On 12/22/2002 1:07:48 PM Busdrvr wrote:
... the real issue with me is the ludicrous other provisions they are seeking. 4.5-1 for trip rigs? YGTBSM...
Busdrvr I agree, the extent of the gutting of the work rules is probably the biggest shock for us to. I imagine the ALPA proposal contains very similar concepts to ours in terms of work rule changes.
This job has always paid poorly but the work rule contract provisions still made it an enjoyable enough lifestyle to stick around. Now pay is going from bad to worse, and the work rules that made this job bearable look like they're doomed.
BTW where did you get the details for pass travel charges? I had heard they were being reintroduced but I was hoping they would be similar to what they were before.
Someone else mentioned that this isn't "final and binding" and that there is some room for negotiating. That remains to be seen. From what I understand the company has indicated there is *some* room for negotiating, but not much. And since the unions have been making progressively more strongly worded public statements lately about the status of any negotiations, that leads me to think the company is getting ready to put either these term sheets or ones only slightly less worse in front of the judge to implement.
It is puzzling. I guess Tilton's labor honeymoon is over. Union leadership and Tilton went pretty quickly from making statements about how great they were working together only two weeks ago, to today's statements of gutting of work rules and pay and reintroducing pass travel charges and thinly veiled legal threats. It's a strange strategy senior management has seem to adopted, to be sure; and not likely to lead to a successful outcome for UA.