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Flight Attendant's Authorize Strike!

ELP_WN_Psgr said:
Well, I know it will hurt 320's and fliboi's feelings since I am gonna diss management.....but I would say the PRIMARY reason I recently booked away is that it galls me to see management treat employees and customers the way yours do.

As mentioned in another post I recently had to go to Burlington, VT. Most of the connections that came up in our travel office's CRS had U in there someplace. For many reasons, I elected to fly into Albany and drive.

Did I really want to fight the Adirondacks and the ferry and 40 mph speed limit 2 lane blacktops in the snow? No, not really. Although I was lucky, the wx wasn;t too bad, and it was some different scenerey.

Your management has threatened liquidation...what do you think THAT does to bookings? Nope, it's much more convenient to blame employees for all the world's ills.

But the bottom line was I'll be damned if I contribute any revenue to a company that craps on its employees and customers the way this one does. Thanks, but I will join the huddled masses on WalMart of the skies.

You don't think USAirways craps on customers? What would you call X-fares (X for Ex-tortion...those are the opposite of go-fares...and Seth just hasn't gotten around to advertising them yet.) They exist in most markets without LCC competition. And slashing the number of employees hasn;t done marvelous things for customer service, either.

Some of us don't like discovering we are on board a "jungle jet" being operated as USAirwaysExpress by Mesa dba Name-on-request airways, ltd. (it's limited all right)

Even Helen Keller could see what this company has done to employees. Sheesh.

So have a nice evening, everyone, and remember....please remain seated, with your seat belt securely fastened, until the aircraft has come to a complete stop at the gate and the light burns out in the fasten seat belt sign......since with no gate agents left, it's gonna be a tough time to get someone to roll the jetway up.

You may be able to fool some of the newer posters on the USAirways board, but you aren't fooling me.

The only reason you flew to ALB instead of BTV is because Southwest Airlines flies to ALB but not BTV.

Fly whomever you wish, but in my opinion, driving on country roads over the mountains in the snow just to avoid flying on USAirways is incredibly stupid.
jack mama said:
....please find another job if you don't like what's happening here.

The company doesn't owe you anything!

Jack Mama

Sounds like you must like what is happening here.

You must be part of management. The ones not feeling the pain!!!!

The company does not owe us anything. A fair day of work for a fair day of paid!!!! That is all we want!!!!
HPearlyretiree said:
Go ahead, strike, solvent airlines will need the planes.
That comment was not the brightest.

There are 1,900 planes parked in the desert for solvent airlines to get.
Sure, by who wants a POS 737-200 or MD-81 when you could have a nice, nearly new A321 or A319 (N700UW) which is a heck of a lot more fuel efficient.
If the motive for these random strikes is to shut the airline down, then you will most likely succeed (if they occur). I don't think management is all that bright to publicize the option of Liquidation. After all, that drives passengers away too.

But the workers are generally saying they are smarter than management, so what is confusing to me is that the AFA is endorsing a tactic that will achieve management's ultimate goal (according to you).

Seriously, can someone just complete this sentence, without all the "but management started it" stuff:

"The purpose of the CHAOS (tm) strikes is to ______________."
biztraveller29 said:
"The purpose of the CHAOS (tm) strikes is to ______________."

The purpose of the CHAOS strikes is to gain negotiating leverage with the company. The company is trying to use a page from the AMR playbook and say to the union "Here are our demands, no discussion,no negotiating, no questions. Otherwise, we will shut down the airline."

CHAOS says, if you don't negotiate in good faith, we will beat you to the punch.
Unfortunately it sounds like the end result of either tactic (liquidation or strikes) is the shut down of the company. Negotiating leverage is only good if both sides are willing to sit down and talk, and frankly that's not the case at U.
biztraveller29 said:
Unfortunately it sounds like the end result of either tactic (liquidation or strikes) is the shut down of the company. Negotiating leverage is only good if both sides are willing to sit down and talk, and frankly that's not the case at U.

He's got it! By George, he's got it! The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! etc etc etc. :lol:

Of course, the company could bargain in good faith with AFA, but that would just po the pilots who rolled over and took it without lube.
I predict that if CHAOS occurs, management will shut down (lock out).

Go ahead and strike if you want, but don't use CHAOS to #### with me. If all the US employees in one work group go out on strike, I can make alternative arrangements.
The bottom line is no employee is concerned with your travel plans while they are in a fight for their economic livlihood.
JS said:
I predict that if CHAOS occurs, management will shut down (lock out).

Go ahead and strike if you want, but don't use CHAOS to #### with me. If all the US employees in one work group go out on strike, I can make alternative arrangements.
may i suggest trying greyhound for your holiday travels?
have a nice ride........ :down:

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