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First Up Program

Travels2mch, I'm an HP Gold and have been upgraded on over 90 percent of my 35+ segments dating back to when I was just a Silver. Are you sure you're going through all the right steps to get yourself placed on the upgrade list?
Travis.....do you have any other suggestions? I call as soon as I am ticketed regardless of the fare. The answer is always that I'm put on the waiting list. I call again within the 3 day window to see if I cleared and in most cases this is where I'm told I'll have to go on the upgrade list at the airport. Also they will usually share that there are seats open but being held for sale. As soon as I hit the airport I get on their list but never count on is at it rarely happens.

Up until last fall, I almost always got upgraded when the aircraft had FC....maybe 1-2 flights a year in coach and that was usually due to a last minute booking or change. I figured something must have changed since.

If you're on a non-restricted ticket, can you still upgrade as soon as it's purchased like you used to? I've had some pricey tickets ($700-$900 PIT-SBN-trying to upgrade the PIT-ORD segment)and still not been able to upgrade in advance.

If you have any other suggestions I'd appreciate the advice....thanks a lot for your help!
I definitely understand the lively debate going on here and on FT. One question that needs to be asked is when the new DM program is combined if an elite is on the upgrade queue and "E" opens availability within the upgrade window does the computer check at some time against the queue. On US once your window has past the system never goes back to look for "E." Which results in a CP doing the gate dance for an upgrade while a GP could get the seat if "E" had inventory at the 3 day window but not at the 7 day window. If the system checks every 24 hours I have no problem and we informed elites will start calling at the 30 or 24 hour mark to see if "E" has opened and we can upgrade. If the computer doesn't check there could be a lot of unhappy CPs....

Can someone answer about the "new system?"
Scuba and LGA,

We are the first to acknowledge the sacrifices which you and your colleagues have made regarding pay and workrules, and we are not complaining that some people are trying to augment their income--that is not the issue.

The issue is that those customers who spend tens of thousands of $$$ per year on US because of perks such as the upgrades will no doubt look elsewhere for their air travel needs if this continues. You need to look at the big picture here--the potential loss of revenue is astounding. And folks I have spoken to who stayed loyal through both BK's as well as going through other devaluations of the DM program and cuts in service are ready to leave over this issue.

I hope that Tempe can come up with an alternative plan to this system, which is putting the company at odds with its most loyal customers. I also hope they can find another incentive program which rewards you and your colleagues without costing elsewhere.

My best to you all....
Another poster mentioned they don't like to see Elites in back when there is a pax up front who "dosen't belong there".
If the pax bought an upgrade, then they belong there.
If the agent assigned them there, for whatever reason, then they belong there.
Even if I don't agree with the reasons.
That poor pax dosen't have any idea of the Elite drama going on. Not fair to look down our noses at them.

I'm sure you are talking about me.

You've misconstrued what I've said. Although the elite program is a caste system, I do not "look down my nose" at others who are not elites or even US1's. I am simply pointing out that certain company people are not following the rules--there may be exceptions to this--but I have seen it with my own eyes that people are selling upgrades even though they know that there are elites on the upgrade list.

When that occurs, the person who purchased it does not belong in FC because that upgrade should not have been sold to that person. We are not blaming the person who purchased it, we are blaming the gate agent for selling it.

This is not about me being better than someone else...this is about me being a very loyal customer through some very bad times and sending a lot of revenue to your good company which has in turn earned me benefits that are now being diluted by the people in Tempe.

It is your good company that is "looking down their noses" at us and simultaneously flipping us the bird.
Here is a novel idea. Lets just sell the seats in first class and who ever is sitting there paid to sit there. No more freebies. This would end the whole discussion.
Here is a novel idea. Lets just sell the seats in first class and who ever is sitting there paid to sit there. No more freebies. This would end the whole discussion.

