It seemed from your postings that you had concluded that AFA is corrupt, in bed with management, and that all the money you pay in dues is being wasted. Perhaps I misunderstood.
Nope. I haven't worked for an airline or a union for a while now. But I used to. And I got sick of people who cry and piss and moan all the time about how terrible their representation was, yet wouldn't lift a finger to do anything about it. They wouldn't even take a moment to learn how things work and what was really going on in their union (let alone actually volunteering or running for office) or at their airline. Instead, they were guided by jumpseat rumors and by jumping to conclusions based on totally or partially wrong information, combined with a total lack of understanding about how things work.
Nah, I doubt it. You strike me as a chronic complainer, not a do-er or a leader.
The problem with these forums is that they are nameless and faceless. That is probably good for you and your buddy Sharktooth. Both of you seem well equipped at attacking others for no apparent reason, yet neither one of you will claim any connection to the union or USAirways management. It appears that some have indicated that Sharktooth is a pilot or at least related to a USAirways F/A. You, one the other hand, claim that you used to work for an airline, which implies you either quit or got fired, but are okay because, as you say, got sick of people who cry and piss and moan..." Yet you continually read and post often about the same people that you criticize and indicate you are glad to be away from! Either you are a sadistic moron or just a plain liar or both.
Now, if you don't mind, rather than making subjective and personal attacks, how about commenting on the issue of how the company and the union knew about this FAR 121.467 quite some time ago and did nothing about it. You accuse me of being, "a cronic complainer, not a do-er or a leader.", which tells me how little you know about me.
It seems funny and looks rather suspicious that the company and the Union are only now addressing this F.A.R. when it was brought to their attention months ago. Why do you think that is? Have you taken the time to read the FAR now that it is out in the open. The Regulation is quite clear on the issue of 24/7. I am 'baffled' how the Company interpreted this FAR and the Union did nothing about it, knowing that reserves were continuously complaining about this very issue. So, which FAR do you want to ignore next? The Safety Demo? How about the cabin walk through prior to arrival. God forbid someone has their seat back not in the full upright position for landing.
Your life, unlike mine and hundreds of other Reserves, may not be affected by the lack of enforcement of this FAR. Personally, I am glad that the FAA has come knocking on USAirways door. If you sat 14 days on duty, you would be glad, too!
I understand that it will have an affect on the use of the ETB. But this is a safety issue. A rest requirement. After being on call everyday for 2 weeks, flying intermittently with often only a 10:15 break in base, I, like many others are fatigued.
This should be an important safety issue for not only the Pilots, but the Flight Attendants as well!
My suggestion to you...If all this annoyed you in the first place, and was the apparent reason for your leaving, perhaps you need a hobby to occupy your time away from all this airline banter.
Good Night !