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Flight Attendents

I think that's the OP's point.....if you're going to take the 20K a year to do the job, do it and don't be a bit$% about it.


In the past eight years someone that has been unhappy slinging cokes should’ve done one of the following by now:

  • Seek employment elsewhere, continue their education, start a business, etc.
  • Find a Sugar Daddy or wealthy cougar.
The vast majority of US FA's, in my experience, do not take their frustrations out on the customers. In fact, I find them to be extremely friendly, especially when you commiserate with them about their working conditions. And I am amazed at what some of them can pull off in the way of above-and-beyond service, given what little they often have to work with.

I'm sorry your FA's were not the cream of the crop. Rude behavior should be reported, of course......but just remember that FA's are safety professionals first......waiters second......and salespeople ( :lol: ) last.

At least the FA's who post on this board are the :up: .
"Well you try making 20K a year and be happy about it.. not hardly, take your blabber elsewhere. You have Zero clue about what you are talking about"

See this is the reason why the op started this thread .beacause of F/A's like your self. Really ,no one is forcing you to stay. Quit.
Gabby, just know there are many very hard working f/a's that still love their job and try to make your experience as positive and professional as possible. Yeah, it sucks you had a bad apple, but bad apples can be seen in all areas of customer service in the USA. 🙄
Well you try making 20K a year and be happy about it.. not hardly, take your blabber elsewhere. You have Zero clue about what you are talking about.
If they want a higher paying job they can go back to school and find a career that pays more. But if they agree to work for a wage, especially in customer service, then they should do it well. Otherwise leave. Please tell me you are not excusing poor customer service because they only make 20k.

This mentality at USairways is really getting old. And in this economy I fear they will stay put. Too bad for the company and too bad for the customers.
First, let me say, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Maybe the next time you'll have a delightful one.

Everyone on here has talked about Customer Service and how important it is. You the customer....us, the ones who provide it. Yet no one on here has mentioned the fact that our own Head Honcho has been out on the lecture tour touting that we ( our industry ) provides too much "customer service".

I get the feeling from the Big Boss that he thinks we're hauling chickens to Altoona.

I love providing a great customer experience. But over the last few years I've been stripped of many tools to do so. And everyone on this board can chime in on this.

Yes, I agree with you, that customers should be addressed properly as "mame or sir" and please and thank you go a long way. I'm a Southerner and we're reared that way. That comes natural to me. Maybe we should have a little "charm school" incorporated into our training programs. It would be a good thing. It could be fun.
Maybe we should have a little "charm school" incorporated into our training programs. It would be a good thing. It could be fun.
Great idea.....just don't forget your management too.....wouldn't hurt to toss them in there!
Maybe we should have a little "charm school" incorporated into our training programs. It would be a good thing. It could be fun.

Funny you say that. We will all go through a customer service training in the future. I know that from a meeting with Hector.
I can't believe I'm the first one to say this, but it's not "attendent", it's "attendant".

That said, I think I'm a good flight attendant. Always professional, always wear the uniform the way it's supposed to be worn (and wear a tie and blazer every day regardless of time of year), try to be polite when screamed at (difficult), and am embarrassed when I work with people who don't abide by standard rules of civility. It's not hard to do. I will not, however, allow a customer to treat me with disrespect--EVER. Don't want to abide by the rules, your arse can take a later flight.

To those who go on ad nauseum about "don't like it, find another job...", everyone complains about their lot in life. It's human nature. We should all want to better ourselves and seek higher pay, better work rules, respect from management, etc. Wanting a more pleasant work environment and better compensation should NEVER be viewed as a negative.
Saw this sticker on my way into the parking lot on tuesday....FLIGHT ATTENDANTS- WERE HERE TO SAVE YOUR ASS, NOT KISS IT........kinda sums it up dosent it.
If they want a higher paying job they can go back to school and find a career that pays more. But if they agree to work for a wage, especially in customer service, then they should do it well. Otherwise leave. Please tell me you are not excusing poor customer service because they only make 20k.

This mentality at USairways is really getting old. And in this economy I fear they will stay put. Too bad for the company and too bad for the customers.
If you don’t like employees expressing there self for better pay and benefits and work rules than just leave This mentality at USairways is really getting old.
If they want a higher paying job they can go back to school and find a career that pays more. But if they agree to work for a wage, especially in customer service, then they should do it well. Otherwise leave.
This is easier said than done. I did go back to school but it took me 4 years going part-time while flying for me to get a 2 year associates degree in Nursing. It took a lot of time, dedication and schedule adjusting---plus missing time with my family to fly and go to school but it was worth it.

However let's look at the economy---there are not a lot of jobs out there so people aren't going to quit because they're miserable. They will continue to be miserable and stay because they have bills to pay and no other alternative at this time.

In addition, people don't like or are scared of change. It's easier to stay here and biotch than to go try to do something else or go back to school---and school costs money that someone making 20K a year doesn't have. Another contribution to the fact that there are so many senior F/As still here is that this company needs to come up with a good separation package so these people can move on like they want to. Health care has a LOT to do with why miserable people stay here---they need it--bottom line. Each voluntary separation package the company has offered, the union has tried to get extended health care included and the company has said no. So, people stay and are miserable and the passenger gets the brunt of it.

However I agree with a previous poster who said to you gabby---next time you fly, get the F/As frist name, the flight number and date and write to the company. Don't come on an anonymous message board and insult the rest of us here who really do like being F/As and do a good job of it. I'm only do it part time now due to the fact that I also have another job PT---so maybe that's why I still really enjoy it. Many folks are out here trying to support their families whom they are away from 20-22 days per month and after so many years, bad treatment by management and so many pay cuts, it just gets to a person and they no longer are the best they want to be because they are just plain tired.
I had an excellent crew last night DCA-MCO, they were all bells & whistles! Especially the A! Everyone's experiences varies although I have to say I like the new Mai Tais...three of these and you're in Paradise!

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