Wow, you must work in the new US's marketing department. I don't consider my upgrade a freebie--a freebie is when you don't deserve or earn something. My loyalty and revenue have earned me FC upgrades--I do not feel bad putting my behind in that seat (except of course when it is sticky or dirty, then I'm not feeling too good)

Ask the FA's how often FC would go empty if they only sold FC seats at the fares they are currently charging? Who is going to pay some of these F fares:

PHL-DFW $2318.60 (the new turkey sandwich is good, but not that good)
PHL-BOS $918.60
PHL-PHX $2348.60
PHL-SFO $2318.60

Sure, you may sell one or two, but that cabin would be empty. In the old days, I paid some of these fares for Y tickets, but what they offered in past does not even compare with what they offer now. So, what you would see is almost all of your US1's fleeing to every other carrier who appreciates and rewards their most loyal customers.
I hope that Tempe can come up with an alternative plan to this system, which is putting the company at odds with its most loyal customers. I also hope they can find another incentive program which rewards you and your colleagues without costing elsewhere.

The plan itself is not flawed. Its certain agents implementation and ways they found to get around the process in place that is flawed. If there are 10 E seats available and NO Preferreds on the flight left to upgrade, I shouldnt be penalized from being able to earn $5 for each upgrade I sell because some agent in another city has decided to do something against policy. There should be supvr or shift managers or customers who are taking names and numbers and the agents who are doing the upgrades incorrectly should be disciplined. I dont believe in the punish all because we're too lazy to find out who the guilty party is routine.
As pointed out here, the current Sabre upgrade method is flawed. Lets see what the new system is able to do regarding the upgrades before we go overboard here.
Also, there are many markets that offer the YUP or old A4coach fare that (gasp) there are people buying. This could be "some" of the nonelites that just happen to have a seat in FC.
Also, even though many of you say the Preferred ranks are dwindling, there are often flights where I've seen 20-30 Preferreds on the flight. Take into consideration someone who might have used a FC award, our special friends, people who used miles to upgrade their purchased ticket, the Yup people, and the lucky few CHPR/GOLD who still have a seat left to upgrade at their window, and yes, there are days that even some CHPRs arent going to get it at the gate (especially if booked last minute). Each flight is different so you cant just assume that because there are Preferreds in the back the agent is scamming, because I've seen many a flight that it happens that way.
Best solution if you HEAR an agent making an announcement and you are sure you are on the SB list and you HAVENT been upgraded, ask for a supervisor and get the agents name and let someone know!
I don't disagree with some of your points. The A4Coach fares and YUP and QUP (this may be UA only) are fares that I have purchased very frequently--BUT, and this is a huge but, BUT they DON'T GUARANTEE a FC seat even if there are FC's available--it depends on the upgrade bucket that is left. Also, the A fare has restrictions. My B and Y fares are often more expensive than an A fare (but, an A fare gets bonus tier miles and earned miles which makes no sense to me since my the fare buckets I purchase are higher...but anyway....)

And, for pete's sake, we all realize that some people are in FC for various reasons, but some of us have experienced and/or witnessed someone on the standby list being passed over for someone who purchased a FirstUp. And, I have and personal experience with this type of situation in a station that will remain nameless on here because I like the people there and a gate agent found out what was happening and gave me the upgrade.

And, now I am really confused whether or not it is company policy. I was told by a US1 liason that the policy is to sell the upgrades first and then clear the standby list--she actually said, who is going to pay $100 for the upgrade. She has no clue. They do sell these upgrades.

And we all know that we have to sit in the back of the plane sometimes. We all know which flights will have have 20-30 US1's on it. That is not our point. Our point is that there are people who are taking something away from your loyal customers and it needs to stop.

