at AA, checkin starts 4hrs prior to scheduled departure. it can be done at the airport or online. there are five major classifications of travel...D1,D2,D2p,D3,ZED. D1, each emp only gets 4 per year, and is highest priority. D2 is standard for all emp's and their significant other. D2p is specifically for emp's parents traveling without the emp and is lower than D2. Parents become D2 when traveling with the emp. D3 is our form of buddy passes, given to whomever is listed in emp's companion travel list, of which your allowed to list 12 names for one given year. ZED is for emp's of other airlines.
is AA's system perfect? NOT!!! but i do believe it is the best system because is doesn't put any single emp at an incumbant advantage or disadvantage. travel is something provided for by the COMPANY one works for, for all emp's. it's not something bargained for like work rules, shifts, vacations etc. therefore its a privelege and not an entitlement to be SHARED by everyone. i think fcfs is a better representation of equality. especially under the current circumstances at usair with so much infighting and disagreements. each emp would know every time they attempted to get on a flight they would have just as much of an opportunity as their fellow co-workers. from an integration standpoint i think fcfs will work better because it doesnt overtly alienate or embrace any particular group...its not prejudicial or biased. its one step that could prove anecdotal in that it will eliminate "old" identifiers and reminders such as what company you came from and focuses on giving respect to all emp's of the new airline from young to old, pilot to ramp, a true sign and recognition of everyone's value and committment to the success of the new entity. a system like this benefits everyone from least to greatest without one group feeling like they got totally "screwed" and re-interates that everyone is a valued employee of the new usair.
as far as the commuter issue i would be interested in knowing how much of my workforce depends on commuting, before i'd want to create a new boarding classification just to suit them. my first thought is that commuting is a choice made by the emp, therefore the company shouldn't have to accomodate someone who made the choice to commute. however, i do know there can be extenuating circumstances that could warrant a closer look. but again my initial inclination would be to do whats most fair for the majority, not give special rights that only serve a small minority.