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F/A's interest in the pilot's discussion

Wow...it's a wonder we were not at the same table.

You have just described my childhood to a degree. And oh, yes, the unions were an issue.
So...yes...It's okay to talk to my dad about security issues. He worked in a vault for years....to prevent the Russians from scanning the info he was working on.

You mentioned something about hate. I don't hate east f/a's or pilots. I hate the association that does not represent my interests.

I'm glad we have similar backgrounds. It builds character. I grew up never worrying about money. I had the silver spoon. I told my father at age 15 I wanted to be a pilot. He said, get a job and pay for the lessons. I did, bagged groceries and mowed lawns while hating him.

I earned my pilot's license on my 17th birthday.

You know, I love the man now for building character.
Nuff said.....
I'm not sure what all the fuss is with F/A info, other than just sticking up for East pilots and I didn't think the me-too clause covered that. Do you really think that AOL is interested in your name and address? If so, why?



This isn't about sticking up for the East Pilot's.

When we found out about this...we had to find out whether or not they had culled our info as well. Pure and simple. It's taken some time to get it.

But be that as may.....no one is allowed to go into the personnel files willy-nilly for their own personal reasons. And that's what has happened here. Wrong...wrong...wrong.

I'm astounded that you of all people doesn't get that.

If you get right down to it.....this is about our whole company. This is my company.....and they should be honest and keep my info secure. And somehow......someone either hoo-dooed, bullied or paid off someone into breaching security procedures.
You mentioned something about hate. I don't hate east f/a's or pilots. I hate the association that does not represent my interests.

I'm glad we have similar backgrounds. It builds character. I grew up never worrying about money. I had the silver spoon. I told my father at age 15 I wanted to be a pilot. He said, get a job and pay for the lessons. I did, bagged groceries and mowed lawns while hating him.

I earned my pilot's license on my 17th birthday.

You know, I love the man now for building character.
Nuff said.....

Oh my heavens! My dad was the same way.....I think I was burned at him for stuff until I was 20. Lord...he would make me change the tires on the car just so he could say......you will not be helpless out on the road. And I'd go and change those tires.....madder than a wet hen...because if I didn't I wouldn't get the keys. I'd look at mom and she'd shake her head and say.....my girls will be able to take care of themselves. Depend on no one. And that was that.

So,yes character building was in my family too. And I can swing a tire tool. 🙂
But be that as may.....no one is allowed to go into the personnel files willy-nilly for their own personal reasons. And that's what has happened here. Wrong...wrong...wrong.

I'm astounded that you of all people doesn't get that.

I could understand if that's what happened, but it wasn't. As I understand it, AOL asked an assistant chief pilot (AKA management) for a mailing list and the assistant chief pilot (AKA management) gave them one. There is no evidence at this point that I've seen that suggests that anyone went "willy-nilly" through any personnel files. There is no evidence so far that suggests that any of the involved people had any idea that there were hidden and truncated SS# in that file.

Let me ask you this: prior to the representation election, I received both emails and snail mail from Bradford and group. Do you think they went "willy-nilly" through personnel files, especially FA/s files? Should I have been upset and called the FBI, the company, the union (ALPA at the time) with accusations of stolen personal data? Should the AFA be keeping an eye on USAPA?

I could understand if that's what happened, but it wasn't. As I understand it, AOL asked an assistant chief pilot (AKA management) for a mailing list and the assistant chief pilot (AKA management) gave them one. There is no evidence at this point that I've seen that suggests that anyone went "willy-nilly" through any personnel files. There is no evidence so far that suggests that any of the involved people had any idea that there were hidden and truncated SS# in that file.

Let me ask you this: prior to the representation election, I received both emails and snail mail from Bradford and group. Do you think they went "willy-nilly" through personnel files, especially FA/s files? Should I have been upset and called the FBI, the company, the union (ALPA at the time) with accusations of stolen personal data? Should the AFA be keeping an eye on USAPA?



I don't know anything about the election. Nothing..zip...nada.Take it up with your fellow pilots.

As for the willy nilly....thru personnel files via catcrew....AFA is satisfied at this time that our files weren't violated. But after this....we're keeping an eye out there.

I don't know anything about the election. Nothing..zip...nada.Take it up with your fellow pilots.

As for the willy nilly....thru personnel files via catcrew....AFA is satisfied at this time that our files weren't violated. But after this....we're keeping an eye out there.

You do understand that the AOL people didn't access CATCREW any more than any crewmember can? they didn't go "willy-nilly" through anyone's CATCREW information based on what's known now. Apparently they made a request for a mailing list and the ass't chief pilot gave it to them? If you ask you supervisor for info and he/she gives it to you, do you go through the company ethics manual with a fine-toothed comb to see if it was a violation of company policy for you to get that info?

As far as knowing about the election it was more of a question - should I have started yelling about theft of personal information when I got those communications from Bradford and company? I have absolutely no idea how they got either my email or regular mail address. From an East merger committee member maybe - they got it from the company with full SS#? From an ass't chief pilot? From Bradford or one of his associates going "willy-nilly" through my CATCREW files? That's why I said that if you're worried about AOL you should be worried about USAPA too.

You mentioned something about hate. I don't hate east f/a's or pilots. I hate the association that does not represent my interests.

I'm glad we have similar backgrounds.

Oh my heavens! My dad was the same way.....I think I was burned at him for stuff until I was 20. Lord...he would make me change the tires on the car just so he could say......you will not be helpless out on the road. And I'd go and change those tires.....madder than a wet hen...because if I didn't I wouldn't get the keys. I'd look at mom and she'd shake her head and say.....my girls will be able to take care of themselves. Depend on no one. And that was that.

So,yes character building was in my family too. And I can swing a tire tool. 🙂
I'll say I think you are wrong about my motives but I am man enough to say that I may have pre-judged your father. It appears we have similar backgrounds.

Please accept my apologies. I'm being sincere.
I noticed a little pot stirring in the pilot's discussion by an f/a. To suggest that Leonidas is using f/a's info with criminal intentions is a disservice to f/a's who are not interested in stirring the pot. <_<
In all seriousness I haven't run into a pilot yet ,other than my Father-in-law, who gives a rat's a** what a F/A thinks.

So if you think this is the best tactic to engender warm and fuzzy feelings through CRM you may want to re-access who you should try convincing and forget the rest.

Keep your eyes on the prize and out the window.

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