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first come first served

Chances are those other 20 non-revs didn't have internet access either -- if so, then you need to become friends with their friends! 😉

Also, one way around this is to call someone with internet access and have them check you in (most cell phones work in the Caribbean, now, and even if there's a charge, it's a small price to pay to get at or near the top of the list) Sure, it's a pain and you'll have to step someone through the on-line check-in process if they don't work for LCC. If it's a good friend, I've even offered a buddy-pass in trade if they're not an employee...

......and THAT folks, about wraps up the HP mentality! "ME,ME,ME" " I can beat you at the game".

Not a fan of the 12 hour check in either - liked the old days when you checked in once you got to the airport. If you really wanted to go you got off your butt and went to the airport early.

This is a very big issue for many employees, EAST/WEST

East Employees as well as West Employees: fail to look at the others employees feelings and emotions on this issues.

East: It’s been done this way for xx years?

West: It’s not right just because they are bigger to change!

East employees feel that non revving is a RIGHT! It’s been done this way for xx amount of years and damn it its going to stay this way.

West employees: feel that everything that has worked during there years of employment is being run over due to arrogance and feelings of entitlement. It has created lots of resentment?

I have pass road on the seniority based system and FCFS.

People fail to forget that there are comprises. Its not right for a flight attendant or pilot to come up on the aircraft and push you off the jumpseat less than a hour due to (they were lazy or got in late.)

Yes, some of the pilots/flight attendants and other workers have had to “workâ€￾ longer due to pensions being slashed otherwise they would have given up the reins a long time ago. However, they are trying to make ends meet due to some nasty old management teams. Its not right and not fair but one day there “dayâ€￾ will come.

Personally: I think it should be a hour: prior goes seniority on jumpseating and less than a hour FCFS…

Also commuters should go at a priority higher than others from “ONLYâ€￾ there personal address to there base/or station of work employment. After base closures on both sides and base re-deployment such as: CMH, PIT, BWI, etc…
Some will say: they chose to move; nope it’s just not right. The company failed to provide them with the rules and polices that they started with.

It’s not right for a employee to use there seniority to push others off flights just because they have worked for the airline for xx years. Especially when the younger workers are trying to enjoy there vacation or trying to get to see family and friends.

People are going to look at what’s best for “MEâ€￾ and fail to come to a common ground. It’s not right for the EAST to change just as much as it’s not right for the WEST to change. However, both sides are not willing to compromise.

If they would only compromise… and not feel like its “ME/ME/MEâ€￾

It’s not right for a employee to use there seniority to push others off flights just because they have worked for the airline for xx years. Especially when the younger workers are trying to enjoy there vacation or trying to get to see family and friends.

Why not, these people have invested years and years living by these rules. Now every newbie wants to have it their way because working and waiting for something that's earned is such a "70's" concept!
Not a fan of the 12 hour check in either - liked the old days when you checked in once you got to the airport. If you really wanted to go you got off your butt and went to the airport early.

Does AA have the 12 hour check in or only at airport?

at AA, checkin starts 4hrs prior to scheduled departure. it can be done at the airport or online. there are five major classifications of travel...D1,D2,D2p,D3,ZED. D1, each emp only gets 4 per year, and is highest priority. D2 is standard for all emp's and their significant other. D2p is specifically for emp's parents traveling without the emp and is lower than D2. Parents become D2 when traveling with the emp. D3 is our form of buddy passes, given to whomever is listed in emp's companion travel list, of which your allowed to list 12 names for one given year. ZED is for emp's of other airlines.

is AA's system perfect? NOT!!! but i do believe it is the best system because is doesn't put any single emp at an incumbant advantage or disadvantage. travel is something provided for by the COMPANY one works for, for all emp's. it's not something bargained for like work rules, shifts, vacations etc. therefore its a privelege and not an entitlement to be SHARED by everyone. i think fcfs is a better representation of equality. especially under the current circumstances at usair with so much infighting and disagreements. each emp would know every time they attempted to get on a flight they would have just as much of an opportunity as their fellow co-workers. from an integration standpoint i think fcfs will work better because it doesnt overtly alienate or embrace any particular group...its not prejudicial or biased. its one step that could prove anecdotal in that it will eliminate "old" identifiers and reminders such as what company you came from and focuses on giving respect to all emp's of the new airline from young to old, pilot to ramp, a true sign and recognition of everyone's value and committment to the success of the new entity. a system like this benefits everyone from least to greatest without one group feeling like they got totally "screwed" and re-interates that everyone is a valued employee of the new usair.

as far as the commuter issue i would be interested in knowing how much of my workforce depends on commuting, before i'd want to create a new boarding classification just to suit them. my first thought is that commuting is a choice made by the emp, therefore the company shouldn't have to accomodate someone who made the choice to commute. however, i do know there can be extenuating circumstances that could warrant a closer look. but again my initial inclination would be to do whats most fair for the majority, not give special rights that only serve a small minority.
I've had the opportunity to fly often on Hp metal and experience the FCFS system they use. First, WOW, I've had such a consistant positive experience with all employees. They are wonderful at AWA on the ground and in the air. On first come first serve...your able to list 12 hours prior and know that you have saved a spot for yourself and family, ok. Your number one. Your trip goes from point A to PHX then on to point B your final destination. (of course this is a connection issue) You woke up at 2:30 am to secure your #1 position. Your bumped off the first segment due to a full load. Here in lies the problem. Your automatically dropped off the whole segment and lose you spot down line. Even if the next flight gets you into to PHX with time to get the original second leg, you've lost your spot period. This sucks. Twice I woke up early to be bumped off the first flight. I rode jumpseat(first leg) to find that once I'd gotten to my second leg (PHX) I'd been dropped of the whole segmant and lost my SA1 status.

