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Flight Attendant Picketing to begin next week

Jim, VenaCavaLAX said they were recalled in May 2002, and furloughed again a few months later. Unless I'm missing something, the five year recall clock wouldn't have started until October or November 2002, expiring in October or November 2007.

You are correct. I was thinking that only the people furloughed at the time I was furloughed (7-2-2003) were still on the list. My mistake. There were "mini-furloughs" in several months preceding that date. Here are the numbers and dates that the remaining furloughees will lose their recall rights...

10/13/2007 147
11/1/2007 430
1/31/2008 325
4/1/2008 317
5/1/2008 244
7/2/2008 1195

With the shortages in some bases, there might still be a small recall of f/as within the next 15 months, but I doubt any recall would even get all the people in the last furlough (7-2-2003). Except for the previously mentioned 97 "nAAtives", everyone furloughed 7-2-2003 were former TW flight attendants.
Jim, VenaCavaLAX said they were recalled in May 2002, and furloughed again a few months later. Unless I'm missing something, the five year recall clock wouldn't have started until October or November 2002, expiring in October or November 2007.

Just had a friend take a look at the APFA recall list I'm still on it, the list was generated on March 1st 2007 and I only have 10 people below me so it isn't too difficult to figure out who I am.

The recall of 2002 was first initiated around February/March of 2002, initially 300 FA's were recalled, but approximately 50 FA's didn't accept it so we, about 50 of us, were called back to complete the 300 headcount to begin flying in late May of 2002, only 5-6 people from our class (2001-11) were left out and their recall rights were over on October of 2006. We only flew from May 2002 until October 2002 +5yrs = October 2007 which means I have less than 6 months before I drop off the list, I guess I'll be reapplying in August of 2008.
Just had a friend take a look at the APFA recall list I'm still on it, the list was generated on March 1st 2007 and I only have 10 people below me so it isn't too difficult to figure out who I am.

The recall of 2002 was first initiated around February/March of 2002, initially 300 FA's were recalled, but approximately 50 FA's didn't accept it so we, about 50 of us, were called back to complete the 300 headcount to begin flying in late May of 2002, only 5-6 people from our class (2001-11) were left out and their recall rights were over on October of 2006. We only flew from May 2002 until October 2002 +5yrs = October 2007 which means I have less than 6 months before I drop off the list, I guess I'll be reapplying in August of 2008.

Not if I or any other former TWA f/a have a breath left in us... WE are fighting for ALL AA furloughed wanting to return. Support from Senators, Congressmen, Govenors and Mayors is growing. Every day there is more press on the inequity of our your situation. This isn't about TWA vs AA f/a, you all are ALL AA f/as. The ranlk and file are starting to understand how life would improve with a recall. Less extended flights, less reserve, more PVDs and the list goes on and on. If AA has the gonads to begin hiring without a fairly hefty break after 7-2-2008, you'll see lawsuits filed from every state. Talk about blatant age discrimination. We probably had a shot of a substantial EEOC action after the ethnic cleansing if our esteemed former chair person hadn't botched the court filing. Harm will happen again in 2008 and we will be ready.
They won't John, you know that they aren't a union.It's an affront to unions to call this airborne social club a union.

No other union in America would allow 4200 members to be laid off en masse then do absolutely nothing to get them recalled.
Are you talking about the TWU?

Have you ever heard of any other "Union" that allows a company to slash workers pay by 25%, eliminate thousands of jobs and then push a speed up so the company doesnt have to recall anybody?
Are you talking about the TWU?

Have you ever heard of any other "Union" that allows a company to slash workers pay by 25%, eliminate thousands of jobs and then push a speed up so the company doesnt have to recall anybody?

Yes...the APFA!

What Unity?
Your welcome. :up:

Does anyone else see the irony in APFA forming an informational picket against managements "broken promises"?

Remember this (?): "Two Great Airlines - One Great Future"

THB has not even mentioned furloughed flight attendants during this media blitz against AA management. What a disgrace!

The "Two great airlines - one great future" slogan was created by AMR not APFA. Furloughed or not the picketing represents us all. May I remind you that every hotline every week mentions the furloughees.
The "Two great airlines - one great future" slogan was created by AMR not APFA. Furloughed or not the picketing represents us all. May I remind you that every hotline every week mentions the furloughees.

How sad that there are only 2300 left from 6000. If only it could be remembered that:

RECALL--Good for you, Good for me!

(well not me personally because I retired..lol)
Why are so many of you concerned with grinding axes against your unions, rather than take an opportunity to protest the bonus payouts?

If there were picket lines at enough airports, it's likely that the BOD might take notice. The media certainly would.

Instead, it's likely to have a token turnout, which is almost worse than not protesting at all.

Sad... It's little wonder why the unions have less and less influence...

Do the unions honestly think that picketing is gonna alter the outcome? Won't the PUP payouts happen regardless of symbolic gestures like picket signs?

If I were Arpey, I'd convince the board to back an issuance of another 10 million unrestricted shares to the represented workforce (excluding managment and unrepresented agents) along with a notice that the $300 million of value represented three times CO's 2006 profit sharing. At the same time, I'd remind the whiners that the way to get additional stock is to negotiate for it. Just like the PUP participants did.
Do the unions honestly think that picketing is gonna alter the outcome? Won't the PUP payouts happen regardless of symbolic gestures like picket signs?

