Well, spooky Friday came and went. How went the picket? Any info out there anywhere one can have a look at?
Well my local twu president monitors my postings(told me), and considering the twu is really tight with management, maybe he can help you out.If there are any hired weasels monitoring comments on the internet, please feel free to pass my comments up the chain.
The emails I have received from APFA reg. this picketing on the 17th indicate wearing your(AA) uniform. Since I'm one of the furloughed "sacrificial lambs" (Class 2001-06 and 2001-07) as well as one of the many furloughed FAs still wondering why the union has ignored us, I cannot wear the uniform. Therefore, I cannot participate in this picketing.
THB has done nothing, absolutely _nothing_ for the furloughess. My emails on recalls were dismissed, and when a classmate of mine spoke to Tommie personally in LGA, all she got was, "You need a hug."
So, we cannot participate in this info picketing. None of the AA furloughess(and this includes former TWA fas) that I have spoken to in the east coast are going to participate either.
My point exactly, some on here would rather complain than act.