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first come first served

Now, is that not the way it is in all of Corporate America,Civil Service,the Military and just about any other Business and Financial establishment you can think of? ( with the exception of Burger King, McDonalds and perhaps WalMart, and the like)


Actually, healthcare is not that way. At every hospital I've ever worked at, all nurses work every-other (or every third) weekend, and we all work every-other holiday. So, whether you have 6 months or 35 years, you will get every-other Christmas off. And we get double-time for working the holiday. Nobody complains because that's what we're used to. I don't think anyone should have to work 5-10 Christmas' in a row before getting to spend one with their family. But, that's just my opinion.
It took me 6 years at DL to get a holiday off; and we didn't get holiday pay at that time-we do now though.
Actually, healthcare is not that way. At every hospital I've ever worked at, all nurses work every-other (or every third) weekend, and we all work every-other holiday. So, whether you have 6 months or 35 years, you will get every-other Christmas off. And we get double-time for working the holiday. Nobody complains because that's what we're used to. I don't think anyone should have to work 5-10 Christmas' in a row before getting to spend one with their family. But, that's just my opinion.
It took me 6 years at DL to get a holiday off; and we didn't get holiday pay at that time-we do now though.

Hmmmm ..very interesting! I was not aware of that. But allow me to say "May God Bless You", for your dedication to the care of others, and the sacrifices you made. If not for wonderful Persons such as yourself, I would not be here this very day!

Thank You!

Seniority is a right within YOUR particular work group. If the benefit of travel is just that....a "benefit" it SHOULD be a level playing field for all. Some groups of this company are more junior and some tend to weight more senior. It is not a negotiated "right" to seniority travel nor is it necessarilly "the right way" to do it. I think to smooth over most and P!SS off a bunch they should go with a blended system of FCFS and DOH. When I worked in healthcare your seniority got you the better desk, vacation, flex schedule etc. The benefit of the cafeteria, health coverage, the use of the workout facility was on a level field for ALL to use. You list and make the flight within a certain cutoff then YOUR ON. If you don't it's NOT the fault of the person who DID. I do agree that it is NOT always possible to be right by a computer on a vacation though. So take a bit of both. Is everyone gonna truly be happy with the outcome? I doubt it.
Isn't LCC the Walmart of airlines?
No, more like the dollar store that charges more than a dollar but pays its employees like they only charge a dollar for everything. SW should be more compared to Target.
Tell me, how can it be fair for someone who has been employed for two weeks to get on before someone who has been employed for thirty years?

sky high states: Let me put it this way....the day FCFS is instituted and those SENIOR girls do not get on their flights to commute to work........there will be a MASSIVE SICK OUT. Case closed.

Only stating opinions.
The one with thirty years should get off thier a** and show up to the airport on time then they don't have to worry - with FCFS if you really want to go you get there early.
The one with thirty years should get off thier a** and show up to the airport on time then they don't have to worry - with FCFS if you really want to go you get there early.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
Hmmmm ..very interesting! I was not aware of that. But allow me to say "May God Bless You", for your dedication to the care of others, and the sacrifices you made. If not for wonderful Persons such as yourself, I would not be here this very day!

Thank You!


Thank you, 2B! Ironically, I work on a cardiac/telemetry floor named: 2B! :up:
The one with thirty years should get off thier a** and show up to the airport on time then they don't have to worry - with FCFS if you really want to go you get there early.

sky high states: The ONE WITH THIRTY YEARS has been working their ass off.........for THIRTY YEARS.

It took them THIRTY YEARS to get that SENIORITY, AND THE RIGHT to non-revenue with that seniority!

only stating opinions.
The company's own survey was 80% DOH, 20% FCFS
I don't recall there being any company survey nor any announced results. Are you perhaps referring to the email address where you could send your preference? That's not a survey. And in any case the results of a real survey would be a forgone conclusion: USAir is three times the size of AWA.

In the Flight Department the company is at least trying to use a "best-practices" approach rather than just deferring to the larger airline. Believe it or not, USAir doesn't do everything better than AWA. USAirways makes my fourth major airline (TWA,AA,AWA) so I have the benefit of perspective here. The only "fair" solution is to not change either side but that's not possible so lots of people are going to be disadvantaged one way or another. I favor FCFS but I'm not so arrogant as to tell the Easties that it's to their benefit -- and if I were an Eastie I wouldn't be so arrogant as to tell the Westies that DOH boarding is to our benefit.
And in any case the results of a real survey would be a forgone conclusion: USAir is three times the size of AWA. In the Flight Department the company is at least trying to use a "best-practices" approach rather than just deferring to the larger airline. Believe it or not, USAir doesn't do everything better than AWA.

sky high states: Actually, PAST MERGERS at USAir have been to use the BEST OF BOTH. Example: first class, Aladdin trays, meal carts, can of soda's...etc. They were also generous in Pay Raises and benefits.

Now what BEST PRACTICES are you referring to from the AWA side?

only stating opinions.

(TWA,AA,AWA) I favor FCFS but I'm not so arrogant as to tell the Easties that it's to their benefit --

sky high states: That's because American kicked you to the curb, you lost your seniority, got hired at AWA and are now junior. That's LIFE.

ONLY stating opinions.

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