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No Spoons on Flights?

I love it when someone says "I'm American, do I have to fill that out?"
That's my favorite. I usually say, "Only if you plan on coming back"!

My favorite is when the Customs & Immigration forms get handed out, passengers scream" wadd ya mean, you don't have pens for us??"
Airplane ride...not a Staples
I always have to hide my pen first. It's hard to say with a straight face that I don't have one when it's sticking way out of the top of my pocket. I'm not sharing my NASA space pen with anyone.
Shame on YOU for repeating a complaint from 2005!!!!!!!!
What a waste of time!

Get a life...
Why does it matter that it is from 2005? Do you actually believe that this has improved since?
There are a bunch of complaints where I found this, Link
Under Search, type in US Airways. Some complaints are actually funny!
Two things you big fat whiner:

1. Did you use the spoon she offered cause that is nice and all, but YUCK...

2. You paid for the meal, not the plasticware--it was $7, what did you expect 🙄 isn't the motto around here: you paid for _____ not _____ so shove your complaint up your hiney.

US1YFare you seem to have a lot of anger in you. Not good for your health. The flight attendants do the best they can with what they are given.

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