Selling a $100 upgrade to someone with no loyalty generates $100 for the company. Taking away upgrades from your elites to make that extra $100, PRICELESS.
I was told by a US1 liason that the policy is to sell the upgrades first and then clear the standby list--she actually said, who is going to pay $100 for the upgrade. She has no clue. They do sell these upgrades.
The policy is to look for 'E'seats, then check the standby list...if any seats are left, then sell the upgrade. i.e. 5 E seats..4 elites on standby list you have 1 upgrade to sell..anything else is not following policy.
Here's the way it is SUPPOSED to work...if there are seats to sell then there aren't any elites to upgrade (Again, I can only speak for West metal here...) We are to be upgrading our elite members before selling upgrades. Now, if they are making announcements to sell upgrades and you're still in coach, do what MANY MANY other members have done with me...ASK!!! I have NEVER taken a person wanting to purchase an upgrade and put them in first over one of my elites. (OK, I shouldn't say never, as I have a time or two found elites complaining about being in coach when they used miles to purchase tickets. Then you have to either purchase the upgrade or call FF to get it upgraded.) 99 times out of 100 the reason their ticket hasn't been upgraded is because they weren't on the upgrade list.
Now, again I say, DO NOT begrudge us our measley five dollars per upgrade. 99% of us do it honestly, and to assume otherwise is just plain wrong. You do not feel our plight or understand our circumstances...the fact that you assume we're all out for just an extra buck is wrong and to assume we let everything fall to the flight attendants is also wrong. A VAST majority of us take pleasure in taking care of our customers thank you very much. Just because others aren't satisfied with degrading the gate agents over this and continue it with the flight attendants does not make us all bad. In fact there are MANY MANY times not a word is spoken to a soul until they are already on board and byt hen it's usually toooo late to fix it.
And, for pete's sake, we all realize that some people are in FC for various reasons, but some of us have experienced and/or witnessed someone on the standby list being passed over for someone who purchased a FirstUp. And, I have and personal experience with this type of situation in a station that will remain nameless on here because I like the people there and a gate agent found out what was happening and gave me the upgrade.

And you didnt report it because "you like the people there"? Well everyone seems to have their favorite station so I guess its going to continue until someone blows the whistle with specifics, like the agents or not.

And, now I am really confused whether or not it is company policy. I was told by a US1 liason that the policy is to sell the upgrades first and then clear the standby list--she actually said, who is going to pay $100 for the upgrade. She has no clue. They do sell these upgrades.

IT IS NOT POLICY. She is NOT at the airport and probably briefly remembered reading a memo some time ago about it.
Hey TEMPE, maybe its time for a refresher in US DAILY?

And we all know that we have to sit in the back of the plane sometimes. We all know which flights will have have 20-30 US1's on it. That is not our point. Our point is that there are people who are taking something away from your loyal customers and it needs to stop.

Did you see me arguing that I agreed with the agents who do this? No. I believe I said someone who knows its going on needs to report it to someone to take care of the agents who are blatantly doing this. That means I agree with you, ok?

Selling a $100 upgrade to someone with no loyalty generates $100 for the company. Taking away upgrades from your elites to make that extra $100, PRICELESS.

Care to report "that favorite station" to help get it corrected or care to look the other way? Balls in your court as far as I'm concerned, otherwise dont be upset with everyones "favorite" station doing it while getting a seat in the back out of the other 200 cities. 😛h34r:
the elite should not be blamed because us's systems is screwed up.


The SABRE Legacy US has is an overpriced, dysfunctional, outdated technology. I'm not going to ask anyone to be patient, there's clearly a problem here. I will reiterate that once SABRE is gone and SHARES is running the proverbial show, this problem will be gone.

In the meantime, a few points to keep in mind if you are an Elite:

1. Web check-in will not put you on the waitlist. Ever.

2. The Legacy US system is not in any way automated for upgrades, so you'll need to make sure the gate agent knows you're there and you want your upgrade. You've earned it; you deserve it.

3. If you believe there is an issue of fraud, please call Customer Relations so the matter can be removed.

4. There are times that F is full of paid fares before the upgrade process begins - 7 days prior to departure for CP.

5. Make sure your DM number is in your PNR. Most travel agents either don't put it in, or put it in the wrong place.

6. Our auto upgrade process will only run if your reservation is for a party of one. If there is more than one party in your reservation, please contact your elite priority line to split your reservation.

In the future:

The SHARES queue is automated, runs more than once a day, and catches CP, Plat, and G, on the day Silver is run as well, in preference order.

Since the Legacy US system is not automated, you should be able to call on your cutoff day at anytime to receive the upgrade. Say you're Gold and it's 3 days out? The system runs at 1500, but anyone who is Gold and calls before that time can get any available X seat.