If I were Arpey, I'd convince the board to back an issuance of another 10 million unrestricted shares to the represented workforce (excluding managment and unrepresented agents) along with a notice that the $300 million of value represented three times CO's 2006 profit sharing. At the same time, I'd remind the whiners that the way to get additional stock is to negotiate for it. Just like the PUP participants did.

FWAA, picketing is not going to stop the stock payouts. They might if enough noise and attention is made. But the entire issue here is PRINCIPLE! Labor took LIFE CHANGING concessions under the disguise of "shared sacrifice". This was NOT the case.

With management getting payouts of MILLIONS of dollars while labor carries the burden for AA's success is simply wrong. It is not "whinning" that you perceive here. It is disgust and anger at an out of touch labor practice.

Don't spit in labor's face and then tell us it is raining.
FWAA, picketing is not going to stop the stock payouts. They might if enough noise and attention is made. But the entire issue here is PRINCIPLE! Labor took LIFE CHANGING concessions under the disguise of "shared sacrifice". This was NOT the case.

With management getting payouts of MILLIONS of dollars while labor carries the burden for AA's success is simply wrong. It is not "whinning" that you perceive here. It is disgust and anger at an out of touch labor practice.

Don't spit in labor's face and then tell us it is raining.

It needs to be remembered that the stock payouts were announced AFTER the illegal RPA results. This certainly was not a case of informed consent. There would be no discussion today if this bonus plan had been properly reported.
FWAA, picketing is not going to stop the stock payouts.

So why waste time marching with picket signs?

They might if enough noise and attention is made.

Wait a minute. Which is it? Is there a chance of stopping the PUP payouts with picket signs or not?

But the entire issue here is PRINCIPLE! Labor took LIFE CHANGING concessions under the disguise of "shared sacrifice". This was NOT the case.

Sadly, it rarely is the case. Is this the first time AMR management has acted like wolves or is this just another in a long line of bastardly conduct by management?

With management getting payouts of MILLIONS of dollars while labor carries the burden for AA's success is simply wrong. It is not "whinning" that you perceive here. It is disgust and anger at an out of touch labor practice.

I understand the anger and disgust. Huge paycuts and work rule rollbacks (both of which are likely fairly permanent) are awful. But management never suffers as much as the working man (and women), so why the sudden indignity? Never has, and likely never will. It's not like this is anything new.

From the Just the Facts department:

CO's total profit sharing since 2000: $111 million, announced Feb 13, 2007.


AMR's total profit sharing since 2000: $1.064 billion in stock option profit (at today's value, net of $5 purchase price) PLUS the total value of PUP payouts 2006 and 2007 (somewhere around $275 - $300 million total.
So why waste time marching with picket signs?
Wait a minute. Which is it? Is there a chance of stopping the PUP payouts with picket signs or not?
Sadly, it rarely is the case. Is this the first time AMR management has acted like wolves or is this just another in a long line of bastardly conduct by management?
I understand the anger and disgust. Huge paycuts and work rule rollbacks (both of which are likely fairly permanent) are awful. But management never suffers as much as the working man (and women), so why the sudden indignity? Never has, and likely never will. It's not like this is anything new.

From the Just the Facts department:

CO's total profit sharing since 2000: $111 million, announced Feb 13, 2007.


AMR's total profit sharing since 2000: $1.064 billion in stock option profit (at today's value, net of $5 purchase price) PLUS the total value of PUP payouts 2006 and 2007 (somewhere around $275 - $300 million total.

You picket out of frustration. As contracts are opened for negotiation, the Company pleads poverty. There is apparently no poverty when it comes to the bonus payments.
Concession monies invested in the Co in aircraft purchases, better customer service or CUSTOMER retention plans, I think we can all agree are worthy. When concession dollars are used to "reward" well compensated management, that is another story. There is not one executive at AA who has produced "over and above". Management is just as easliy replaced as the average worker. That is why the " good old boy" network is alive and well. Retention pay, I think not...lol
At the same time, I'd remind the whiners that the way to get additional stock is to negotiate for it. Just like the PUP participants did.
Do we really want to go there, at least with the twu? 😛 😛
So why waste time marching with picket signs?
Wait a minute. Which is it? Is there a chance of stopping the PUP payouts with picket signs or not?
Sadly, it rarely is the case. Is this the first time AMR management has acted like wolves or is this just another in a long line of bastardly conduct by management?
I understand the anger and disgust. Huge paycuts and work rule rollbacks (both of which are likely fairly permanent) are awful. But management never suffers as much as the working man (and women), so why the sudden indignity? Never has, and likely never will. It's not like this is anything new.

From the Just the Facts department:

CO's total profit sharing since 2000: $111 million, announced Feb 13, 2007.


AMR's total profit sharing since 2000: $1.064 billion in stock option profit (at today's value, net of $5 purchase price) PLUS the total value of PUP payouts 2006 and 2007 (somewhere around $275 - $300 million total.

My point is about picketing is that at least we should do something proactive. You never know if it will work unless you try.

As for AA acting dasterdly, no this is not the first time. But you seem to miss the big picture. Labor was lied to. Labor was cheated. Yet you seem to defend management's actions. Why is that?
Now is the time for all flight attendants to stand up and join your coworkers.

😛 You all missed the 'time', now is the time to ki$$ a$$.
10K people applied for FA jobs at UA at our open house.
Now is the time to look for another job.

You all missed an opportunity at 'solidarity' and the ride is 'over'.


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