1130 am) or coming (600 pm) and the local TPA/CLT market that it worked with wasnt that great. All other connections required a double connect. I think the FLL market will have many more VFF and pull some local traffic from MIA as well who want an alternative to AA and MIA. The two markets are different IMO, although TPA does have a nice International building that US is currently in.
FlyUs said:
In addition to the reduction in frequencies from BOS-FLL, the company has discontinued Sa only BOS-MCO.  I'm beginning to wonder about the p2p flying that is supposedly so crucial to the transformation plan.

Sorry to go off subject, but....

I'm beginning to wonder about this as well. We actually ADD flights in the CLT and PHL market in a month, yet no new P2P service from LGA/BOS or ANY other P2P city on the horizon. How many flights to PHL to connect are needed when a couple of P2P in the major connecting markets would help alleviate some of the traffic congestion and connections being forced via PHL? We'll have 10 flights a day TPA-PHL next month.
Why wouldnt something like FLL-LGA-BUF-CMH-MCO be worth a try? You can get local traffic in all the nonstop markets plus offer 1 stop service to a lot of other markets (FLL-BUF/LGA-CMH/BUF-MCO). These might not be actual markets that would work, but serve as an example. I know they have a way of knowing what "local markets" could be exploited by taking connections off the hub flights. Also some of the "old" markets we used to offer like LGA-BUF would be able to have a couple of flights on jets to compete with the B6 and WN alternatives to our puttputts.
Also why not some 3 or 4 times a week flights like the Transmeridian/USA3000s/Southeasts used to run? They could exploit some undertapped markets like ABE-TPA-MCO-SWF or similar. Some of our old mainstays that might not be able to generate a flight a day, but could do well a couple times a week nonstop or direct. You would still have the connecting alternative if you have to get back on Fri and we only run nonstops on Mo/We/Sa, but it might get them to book on US since we can at least offer the nonstop one way vs connecting both ways. This is how we can emulate the LCCS. We dont have to have 10 flights a day 7 days a week just because thats the way we've always done it.
Anxiously awaiting a reply from one of the lurkers in the know as to when the "NEW" plan is finally going to be put place and whats taking so long?

Another thought just occured to me as well. Anyone in Scheduling bother to see when the Northern cities have their spring break and add nonstops during the weekend going to Florida and returning? I know in the past we've had planes with 80-100 connections to the same city (BUF/ROC) that we could have easily added a one time nonstop on the Sunday of their Spring break and opened up all those other seats for other connecting cities, thus reducing employee work and expense (double process with bags and people making a connection vs a nonstop). Anyone think about this?
Tad, now with BBB out of here, we might start to see P2P flights once again. And I am sure that NO ONE in marketing has looked at Spring Breaks, it would require a little effort.
US Airways is too late on the BOS/LGA-florida market. Jetblue alone has over 24 daily flts between NYC-FLL. It's very tough for US to compete against that. On top of the that Song and American both have some flts from LGA/BOS-Florida. Those routes are essentially maxed out and a lonely 1x weekly US flt from BOS-MCO isn't going to get much attraction when its up against several daily Song and Jetblue flts

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