How true. Geez, what do you guys do the moment you get in your seat, quiz one another? I treat all of you the same. If I treated you all the way you all treated each other, I wouldn't have a job.

LOL! Truer words have never been spoken.

The classic however was the guy in the window seat who decided to put his rather large carry on under the seat in front of me! I was a good boy about it. I didn't beat him up

Thanks for politely teaching me where to put my stuff 😛 . I'm sorry: I didn't know. :blink:

If you're on a non-restricted ticket, can you still upgrade as soon as it's purchased like you used to?

Full fare economy tickets are those booked in Y or H class for America West and those booked in Y, B, U or N class on US Airways.

PHL-DFW $2318.60 (the new turkey sandwich is good, but not that good)
PHL-BOS $918.60
PHL-PHX $2348.60
PHL-SFO $2318.60

Dude, I don't know what you're smoking, but my own research indicates that people are buying these fares:

PHL-DFW $1828.60
PHL-BOS $818.60
PHL-PHX $1647.60
PHL-SFO $1528.60

Do you need a new travel agent? I just saved you $2081! :groovy:

I hope I don't get fired for some of this post... 😛h34r:
Please Please allow me to jump in here. First of all you all need to be telling us your DM and FFD numbers when you make the reservation and please please ask your agent to put you on the auto upgrade list. Elite members are upgraded FIRST and all are upgraded prior to the 30 hour sell of first class seats. Now, if you happen to book your flight less than 30 hours prior to departure be sure again to advise the agent that you are an Elite member and they can immediately go to the right place and if there's a seat left you will be immediately upgraded after your ticket is etkted. If you have a paper ticket you must wait to get to the airport to upgrade.
As for the agents making a measley $5.00 per upgrade of a person calling in to upgrade 30 hours prior to departure. Well, so be it--but that means that most times we as employees are sitting in the back while we are making room for other passangers to get on the plane and not go out empty in first class. Can you see the logic here??? It's a great program so please don't hesitate to use it. You might be elite but if you're sending your mother on a trip to Hawaii just think how nice it would be for her to get to the airport and find you have paid for her first class upgrade 30 hours prior and make YOU look like the good guy??
Have a good day everyone and lighten up. This is a great airline.
And you didnt report it because "you like the people there"?

See, that's where you are wrong. People jump to conclusions so quickly here. I have reported it. I said I wouldn't post it on HERE because I like the people in that station. Reporting it to Tempe is one thing...posting specifics on here is another.

And SCUBAgal...no one said that all or any of the gate agents or crooks...the question was asked why is this happening. I think incentive plans are great.

6. Our auto upgrade process will only run if your reservation is for a party of one. If there is more than one party in your reservation, please contact your elite priority line to split your reservation.

Dude, I don't know what you're smoking, but my own research indicates that people are buying these fares:

First, if you are suggesting what I think you are, a lot of DM members are going to be very very irate. It seems to me that you are hinting that the new program will not allow companion upgrades at the 7 day window--that is a crock of crap. There is no reason that my companion should not be upgraded when I am. They are likely only flying US because of my status and loyalty.

Next, I think (remember, I said think) you are wrong about the upgrades on an N fare. I recall receiving a nice email from Mr. Reistrup (sp?) about how you could no longer upgrade beyond the 7 day window on an N Fare. I belive that B and Y are the only fares you can upgrade on immediately on US East and Y and H on US West.

Finally, the fares I quoted are FULL FC fares. You are quoting lower fare codes. The previous poster said something about selling the seats rather than giving out upgrades.
See, that's where you are wrong. People jump to conclusions so quickly here. I have reported it. I said I wouldn't post it on HERE because I like the people in that station. Reporting it to Tempe is one thing...posting specifics on here is another.

I apologize. I misread what you posted. I see the ON HERE in your statement now. Glad to see that you reported it. No one should be denied what they have earned.
I know personally some agents that take advantage of the system (not with the FFs but with other agents). I can imagine what some other cities are doing.