Isn't LCC the Walmart of airlines?
No ... I think that Title belongs to SW. 😀
Now, is that not the way it is in all of Corporate America,Civil Service,the Military and just about any other Business and Financial establishment you can think of? ( with the exception of Burger King, McDonalds and perhaps WalMart, and the like)
Actually, healthcare is not that way. At every hospital I've ever worked at, all nurses work every-other (or every third) weekend, and we all work every-other holiday. So, whether you have 6 months or 35 years, you will get every-other Christmas off. And we get double-time for working the holiday. Nobody complains because that's what we're used to. I don't think anyone should have to work 5-10 Christmas' in a row before getting to spend one with their family. But, that's just my opinion.
It took me 6 years at DL to get a holiday off; and we didn't get holiday pay at that time-we do now though.
No, more like the dollar store that charges more than a dollar but pays its employees like they only charge a dollar for everything. SW should be more compared to Target.Isn't LCC the Walmart of airlines?
Tell me, how can it be fair for someone who has been employed for two weeks to get on before someone who has been employed for thirty years?
The one with thirty years should get off thier a** and show up to the airport on time then they don't have to worry - with FCFS if you really want to go you get there early.
Hmmmm ..very interesting! I was not aware of that. But allow me to say "May God Bless You", for your dedication to the care of others, and the sacrifices you made. If not for wonderful Persons such as yourself, I would not be here this very day!
Thank You!
The one with thirty years should get off thier a** and show up to the airport on time then they don't have to worry - with FCFS if you really want to go you get there early.
I don't recall there being any company survey nor any announced results. Are you perhaps referring to the email address where you could send your preference? That's not a survey. And in any case the results of a real survey would be a forgone conclusion: USAir is three times the size of AWA.The company's own survey was 80% DOH, 20% FCFS
And in any case the results of a real survey would be a forgone conclusion: USAir is three times the size of AWA. In the Flight Department the company is at least trying to use a "best-practices" approach rather than just deferring to the larger airline. Believe it or not, USAir doesn't do everything better than AWA.
(TWA,AA,AWA) I favor FCFS but I'm not so arrogant as to tell the Easties that it's to their benefit --