I was told the system doesn't allow for the originating agents to manually override this set up. What good is this if you can't roll it over?
Native SHARES does allow an overide. It has to be entered prior to closing of the flight. I don't know if they can do it with Qwik. The response for the native entry was "downline flights protected"

The agents are also supposed to roll the standby list to the next flight, and your check-in time is supposed to role over as well. If the standby list is "nurtured" your time of checkin is protected. If the agents are rushed to close the flight and move to their next gate, a lot of short cuts are taken. Revs are always loosing entire records to NO SHOW status because the agent did not protect them, or go showed them on. Then a supervisor has to force them on for the conx or returns.

This has been going on for 24 years. Welcome to HP.
Hey, does anyone know for sure, is Delta non-revving by seniority??? If so, then AWA people that have been through thick and thin and held firm and loyal are really going to get the short end of the stick...
Pass type then seniority.
Pass type:
PS (Deadheading crew) would get on before S1 (Company business-positive space)
S2 (Vacation pass) would get on before S3 (Pleasure travel).

S3 pass riders would be ordered by seniority as long as they were all listed prior to 1 hour before boarding.
Most of the problems surrounding FCFS and mismanagement of the standby list are from poor training. A lot of the training is trial by fire OJT. In the days of Cross Utilization, I don't know how many people I incorrectly unseated, or dupe seated because the multiple names list was not explained thoroughly. It took forever to get the hang of.
We will live with the outcome no matter what it is is. The question is: When are they making the decision and when will it be implemented? Will they wait for D day? (Delta Decision Day) If they make the final decision at least we can make plans to deal with it. It its Seniority fine and if its FCFS maybe we can make sure agents are trained and we are informed so airport problems are minimized. Regards,Mama
I don't see anyone mentioning this.. If you list for a west flight and arrive and get bumped, you automatically roll over to the next outgoing flight with the highest priority because in essense, you checked in way before the other non-revers.

Now, I'm not saying anything about connecting flights, it works nicely for flying nonstop flights to STL or another place we fly to.

So, it isn't all bad! Yes, my brother-in-law got bumped at the last minute because someone higher on priority showed up. Why #### and complain, we get it as a benefit for working at an airline, it's not a right. They could decide that the industry no longer can support NONREVing and take it away! Wouldn't that suck???
What happens to those that are flying (WORKING) European flights, or Red Eyes, and haven't access to computers or phone lines so they CAN list themselves, FCFS, for their return flights home? As it stands now, seniority allows people to list on a flight home before they even leave the States. I am sorry but I think that is a huge discrepency in the FCFS policy, It doesn't allow for a level playing field like it says it does.

Just a couple more thoughts.
Exactly. FCFS can't possibly be fair if there is unequal access for whatever reason.
at AA, checkin starts 4hrs prior to scheduled departure. it can be done at the airport or online. there are five major classifications of travel...D1,D2,D2p,D3,ZED. D1, each emp only gets 4 per year, and is highest priority. D2 is standard for all emp's and their significant other. D2p is specifically for emp's parents traveling without the emp and is lower than D2. Parents become D2 when traveling with the emp. D3 is our form of buddy passes, given to whomever is listed in emp's companion travel list, of which your allowed to list 12 names for one given year. ZED is for emp's of other airlines.

is AA's system perfect? NOT!!! but i do believe it is the best system because is doesn't put any single emp at an incumbant advantage or disadvantage. travel is something provided for by the COMPANY one works for, for all emp's. it's not something bargained for like work rules, shifts, vacations etc. therefore its a privelege and not an entitlement to be SHARED by everyone. i think fcfs is a better representation of equality. especially under the current circumstances at usair with so much infighting and disagreements. each emp would know every time they attempted to get on a flight they would have just as much of an opportunity as their fellow co-workers. from an integration standpoint i think fcfs will work better because it doesnt overtly alienate or embrace any particular group...its not prejudicial or biased. its one step that could prove anecdotal in that it will eliminate "old" identifiers and reminders such as what company you came from and focuses on giving respect to all emp's of the new airline from young to old, pilot to ramp, a true sign and recognition of everyone's value and committment to the success of the new entity. a system like this benefits everyone from least to greatest without one group feeling like they got totally "screwed" and re-interates that everyone is a valued employee of the new usair.

as far as the commuter issue i would be interested in knowing how much of my workforce depends on commuting, before i'd want to create a new boarding classification just to suit them. my first thought is that commuting is a choice made by the emp, therefore the company shouldn't have to accomodate someone who made the choice to commute. however, i do know there can be extenuating circumstances that could warrant a closer look. but again my initial inclination would be to do whats most fair for the majority, not give special rights that only serve a small minority.

Probably one of the more informative posts I've read on here in awhile. Thanks for the insight.

Bottom line is when this is all said and done there will ALWAYS be someone who is not happy. My feeling is they will probably come up with some sort on integrated system with seniority and FCFS. Think about it, if they were going to go strictly with one or the other, they would have told us the decision long ago. There would be no benefit in keeping that a secret. It's not like the merger would fail because of the non-rev policy.

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