Fleet Service Arbitration or IAM concession

Mech Grievance chairs at PIT and CLT are the ONLY two that are off the clock. The CBA only requires the PIT Chairman to be off the clock.

The CBA gives the any union rep, the time to do union business for grievances at any station, in CLT the full Fleet Committee are off the clock. And they even have their own office on the property in CLT.

And the Fleet Committee have been given PS for Union Representation.
I asked this on another thread and got no response:
what is the latest position of the IAM /fleet and mech/ on profit sharing and West employees?
700, well it was first the companies proposal than the IAM went thru and should i say highlighted or deleted out sections they didnt want and proposed it back to the company, thats when the company walked out last time
I knew the IAM was not going to give up the "Change of Control" Grievance.

The IAM from what I have heard is not going to share the profit sharing until the West falls under the East's CBA, as you did not participate in concessions why should you get money from the East Employees' Wallets.
Happy New Year to all, employed or furloughed. My two cents worth is that both the IAM and the company have much to gain by finding common ground between the 21.43 and the potential addition of dues paying members. I like to add this tidbit, when we were furloughed in May 2005 the vendor got a two year contract. Basically its renewal time thoughout the system. The company's wage scale is not that far removed from the vendor's. I know for a fact that vendors have to schedule extra hours or pay overtime to cover for the kids that choose not to show up, this in turn must reflect in their contract fees.

I'm biased in my thinking but I feel that a good mix of all timers coming back to their old wages (maybe 50% would come back) training new hires that would work for mainline instead of a vendor would do wonders for morale not to mention the extra money in IAM dues. JR
I am with you on that post!! Although the chances of us returing to work at our former stations are slim, I have not given up hope. If ever there was a chance and time, this is it...Happy New Year to all, and I hope that it brings good to those of us that have patiently waited. :)
can somone explain if this is true: Supposenly the furlough agents will be allowed to transfer to mainline or phl or something starting tomorrow retainin their senioritiy vacat pay etc but that the company was going to start with PIT furlough first
can somone explain if this is true: Supposenly the furlough agents will be allowed to transfer to mainline or phl or something starting tomorrow retainin their senioritiy vacat pay etc but that the company was going to start with PIT furlough first
Robbed, haven't heard that one.
The following is my opinion on some important fleet service matters that many fleet service have asked but the IAM has refused to answer. [/b]Why is the seniority integration taking so long and what is the IAM's final position on it?
It has not been resolved. The IAM will most likely go with DOH seniority, however, that doesn't necessarily mean someone from PHL or someone laid off, who has 25 years, can exercise their seniority to go to PHX where there are junior people. Looks like the IAM is going to screw this up again. For a laugh, ask your IAM seniority committee how this could happen and don't just let him say they are going by DOH. DOH means alot of things when the IAM is behind it.

If the IAM doesn't give up more concessions and keeps the change of control grievance and resulting $21.43hr, how much retro pay would I receive?
Based on calculations, a full timer working just 40 hours a week in a class 1 station could receive around $10,000. For those who worked overtime it could be jacked up to over $15,000+. Basically anyone in a class 1 station would have a shiny new hitch on the back of their truck.

Class 2 station workers would be entitled to a far greater amount since they are only making $15.60 top out. Basically a new small car.

How solid is the 'change of control' and why would the IAM want to just throw it away?
The change of control is in the agreement and non negotiable.
It is my opinion that the IAM will take what you already negotiated [change of control] and make further concessions to help secure the IAM in future mergers, increase its dues paying membership, secure positive space travel for all IAM Bosses, and bring back the 22. I believe this will occur sometime before March. Here's the best part, your negotiating team will say once again that they fought like hell for you and secured big benefits.

I asked this on another thread and got no response:
what is the latest position of the IAM /fleet and mech/ on profit sharing and West employees?
Due to contract language,West wasn't in the picture when IAM members gave back and was a compensation for that.West employees having any expectations of a free ride on IAM East givebacks is totally wrong.I'd expect this to be resolved only with East IAM employees before any transition agreement is finalized.
The IAM is negotiating because they have too have a single CBA, just like every other union on the property. And since the NMB declared Single Carrier Status that means they have to negotiate to reach one CBA. See even the AFA has a change of control grievance going and they are also negotiating, the CWA/IBT sold away their rights in order for the company to recognize the association

Because you have too many differances in pay, vacation, sick time and etc, you have M&R doing the same jobs at East and West and they are compensated different and the West CBA permits more outsourcing than the East and once the West falls under one CBA they will be entitled to the Profit Sharing.
The IAM is negotiating because they have too have a single CBA, just like every other union on the property. And since the NMB declared Single Carrier Status that means they have to negotiate to reach one CBA. See even the AFA has a change of control grievance going and they are also negotiating, the CWA/IBT sold away their rights in order for the company to recognize the association

Because you have too many differances in pay, vacation, sick time and etc, you have M&R doing the same jobs at East and West and they are compensated different and the West CBA permits more outsourcing than the East and once the West falls under one CBA they will be entitled to the Profit Sharing.
what has made the westies think they are entitled to the profit sharing? I ask this question because at least it appears to me that someone presumably from the IAM has told the westies that they will include them in the profit sharing chunk of the east siders. And can someone from the IAM finally end this issue by penning a letter to make things clear for the westies that their TWU sellout 'piss clam' contract does not entitle them to blood suck off one of the only positive provisions of the east sider contract.

Since the IAM has been silent 'on paper' in this matter I get the creeps that perhaps there might be a semblance of truth that the westies might be allowed to pimp off some of the east siders profit sharing.


You could not be more far off, the IAM has stated so far the West is NOT entilted to the profit sharing and there has been numerous threads where the Westies have shown their greed by wanting money from the East's Profit Sharing, the IAM is the only union on the property not sharing it.

Here are some threads for interesting reading:

Fleet Service Profit Sharing

IAM Refuses Bonus for West

Another one about M&R

Read those threads Tim and you will see the gaul and greediness of the West Employees.
Mech Grievance chairs at PIT and CLT are the ONLY two that are off the clock. The CBA only requires the PIT Chairman to be off the clock.

The CBA gives the any union rep, the time to do union business for grievances at any station, in CLT the full Fleet Committee are off the clock. And they even have their own office on the property in CLT.

And the Fleet Committee have been given PS for Union Representation.

According to a handful of mech chairs I've spoken with, they could be off the clock, but chose not to. If a matter comes up, they are gone in a NY minute.

I am far too well aware the fleet chairs in PIT, PHL and CLT get the needed time off to service the contract - other chairs felt like they were members of a different union. That just makes it that much more amazing IAM allowed fleet chairs from smaller hubs to get crapped on. They NEVER got time off, never got PS to service the contract and used their personal time to handle contract enforcement. Believe me, the IAM knew about it - the AGC and GC were informed - on numerous occasions. It also got grieved, and died at step II. That's where the AGC and GC decide to prosecute a grievance or let it die. Supposedly, AGC's are supposed to make a quarterly grievance activity report available to the membership. Nada. Even the mech chairs were disgusted by how the IAM let management shiv the fleet chairs.

PB - Solidarity? Not so much.

Betcha IAM negotiates an acceleration of the current pay scale, calls it a raise, and flushes the change of control. The force majeure grievances were non-negotiable at one time, too.

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