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firings in LGA

AANYER said:
La Li Lu Le Lo, you are Clueless in America,
I've worked midnights for 27 years on the line as an AMT.  Moreover, I've worked the last several years as a CC.  I've always been thought to get the work done and then take your breaks, that's how we do it in NY, thats what we do.  First, we bust our butts for the first four to five hours. Second, we take our combined breaks. Third, after break, we prep the aircraft and put it back into normal configuration. This can take significant time as it requires making sure that all flight control lockouts are removed and all circuit breakers are reset and all engine compartments are properly closed and latched. Fourth, the first wave of paperwork is reviewed by the Crew Chief to ensure that the work has been accomplished as planed.  Fifth, two qualified technicians assume their positions in the Cockpit to perform the engine runs.  Sixth, the Aircraft has to be properly de-hangered, at LGA let's just say, it's not simply. Seventh, the ground crew in close communication with the cockpit crew perform the required system and leak checks as required. If everything goes well, I review the remainder of the work package, and perform the awesome responsibility of releasing the Aircraft for flight.  Finally, we deliver the Aircraft to the gate feeling proud that we've done another excellent job for the people who pay our salaries.
The reason why I've gone through this exercise is to say, If I have someone who is working on the Aircraft all night, generally, that's not going to be good for the customers.  It usually means something is broken and the Aircraft is probably not making it out on time due to a huge problem.  Moreover, parts not available in the system is usually the reason for 99% of the delays.  I would rather have my guys "cruise home after a home run than have a photo finish each night".  That's just to much pressure for me let alone the manager who's going to get his ass handed to him.
The men who work the midnight shift also have lives after work.  This may mean getting home just in time to get your children ready for school and getting them to class on time in the morning.  This also means picking them up early in the afternoon and performing the required help with their homework.  Some of us also have to shuttle our kids off to after school activities.  We also have to ensure that they have meals and are ready for school the next day.  If you don't know what this is called "it's called being a parent".  Finally, like myself, some of these men are caregivers to their elder parents who can no longer care for themselves.  I'm sure you wouldn't understand, it appears that all your time is dedicated to being on the wrong side of each one of these threads in all of the forums.
The LGA guys had their hearing and all three will be back to work.  Once again, these are good men.  These men had a good tract record and we are happy that management made the appropriate decision.
Glad to hear it, and spot on with your post. Lala blames it on the liberals, typical. No one is capable of thinking for themselves, unless they agree with him.
I am  glad to hear the guy's got their jobs back, the street fucking sucks!
I especially happy for them for the fact that they wont have to look in there kids in the eye and explain why they cant find a decent Job. I can Handle my Wife but My Kids man it just sucks!
Personally ya Im Jealous this will be Year 3 for me out on street unemployed and again this year sorry Boy but no no Xmass again for us this year its all I can do to pay the mortgage. 
Parker has 2 DUI's?
Gary Yengst drunk cusses out Pilots?
6 Guys sleeping
All Have Jobs 
D. Barnett 482808
Tinker.. have you talked to that labor attorney that represented that guy at Alliance a few years ago... I can't remember his name but from what I've read, he's extremely thorough and forceful.. I believe he's out of the east coast..
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Not the wrong side, just the unpopular one. This forum is overran with liberals. The attitudes you see on here are the result of years of propaganda.
Good, hopefully they learned something. 
Hope they learned something?  Really?   Man you are freakin clueless.  You don't have any of the facts of what went on and you STILL claim it's their fault after they were all brought back.  Your posting should read more like, "I hope the company and the general public actually learned something."    <<< (include yourself in this group as well)
          Glad to hear their return to work, thx for the update.  Sounds like you guys have an excellent crew up there, keep up the good work.  Most people do not understand nor will they ever understand what 3rd shift or graveyard workers go thru every single day, and none of the examples you have givin above include anything like an emergency that pops up out of nowhere (something small like heaters going out in house) (child hurt and has to rushed to ER for hours upon hours)  both of these takes time from your sleep habits to recoup for the nightly work coming upon you.   And alot of foreman never understand why these guys are always taking a single day off here and there, 95%  of the time is due to no freakin sleep due to unforeseen events in a mans personal life.   Great to hear they are all back at work...
Rogallo said:
27 years on midnights. Wow!  Why?
Me, I got off that crappy shift asap!
Believe it or not there are some that prefer and some that need to work midnights.
6 fired for sleeping and they all got back before going to Arbitration?
A Manager is overriding firing supervisor is all this is probably lack of second witness, photos or some other lack of evidence.
I am Happy for them Merry Xmass Guys
Rogallo said:
27 years on midnights. Wow!  Why?
Me, I got off that crappy shift asap!
I don't know about AA but weekend crew midnights in the hangar at Delta is where it is at. 3 days a week work and very little management around.
I don't get why anyone wouldn't want a shift like that. (of course, I have zero issues sleeping at any point of the day even if the sun is right in my window so maybe thats why i can handle it.) 
topDawg said:
 (of course, I have zero issues sleeping at any point of the day even if the sun is right in my window so maybe thats why i can handle it.) 
You are definitely one of the lucky ones.
I kinda like sleeping with my wife more then my co-workers!!!!
topDawg said:
I don't know about AA but weekend crew midnights in the hangar at Delta is where it is at. 3 days a week work and very little management around.
I don't get why anyone wouldn't want a shift like that. (of course, I have zero issues sleeping at any point of the day even if the sun is right in my window so maybe thats why i can handle it.) 
Exactly, though in my case, my better half made some of the best blackout curtains I've ever seen...
swamt said:
Hope they learned something?  Really?   Man you are freakin clueless.  You don't have any of the facts of what went on and you STILL claim it's their fault after they were all brought back.  Your posting should read more like, "I hope the company and the general public actually learned something."    <<< (include yourself in this group as well)
I know you may not believe this but, in the real world if you get caught sleeping on the job you get fired. I know that concept is almost inconceivable to someone who lives in TWU fantasy land.
When I said "Good hopefully they learned something" I was not talking about them sleeping anyway. I honestly could care less about that. What I was saying is I hope they learned they better think twice about taking advantage of people and expecting the "paying dues" philosophy they have pushed in the past to keep them protected. The younger generation is not career minded and a large number of them could care less about a long term reputation. If they think you are screwing them over they are going to do whatever it takes to "get back" at you. 
You and I were raised with the philosophy that professional reputation is everything, it defines us to our peers. This new generation sees every job as temporary and could care less about reputation. They are only interested in "now". I am not saying all of Gen Y is that way but, it is definitely a growing trend.
Sorry if the truth is too scary for you.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
When I said "Good hopefully they learned something" I was not talking about them sleeping anyway. I honestly could care less about that. What I was saying is I hope they learned they better think twice about taking advantage of people and expecting the "paying dues" philosophy they have pushed in the past to keep them protected. The younger generation is not career minded and a large number of them could care less about a long term reputation. If they think you are screwing them over they are going to do whatever it takes to "get back" at you. 
Sorry if the truth is too scary for you.
And you still have absolutely no clue as to what actually happened on that night.

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