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Flight Attendents

This thread has become very interesting. There are a few dynamics here that I doubt anyone outside US can perceive throughout the dialogue.

-Helplessness. I wasn't surprised at all by your post Gabby. I've seen it in action. I can provide kind, smiling service for ten hours, but on the other side of the airplane the aura is as black as night. Or the person in front of me/ back of me is mean as a snake and suddenly I'm the "nice flight attendant" who everyone asks for stuff from. I get off exhausted and what kicks me the most is that the snake who couldn't put a smile on, or did actually act like you are describing would be the first to be incensed if she/he was treated like that at the layover hotel.

Having said that, it's rare that anyone is that overtly rude. Most of the negative I deal with is laziness. No juice and water, no full service, no different beverage other than orange juice in the morning. Can't have the acidity? Too bad, drink water, I'm not running for apple juice. That kind of stuff is more common.

-How can I impress fully upon you how much can be laid at the feet of this draconian contract and management? Songbird said it. These people are tired. They work too much because our pay was cut by 30-40%. It's not right but it IS. And it won't be solved. AWA management is simply too cheap to pay these people to go away and give them healthcare. Normal companies would have solved this a long time ago. Because DP never thought he'd be here this long he has had no interest in really solving problems. They aren't going to be solved either. They simply will not part with the resources. They'd rather try intimidation and morale busting.

-Two years ago I mandated to all friends and family. Do not fly US. I do not want to hear about your lousy experiences. I cannot vouch for the customer service, nor can I recommend the airline. Two of my family members are high level platinums on other airlines. That is revenue lost to US due to lousy management. If this management cannot see the value of changing what more is there to be said?

Write the letter. I will tell you that lately there has been a move by AWA to go after F/As who are rude like this. They are starting to call them on the carpet. No one should be treated badly on an aircraft period. I would never patronize a business that allowed this kind of behavior. Nor should you, but at the same time, realize that it is the business, and the surrounding system that is largely at fault. Not the frontline.
All human beings need some validation in there lives. Our passengers are the same, and need a sense of acknowlegement from the Flight Attendants.
Face it folks, there is no more entertainment to keep our pax's occupied, besides there own. More than ever, they are looking for a little kindness during there trip. Just a smile goes a long way. I think pax's are very respectful, for the most part, and always say "thank you". I never thought I could work long flights without movies, but I am so use to it. Adjustment, and changes are always part of the job. I think pax's enjoy seeing the fa's up and down the aisles once and awhile. I also recommend to please go out with service more than once on a long flight!! The inconsistency on West and East metal flights is getting ridiculous. This isn't an America West thing!! 🙄 Please, just do service as outlined. Respect goes both ways, and pax's shouldn't have to put up with grumpy fa's seasoned or not. <_<
Our services have decreased dramitically, but customer service should never take a back seat. Paxs aren't stupid and notice the lack of, or difference system wide.
Please always be professional and NICE.. :up:
I have flown on many other airlines and this experience was the worst. I just can't believe in this job climate the F/A's are annoyed at having to do their job. I know that the job isn't what it used to be and customer quality has gone down but they are still the ones paying the salaries. When you only do 3 or 4 trips per month and you hate doing it, do us all a favor and quit. Try find another job right now. I agree the problem is with the supervisors that allow such negativity to exist. A 10 hr atlantic trip is really not that hard. If it is and you can't be nice and polite doing your job then you should just quit. The airline needs some youth. Male and Female.
I don't think you should put us all in the same category. So you had a bad f/a... yes there are some out there. However, there are about ten thousand of us.. and did you see us all in action that day? That must have been exhausting to watch ten thousand rude employees in that short amount of time... :blink:
I don't think you should put us all in the same category. So you had a bad f/a... yes there are some out there. However, there are about ten thousand of us.. and did you see us all in action that day? That must have been exhausting to watch ten thousand rude employees in that short amount of time... :blink:
I had to laugh at this one because it is RIGHT ON TARGET...one bad apple made you come on here and start this thread ?? Give me a break. It's rude and unfair of you gabby to put us all in one basket.
I can't tell you how many times, months, YEARS I have stood at the entrance of the aircraft with a welcoming smile and a hello directed at each passenger and been totally ignored by 4 out of 5 in the process of boarding the aircraft.
Perhaps F/As should start a thread about how passengers look right through us like we don't exist----oh, I think that's already been posted on here. :shock:
. . . I think I'm a good flight attendant. Always professional, always wear the uniform the way it's supposed to be worn (and wear a tie and blazer every day regardless of time of year), try to be polite when screamed at (difficult), and am embarrassed when I work with people who don't abide by standard rules of civility. It's not hard to do. I will not, however, allow a customer to treat me with disrespect--EVER. Don't want to abide by the rules, your arse can take a later flight.
To those who go on ad nauseum about "don't like it, find another job...", everyone complains about their lot in life. It's human nature. We should all want to better ourselves and seek higher pay, better work rules, respect from management, etc. Wanting a more pleasant work environment and better compensation should NEVER be viewed as a negative.
I'm sure you are good at your job. That said, it seems sometimes employees whos jobs don't necessarily command respect are very sensitive when they feel they arn't being treated a certain way (the respect they feel they are entitled to?). I feel people earn respect from others, and if you do a good job I'm sure you receive it. There are always going to be people that act like jerks and the stress of travel can set some people off. knowing this I would assume makes it easier to shrug off a lot of stuff.
Yes we all want to improve our lot but I think the disgruntled company-bashers who surface on these boards are unhappy with their lot in life and feel helpless to change it and take their unhappiness out on their employer.
Jobs are tough to come by these days so be happy you HAVE one. I understand we have all taken drastic pay cuts over the years coupled with horrid work rules but it is NOT the customers fault. PERIOD! ! ! ! I don't care what kind of day you are having or how ticked off you are at the company you don't take it out on the customer. I'm not saying you should show up at work spitting rainbows but find the ability to at least crack a smile. I keep hearing it's a small percentage of f/a's but I honestly think it's a little bit more. There are some nasty flight attendants out there. Not to compare a f/a to a fast food worker but what would you do if you were in the drive thru and were treated rude? You order, pay and the woman shoves the bag at you? You'd most likely ask yourself "WTF is his/her problem"? THEN COMPLAIN!!!!! If you don't like your job quit. The inability to easily leave due to only making 20K or lack of jobs shouldn't mean that your coworkers and customers have to take your crap. 🙄
One solution would be to have a CSD position for all aircraft. Pay the CSD's $5-$10 more an hour in their own division. They should be trained for the position and have to stay in the program for one year. The CSD reserve guarantee should be 80 hrs. Supervisors would then hold CSD's responsible for answering to problems and attitudes on the a/c. They would REALLY be in charge and any flight attendant going against the procedures ENFORCED by the CSD would be disciplined. But NO, the union will cry fowl and the company will cry about not having the money.

