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Flight Attendant Contract

Grab your ankles, keep your head down, until the PAIN stops.
Eliminate the separate International Transoceanic Domicile(s) (ITD). Flight attendants must be trained for international flying and current in such training to fly international trips.

The Company and the Association agree to update the CRAF Letter (LOA 27) to allow for the operation of any type of aircraft in the fleet.

The Company agrees to resolve the ITD Global and Supplemental Bid issues with the elimination of the ITD fence.


This is another thing that is looooooong overdue. There is not a single sane reason to seperate the transatlantic flying.

And, since the contracts are looking similar, there's no need to seperate the Embraer flying either. There could easily be modifications to the contract for EMB flying (cleaning, no lead pay etc).

If the company wants efficiency from it's employees they need to be effiecient themselves. A flight attendant is a flight attendant, and there is no reason to have all of he seperate divisions and seniority lists that create less scheduling flexibility and more bureaucracy and management positions.
Fly said:
Grab your ankles, keep your head down, until the PAIN stops.


I read here that pilots in the MAA division still get to vote on mainline proposals. Is that true for the MAA F/As too?

If they can, that would show exactly why they should never have allowed it to be "seperate" to begin with... this proposal could actually be viewed as beneficial to them.
PITbull said:
Typical guy response saying its ok to have 60days of medical coverage for you and your baby that is to be born.

Hell, who cares about prenatal care, and all the doctor visits, and heck if you have some complications that equals thousands and thousands of dollars so what...still have a jumpseat to sit on , right?
I-d-i-o-t through and through! :down:

Shovinist PIG! You must have been born in some kind of barn (deleted by me)
Funny how an abortion requires NO time off.....the only time lost in the unborn soul who was slaughtered.....one doctor visit and you're finished, who is the pig?
As a customer, having separate intl flight attendants is sometimes nice as the intl service usually requires a different approach than domestic service. I've found the US intl F/As to have a wholly different outlook on cabin service than the domestic F/As. Neither is bad, just different.
PITbull said:
Oh, and one more thing that is just as outrageous as their reserve system...Maternity.

No way you can give only 60 days of medical to a pregnant f/as. We are still primarily female in this industry, and I find that discriminatory ADA.

No, that is actually better than most insurance sompanies will give standard for maternity leave to collect disability benefits. 6 weeks for a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for caesarian section is the norm. Anything above that requires medical documentation for complocations, and the includes prenatal bedrest orders.
USFlyer said:
As a customer, having separate intl flight attendants is sometimes nice as the intl service usually requires a different approach than domestic service. I've found the US intl F/As to have a wholly different outlook on cabin service than the domestic F/As. Neither is bad, just different.

I disagree. A dud F/A is a dud whether they are going to Rome or Raliegh. There is no difference between the international and domestic F/As, it's just what you bid for. They don't pick them. I did both when I was there. I was no different a F/A on domestic than I was on international. I recieved a few customer compliment letters for my service in Envoy Class on international, and acted the same on domestic. As a young, junior, good looking F/A I was no less capable of filling out immigration paperwork or serving a several course meal and making it look like sheer class. I also have a language that not many of our more localized senior folks have. The service is a little more complex than, say, the PIT-PHL hop, but it is by no means beyond the brains of anyone competent enough to evacuate an airplane in 90 seconds. No liver spots required to put together a visually appealing dessert cart.

When I got to do it a bunch of junior folks were also doing it, and often it was us that had a little more enthusiasm for the service. We wanted to actually sell the duty free rather than storm through the cabin holding up the magazine roaring "Duty Free!" at sleeping passengers, daring them to ask for something.

Like domestic, it's half and half- there are some really shining stars and some that make you wish for a lower deck galley if you know what I mean. There are some really great ones, but the seperate division is a magnet for lazy people who don't want to fly or just want the extra couple bucks. They keep out more folks who do care about the service, but either can't hold it with thier seniority or would not be able for it for an entire year.

There are great, good, ok, poor and terrible F/As at every airline (except Mesa- they just seem poor or terrible- kidding). Using the excuse of service levels to have seperate divisions implies that one is worse than the other, when there should be a consistent level of service and competency (and expectation) across the board, whether it's an E170 or an A330.
She's right!!!!!!!


"No liver spots required to put together a visually appealing dessert cart."

OMG!!!!!!! I wanna party with her. You KNOW she's funny.
N628AU said:
No, that is actually better than most insurance sompanies will give standard for maternity leave to collect disability benefits. 6 weeks for a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for caesarian section is the norm. Anything above that requires medical documentation for complocations, and the includes prenatal bedrest orders.


I'M TALKING ABOUT MEDICAL INSURANCE (PRENATAL, BIRTH, AFTER BIRTH) insurance, hospital, doctors, delivery room, post natal, complications etc... etc.... 🙄
I'm not a woman, but I am a dad. 60 days doesn't sound to me like it's very healthy for you, or the baby! I wouldn't be happy about it; and I can understand why you're not either. :shock:
Will flight attendants pay cuts be more than 21 precent?

Will there be any me too items immediately affecting F/A's?

Will there be a change in deadhead pay, meal expense pay and other me too items on our next check increasing our pay cut too MORE THAN 21 percent?
Justair said:
Will flight attendants pay cuts be more than 21 precent?

Will there be any me too items immediately affecting F/A's?

Will there be a change in deadhead pay, meal expense pay and other me too items on our next check increasing our pay cut too MORE THAN 21 percent?


The 21% pay cut is judicially ordered and distinct from the current negotiations.

The company proposal that was released was for informational purposes only; any proposal that becomes a tentative agreement will be sent to the AFA membership for ratification.

So no, there will not be any further financial fall out at this time other than the 21% slash in pay.

As for the "me too" clause, I would suspect that the only issue that might apply to the flight attendants is the 16 hour layover rule. Pitbull?

Best to all,

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