I can't believe I'm the first one to say this, but it's not "attendent", it's "attendant".
That said, I think I'm a good flight attendant. Always professional, always wear the uniform the way it's supposed to be worn (and wear a tie and blazer every day regardless of time of year), try to be polite when screamed at (difficult), and am embarrassed when I work with people who don't abide by standard rules of civility. It's not hard to do. I will not, however, allow a customer to treat me with disrespect--EVER. Don't want to abide by the rules, your arse can take a later flight.
To those who go on ad nauseum about "don't like it, find another job...", everyone complains about their lot in life. It's human nature. We should all want to better ourselves and seek higher pay, better work rules, respect from management, etc. Wanting a more pleasant work environment and better compensation should NEVER be viewed as a negative.