It;s funny. When I fly senior, I set high expectations in a kind, respectful way. Whether the f/a's I am working with are the nicest doesn't matter as long as they do their job and are respectful as per the briefing. Amazing stuff when the Lead/Senior/A actually does their job, but as long as being A is a drudgery passed down or taken just for the extra money, things will be as gabby wrote...sorry to say.
Jobs are tough to come by these days so be happy you HAVE one. I understand we have all taken drastic pay cuts over the years coupled with horrid work rules but it is NOT the customers fault. PERIOD! ! ! ! I don't care what kind of day you are having or how ticked off you are at the company you don't take it out on the customer. I'm not saying you should show up at work spitting rainbows but find the ability to at least crack a smile. I keep hearing it's a small percentage of f/a's but I honestly think it's a little bit more. There are some nasty flight attendants out there. Not to compare a f/a to a fast food worker but what would you do if you were in the drive thru and were treated rude? You order, pay and the woman shoves the bag at you? You'd most likely ask yourself "WTF is his/her problem"? THEN COMPLAIN!!!!! If you don't like your job quit. The inability to easily leave due to only making 20K or lack of jobs shouldn't mean that your coworkers and customers have to take your crap. 🙄
AGAIN, we should all want to better ourselves and seek higher pay, better work rules, respect from management, etc. Wanting a more pleasant work environment and better compensation should NEVER be viewed as a negative.
It's rightfully viewed as a negative when the employee takes their wants and desires for a better work environment and pay out on the customer and fellow workers. Those employees are out there. They set the tone from the first minute you say hello onboard or in the briefing room. I'll call someone out right on the spot. I WILL NOT work with nasty, ignorant and unpleasant flight attendants for a 1,2,3 or 4 day trip. I'm over dancing around others weirdness. Go home, call EAP or whatever ya need to do. :down:
It's rightfully viewed as a negative when the employee takes their wants and desires for a better work environment and pay out on the customer and fellow workers.
Would you participate in authorize chaos?
What in hell does CHAOS have to do with flight attendants being nasty when dealing with passengers? I think I can see where your "trying" to go with this but one does NOT have anything to do with the other.
Would you participate in authorized chaos?
I think John John is asking a very fair question because organized chaos is just as you (Travelpro) described it....
"It's rightfully viewed as a negative when the employee takes their wants and desires for a better work environment and pay out on the customer and fellow workers." Why are you so angry ???
I think John John is asking a very fair question because organized chaos is just as you (Travelpro) described it....
"It's rightfully viewed as a negative when the employee takes their wants and desires for a better work environment and pay out on the customer and fellow workers." Why are you so angry ???

Why am I so angry? Are you serious? :blink: So we are to work side by side with flight attendants that like to make everyone and anyone in their path miserable? We are to just turn a blind eye to their horrible attitudes? CHAOS after exhausted talks with management is being compared to flight attendants that act as some do? You all should have been attorneys for OJ. :lol:

It's as if you are making excuses for their behavior. Remarkable.

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