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APFA USAToday Ad Recognizes Furloughees

Dec 5, 2006
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I don’t have to remind my customers
that things have gotten bad in the
airline industry; they live it - along
with me - daily. I know they are as tired of
hearing me say ‘I’m sorry’ as I am. It’s our
loyal customers who keep this airline
flying, along with 80,000 American Airlines
employees who wouldn’t take bankruptcy
for an answer.

On April 18th, 874 AA executives will take
huge bonuses all for themselves justifying
them all the way to the bank.
What happened to investing in good service
and the people who make it happen? I wish
I knew. In the meantime, these boots
may help wade through some of the
corporate rhetoric coming our way.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants

This anonymous flight attendant
represents the face of American
Airlines, working for less pay and
benefits; with the least amount of
amenities to offer her on board
guests in her career. On April 18th,
874 American Airlines executives
will be rewarded for this feat.
That’s why her co-workers in 16
airports across America will join
her on April 17th in a nationwide
protest from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
local time.

This message is brought to you by the union representing the concerned flight attendants of
American Airlines,including more than 2,000 furloughed colleagues.