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700UW, I know that you would never intentionally mislead the readers of this forum.

Kelleher’s cash compensation for 2003 was nearly $700K with a base salary of $450K. He has exercised over 1MM stock options at over $14MM. Lets not forget the nearly 3MM unexercised stock options that are valued at $30MM.

As Zeus wrote, we all have to make the necessary adjustments to our personal and professional lives to see that the transformation plan is successful. Management is doing its part and it is up to the three remaining labor groups to participate in seeing that we are a profitable carrier. Time is running out for these groups. Each employee should contact their respected labor officials and voice your opinions that you demand a vote and to reach a TA.
Zeus said:
Your management team is doing their part by contributing over $45 million to the transformation plan. The senior officers’ W-2 cuts will exceed 20%, 7.5% for the VPs/Managing Directors and 5% for all other management employees. Keep in mind that most management’s salaries are already equal to that of the LCC’s before these additional reductions are made to transform our company. Also, most of the departments are already understaffed and headcount has been reduced by over 10% since the beginning of this year. We all have to make sacrifices for the betterment of this company.


With all due respect, what a load of BS....

"Your management team is doing their part by contributing over $45 million to the transformation plan. "

How much of that $45M is due to attrition and unfilled vacancies? And why don't the rank and file employees get credited for similiar "contributions"?

"The senior officers’ W-2 cuts will exceed 20%, 7.5% for the VPs/Managing Directors and 5% for all other management employees."

The total $45M is over 20%, not that of senior officers. Isn't a VP a senior officer? As you say, only a 7.5% cut. Lakefield is the most senior officer - how much was his paycut again? Oh, that's right, 0%.

"Keep in mind that most management’s salaries are already equal to that of the LCC’s before these additional reductions are made to transform our company."

Keep in mind that most employees' salaries are already equal to that of the LCC's whne considering longevity. So how long has Lakefield or the VP's been with the company vs the "average LCC"? Shouldn't they should be paid less for the lack of longevity?

"Also, most of the departments are already understaffed and headcount has been reduced by over 10% since the beginning of this year."

Just about every work group in the company is already understaffed and headcount has been reduced. Why should that be a factor for management but not for the average employee?

"We all have to make sacrifices for the betterment of this company."

Yeah, right. You "sacrifice" by coming up with more ways to beat the employees down and they sacrifice with their jobs, pay, and benefits. So much for "We".


As I said to zeus, what a load of BS.

If you want to look at 2003, what was Siegel's "cash compensation"?

Kelleher has been at WN how many years? And he gets stock OPTIONS. How many shares of stock (not OPTIONS) did Siegel get in 2003 versus how many OPTIONS did Kelleher get in 2003 (NOTICE, NOT EXERCISED THAT WERE RECEIVED IN PREVIOUS YEARS).

How many shares of stock (not OPTIONS) did Lakefield get this year?

Your BS is so easy to refute it's not even fun. The least you can come up with is plausible BS.

Hawk said:
Management is doing its part and it is up to the three remaining labor groups to participate in seeing that we are a profitable carrier. Time is running out for these groups. Each employee should contact their respected labor officials and voice your opinions that you demand a vote and to reach a TA.

Many employees have contacted their labor leaders and voiced their opinions . For the first time the IAM is finally listening,and they have strong support from their members. This should have happened TWO YEARS ago.
700UW said:
Bruce Lakefield 471,200 shares.

David Davis 277,200 shares

David Seigel 1,080,000 Shares
David Seigel 1,130,400 Shares

Glass 180,000

And the list goes on

US Airways Insider Transactions

I noticed 700UW just posts what he perceives as facts now. He must be under "instruction" from the master on how to win friends and influence people. Doesn’t respond anymore, just the facts like the presidential race, true lies.

It isn’t working 700UW and neither is the media blist of woe are we from our local yokel AFA president crying the blues of how the bad politicians we will be voted who dare give me a deaf ear. Guess what? Didn't happen in the 70's with the mills and isn’t going to happen now, return the dues, people need them to pay their bills, no thanks to the unions.

You have no credibility, do I need to post your contradicting posts to remind you again?

Or shall I ask ITRADE about a certain PM?
700UW said:

You have no credibility, do I need to post your contradicting posts to remind you again?

Or shall I ask ITRADE about a certain PM?

What in the world is this all about? Brother against Brother , and one is asking one of the biggest enemies of organized labor (Itrade) on the board to shore up or dispute anothers credibility. 🙄

I think you both need a rest from either the bottle or the keyboard...most likely both. :angry:

.....and to think that my future is interlocked with the likes of this , purely makes me sick at times. Try to remember for a flipping moment whom the real fight is with here. 🙄
700UW said:

You have no credibility, do I need to post your contradicting posts to remind you again?

Or shall I ask ITRADE about a certain PM?
You can ask anyone about anything…I don’t care

700UW...you are the last person on this planet that has room to talk. I am open and admit I "was" other screen names while you try playing the dog. As revealed in my other posts that shows exactly who you were, and banned until you had an revelation with a little brain washing help on how to be a good union hackman.

Itrade and myself are cool and are fellow amateur buddies, ask him yourself.

Your Union BS is just that, dripping BS because the unions are hogged tied and no one is coming to the rescue and your constant posting facts makes you look pathetic like you have the upper hand. You are an unskilled laborer desperately seeking some security under the union shirt instead of making it as the man you pretend to be holding that union sign in your shaky hands.

I don't put on the dog and neither will the New York Times.

You need to get a new moniker "FLIP-FLOP".

You were caught in lies, you said you were no longer an employee then you said you still were a employee.

One week your are pro-management and the next week you are pro-union.

At least take a stand instead of being wishy-washy.

And believe me, I know more about things then you will ever think or know.

And my work speaks for itself, don't be jealous.

And a religious man like yourself, would not have broken a certain commandment.

Just remember, I know.

Take a hint, save some bandwith.
You have NO clue exactly who or what I am, remember that.

I saw you, the short bald little man pot belly union hack who sits behind the keyboard posting facts and believes it will save his sorry hide.
Keep attacking and trying to insult, I would expect it from you.

Sorry I am not anything in your above post.

I have all my hair, unlike you, nor am I fat.


Management IS NOT doing their part in participating in cost savings to the Transformation Plan.

They have not made the same % of salary reduction ( forget the overall pay roll reduction including the jobs not being filled Bull@#$%)

Many of the rank and file make less than YOUR lower management personnel, and they are only taking 5%, when they just got 4% raises in July.

You are a fabricator, exaggerator, a BS, and delusional if you think you can convince ANYONE on this board that management has made any damn sacrifices.

Kelleher's company makes millions. When you make the company millions, you can have profit sharing.


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