Oh there was a point to your dribblings other than your admonishment for posters to use spell check before posting (lol), and NOT to disagree with you because hey you even named yourself; intolerant!!
I will be the first to admit I definitely left myself open regarding my "spell check" comment- you got me. Although my avatar might have the word "intolerant" in it - I am far from intolerant - rather totally fed up with the current direction this company is headed.
"Glucose Intolerant" - was derived from an inside joke regarding a meeting that took place in PHX right after the merger. The AWA corporate types didn't think it was funny either.
No Blood Sugar Issues - "I am just allergic to Corporate Kool Aid" a moniker if you will, for the contempt I feel toward the Pro-Tempe Cheerleaders that have (and are continuing to) destroy this airline....or at best morph it into BUS SERVICE.
My point, or my "dribblings" as you so eloquently put it was simple (aside for from the spell check crack):
People that live in glass houses in the desert ......shouldn't throw stones - no matter how good their aim.
If you aren't a Pilot - then you don't know the first thing of what it's like to work as a Pilot for US (NOW).
If you aren't a Flight Attendant - then you don't know the first of what it's like to work as a Flight Attendant for US (NOW).
If you aren't an Agent - then you don't know the first thing of what it's like to work as an Agent for US (NOW).
If you aren't a Ramp Agent - then you don't know what it's like to work as a Ramp Agent for US (NOW).
What these jobs used to be before the merger and what they are now..........yeah we are so entitled. You mean more like "Brain Dead".
Just because someone can Google "job description" in no way gives them anyway a credible insight into that profession. You have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you can comment.
If someone doesn't do "their" job description then they do need to held accountable - without a doubt . But they don't need to have their entire work group slammed or demeaned with a blanket stereotype.
So when I hear someone from
one work group,
one geographic region, bashing another
work group, or
geographic region a few things immediately come to my mind:
1.Labor's Anti-Christ .... Jerry Glass finally accomplished his objective - Creating the perfect storm of in-fighting between the labor groups and creating the distraction needed while the employees assist in the elimination their OWN Jobs, Pay, and Benefits. We are too busy being looking at the pinstripes to keep our eye on the ball.
Your pay and quality of life is being stripped from you - but your now too busy fighting with one another. You know the whole United we stand - Divided we fall thing....it's true.
2. Assume they are new here, young and naive, perhaps petty, definitely uninformed, possibly jealous, or all of the above.
3. The corporate agenda in Tempe, and culture we now have adopted by the complete dumbing down of this the airline - demeaning and forcing the experienced out.....hiring on the cheap and inexperienced then intimidating the work force to achieve results. Yeah how that working out for US so far?
You know there used to be 35 thousand employees at US Airways on the EAST SIDE prior to the train wreck with AWA - I have no idea how many out WEST, but post merger there is less than 32 thousand employees employed at the combined US/AWA. So why does management continue in calling the different groups EAST and WEST when they are supposedly wholeheartedly trying to merge the two sides together...
That sure is a lot of job reductions with some mighty big synergies - Heck the flight and cabin crews haven't even been combined yet. Just think how many jobs they can eliminate when that happens or when the F/As get a contract that breaks away from the Pilots? How many job losses is that going that represent? Hrmmm ......how much will Dumb and Dumber's bonus be when they outsource YOUR job to Republic?
Merger between US AIR and AWA ...Seems more like Eastern and Texas Air (CAL) to me. Doug Parker = Frank Lorenzo only not as smart.
Anyone is fortunate to have a job these days, nothing is guaranteed anymore. Most of us worked hard to be here.... So how does that make one entitled? Because they would someday like to retire? I am curious?
DP and his little band of thieves are the entitled ones if you ask me. Lucky to have such accommodating employees that allow themselves to be plundered and exploited over and over again. You know it's not rape if there is consent.....only a bad decision.
Rewarding one's self 20 million for DOING NOTHING. That's entitlement .
So when I hear this "entitlement mentality" BS after the past 5 years of being bent over the rail - and concessions....... much like you ...... after laughing, I do become a little intolerant.
It's the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded and a full count. Time to keep our eyes on the ball and off the pinstripes.
On second thought - let's blame it all on the [sub]flight attendants[/sub] it's all their fault - wow - that is easier to understand :blink: