ORD will have some as well.
In response to NBMCG:
John Ward was President and at the table during the RPA. Laura Glading was brought back in off the line.
If you really want to continue this whole TWA victim thing, please remember that the purchase of TWA, assuming over $3 Billion in debt, was a catalyst for the whole Restructuring, which was $1.6 Billion per year. That number is just the DEBT not all the other vast expenses. Had AA pulled out of the purchase, as they could have and should have, maybe, just maybe all of us wouldn't have had to give up so much of our pay, vacations, work rules and, yes, furlough pay and jobs.
And, just maybe, the rest of the industry wouldn't have had such a fast race to the bottom after AA set the pace.
Once upon a time, I had empathy. Not so much anymore. With all the undermining, backstabbing, trash talking, threats, lawsuits, union busting, you name it, that threaten every AA FAs contracts, for now and the future, my empathy has been burned up. Oddly, so many of those at the forefront of all of this are either no longer FAS or, in their own words, don't need to fly.
A union is about saving jobs, yes. But, it is also about protecting the quality of the job as well. Our quality has suffered tremendously at the cost of trying to preserve jobs.
"A union is about saving jobs, yes". And that is the crux of this matter. If APFA and it's flight attendants hadn't wanted to collect those many thousands of dollars of Union dues we paid as Union members, then perhaps you could walk away from this terribly tedious, and oh-so tiring subject. Sorry you're so fatigued....but then it's not your career on the line is it?
We paid to be members of YOUR Union. Get that? You insisted on it right from the start. We paid Monthly. Thousands and thousands of dues dollars, to be represented by the Union we were supporting with our dollars. So in regards to lawsuits, undermining, backstabbing (really....by whom?), trash talking (You bet....if you'd paid dues to be mis-represented or not represented you'd most likely be trash-talking also), and all the other items you list, your so-called Union owes the TWA flight attendants at least fairness and representation. Which hasn't been apparent up to this point.
If you're so tired of all of this, I'd suggest you catch up on your rest. There's a new possee in Washington...one that's just a tad disapproving of anti-Union behavior and y'all may have a day of reckoning yet.
Do you honestly believe that if we had done a date of hire seniority or a slotting of some kind that it would have been right that the FAs who would have been furloughed would have been all AA FAs? It is not their fault that AA made a very bad decision in the purchase of TWA.
In your scenario it breaks down to: AA buys TWA. TWA gets full seniority at AA. TWA debt and costs brings AA (along with other factors, no doubt) to the brink of bankruptcy. Because the TWA seniority it SO high, it is all AA employees who lose their jobs but the TWA employees keep those jobs. And that is morally right?
That is just one way that "unions" get such a bad reputation.