I'm sorry...is there a point to this? Is this back to the argument that unions are immune to blame b/c if they get a bad contract...it is mgmt's fault...if they get a good contract...it is mgmt's fault? I don't care about signed contracts...I am speaking of what the union demands to be on the contract before it is signed. For a group to threaten work stoppage or other disruptions in order to add a seniority list (that IN THIS INSTANCE doesn't make business sense and would only add tremendous costs to the company resulting to future concession needs...though the union would NEVER tie the two together) is idiotic. Seniority lists are meant to protect in instances where mgmt would try to show favoritism in recalling. When expanding internationally and in need of people that can speak the languages in the markets to which you fly, it isn't "favoritism" to want to hire those that can actually serve the pax. Hopefully you and BOB can escape your programmed minds long enough to see this.
Dude, take a friggin' "Chill Pill" !!
What ever NON union DL does to their F/A's, is OK with me, because they have chosen MAMY times over, to be NON UNION.
For the Unionized F/a's at other airlines, DO NOT FOR A SECOND, try to put a "SPIN" on this topic/my posts.
CONTRACTS are like dancing, "It takes two, to TANGO" !!
Nobody is puttin a "45" to managements "cranium" to "sign on the dotted line"
But once they do, well, "A deal is a deal" !
Like your mortgage(If you have one)
If you "put pen to paper", and agreed to pay the Bank, 6.00% for 30 years, DO NOT come crying to me, if they refuse to let you refinance(for whatever reason)
Back to Contracts.
Management, is free "to Suggest" to the Union, that they would like a potential new side letter(an Addendum if you will) to be placed into the Contract, via a vote put to the members! (Remember your Bank Loan officer) !!
BUT, if the members vote NO, or do NOT allow a vote, just simply go back home, and make sure your "check" is sent in on time" !!!!!!
It's NOT ROCKET SCIENCE !!!!!!!!!!