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Flight Attendant Contract

usfliboi said:
The non union employees, had already had paycuts, with representation. You guys have got to get a grip, a life, and if its all that bad , a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give up already, make a difference with a customer. Youre not gonna convince anyone here, that things are bad, or unfair, or fair. Its all reality now. MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure you were trying to say "without representation"

Why should someone just give up? There are many employees at U and other airlines that have something you lack. A spine. Some of us are not as willing as you to bend over at the first sign of confrontation.
usfliboi said:
The non union employees, had already had paycuts, with representation. You guys have got to get a grip, a life, and if its all that bad , a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give up already, make a difference with a customer. Youre not gonna convince anyone here, that things are bad, or unfair, or fair. Its all reality now. MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are full of crap. There is NO way non union employee had this much taken away in the last 10 years.
Light Years said:
Truer words were never spoken, maybe you should heed your own advice.

I have to ask... were you deprived of punctuation marks and capital letters as child? 😀

I suspect so. Likewise, he/she seems to have a highly unusual/abnormal phobia regarding apostrophes.

Apostrophes. They're a Reality. Plain and Simple
For starters, the non-union people lost their pension almost 15 years ago. They are also likely paid at near-market rates already. Accountants at US Air are probably earning similar salaries to those a bank or hospital. Ticket agents, however, will never be able to earn the same salary for similar work outside of the airlines. Why do you think the ticket agents voted in a union? To protect their salaries from being marketplace-reality adjusted by management. These contracts only prolonged the inevitable, however.
Everyone has their own level of "self worth". Some people have little regard for their self worth and will clutch and hold on to something, despite it dragging them down to the lowest level. Every job has a point at which one's self pride, worth, and respect will cease. Obviously, some posters here have a zero self worth and will hold on regardless of the position or pay, just to say, "I gotta job!!" Sorry, but I will not accept a life of fear of the unknown, holding on at any cost. This is all just a chapter in the book of life. Turn the page and continue the chapter, or move on to another one. Thats what Im doing.
Talk to the agents, talk to the non union members who basically had most of everything take, and their still here loyal.
There are currently masses of Customer Service people giving their notice and filing for retirement. It is all not a "bed of roses" that you see there. Everyone see's the situation in a different light. I constantly hear f/a's complaining and saying things arn't "fair", but they keep flying. It's the same with all work groups, some will stay regardless of the situation, others will take control of their own lives, and move on to bigger and better things. I will be leaving in February, after investing 1/2 my life here. It is not worth it to me to hold on for the sake of this job. There are lots of opportunites out there, just have to look for them and find something you like. I have.
usfliboi said:
The non union employees, had already had paycuts, with representation. You guys have got to get a grip, a life, and if its all that bad , a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give up already, make a difference with a customer. Youre not gonna convince anyone here, that things are bad, or unfair, or fair. Its all reality now. MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My God, act like a man. As male flight attendants we already have enough trouble with our image. Show at least a little spine. And people will take you a lot more seriously if you use spell check. But unfortunately that isn't going to help with the bad grammar.

You don't seem to realize that what happens at your company will affect everyone in this industry.

Maybe you should be the one to do something to make a difference.

My point was that someone should (in a normal pregnancy situation) be able to be physically be able to work within 6 weeks of giving birth. 60 days would give you 2 and 1/2 weeks on the front end of the delivery and and then 6 weeks on the back. It seems kind of in line with medical accepted medical practice. I am sure your medical coverage would continue if there is a complication that requires more time out. Most companies would require the employee to pay the premium while out of work.
usfliboi said:
Talk to the agents, talk to the non union members who basically had most of everything take, and their still here loyal.


That was over ten years ago. F/A & Pilots lost a tons over the last ten years. Things like duty rigs, vaction pay, scheduling and more

I wish I had company match on my 401k. They can't take that back.

We will lose our pension too without having years of company match in our 401k.

Fact is many, many non union management type job have never take this kind of pay cut. They are going to remain being pay over 40,000 per year. Plus very, very little cuts in vac.

Bottom line our pays go back to 1982 levels. Base pay 33,000 per year after 22 years on the job. Plus 20+ days per month on the road. Those are 24 hour work days not 8 hour days.

You can do or say what you want but so can I.

I choose to fight to keep all I can. Or a the very least everyone should be cut equally.
N628AU said:

My point was that someone should (in a normal pregnancy situation) be able to be physically be able to work within 6 weeks of giving birth. 60 days would give you 2 and 1/2 weeks on the front end of the delivery and and then 6 weeks on the back. It seems kind of in line with medical accepted medical practice. I am sure your medical coverage would continue if there is a complication that requires more time out. Most companies would require the employee to pay the premium while out of work.

That is not true. Most companies pursuant to the FMLA continue their full benefits at the rate they would pay if they were working for up to 3 months.

Additionally, consider that most women are not permitted to travel in the last trimester (particularly months 8 and 9)--I don't know how F/A's are able to. And, if leave is just 6 weeks, F/A's must return to work leaving their newborn with someone else while they are away overnight--I'm sure that impacts breastfeeding. There are other considerations also. I don't think a decent maternity leave is a selfish thing to want and I think that a company that is interested in providing that is not interested in promoting families.
Justair said:
5% pay cut (they got a 4% raise this year)
Lost 2 vacation days
Pay higher medical co pay
Plus they cut 2 or 3 jobs (may have just gone to another department no cut in payroll)
This shows you HOW LITTLE management is giving!!

Your management team is doing their part by contributing over $45 million to the transformation plan. The senior officers’ W-2 cuts will exceed 20%, 7.5% for the VPs/Managing Directors and 5% for all other management employees. Keep in mind that most management’s salaries are already equal to that of the LCC’s before these additional reductions are made to transform our company. Also, most of the departments are already understaffed and headcount has been reduced by over 10% since the beginning of this year. We all have to make sacrifices for the betterment of this company.
Lakefield $425,000 no pay cut. No airline experience

Kelliher, $395,000 WN profitible for 30 years. With WN for 20 years plus.
"If the employees come first, then they're happy," Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines co-founder is quoted as saying. "A motivated employee treats the customer well. The customer is happy so they keep coming back, which pleases the shareholders. It's not one of the enduring Green mysteries of all time, it is just the way it works."
Herb Kelleher Quotes
A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear.

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