And Delle laughed all the way to the bank with his $500K annuity that only he will ever get since the language was removed after he got it. All those jobs outsourced resulting in 80% of their members losing their jobs so that the other 20% can get $5 an hour more. That's the AMFA way!
Ken, if that's what happens I'm fine with that. You and me both have more than 25 years seniority so we will reap the benefits. Make sure you buy the lower seniority guys that lose their jobs a cup of coffee at least.
And Ken, you sure loved it when those appointed union reps argued for more slots in DFW so you could move with your family from SAN. Go back to your heavy coffee maker changes and then you have a nap to take soon don't you?
Take your sorry ### guilt trips and shove em! You don't know squat about the AMFA. Funny how you don't mention anything about Delle's lean years. He put the time in, even when everything looked bad. He fought the good fight. I don't have a problem with what he got - at least he earned it. BTW, I had a brother at NWA during the AMFA strike there, so don't try and BS me on what happened there either!