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F/A Domestic Transfers to be pulled 13DEC


Did the tranfer results end up in your favor? How did "Ms. I don't like the base chair" end up?

Looks like Jim held it easy.... ended up transferring 86 people in, the most junior being seniority 15867

Congrats to everyone that is finally back where they belong!
S80dude is correct. I am pleased to report that effective 31JAN11, I shall once again be a DFW flight attendant. Gee, it only took me 6 years and 2.5 months of commuting to get back! :lol:

Thanks for all your good wishes. And, I would be remiss if I did not add that I shall miss STL a lot. Being in a small base really makes you more of a family because you see and fly with the same people often. And, the management at STL is wonderful.

That being said, I shall not at all miss the commute.
S80dude is correct. I am pleased to report that effective 31JAN11, I shall once again be a DFW flight attendant. Gee, it only took me 6 years and 2.5 months of commuting to get back! :lol:

Thanks for all your good wishes. And, I would be remiss if I did not add that I shall miss STL a lot. Being in a small base really makes you more of a family because you see and fly with the same people often. And, the management at STL is wonderful.

That being said, I shall not at all miss the commute.
Then tell us how great it is to push that galley cart... up and down....
????? If pushing the galley cart up and down the aisle bothered me, I wouldn't be a flight attendant. But then, I work in F/C most of the time, and the carts are not used in the aisle in F/C--well, not on my flights anyway. 😱
Congrats on going back to TX. Did your petulant base chair get transferred, too?
It isn't the base chair who is the petulant child. It was a senior f/a at STL who was offended by the base chair "trying to tell her what to do." The petulant f/a wisely removed her name from the list before the transfers were pulled. Evidently someone clued her in that she can only refuse 1 transfer in 90 days, and she's already had that one.

Once she transfers out of STL, she can't transfer back. The company has already said there will be no transfers to STL other than domestic mutual transfers.
Congrats on getting back, Jim. Commuting sucks.

Sixteen of my fellow Dec 17 recallees got MIA in this round of transfers as well. Regular positions, not as speakers.

And Mark, welcome back to you and all the former TWs! I talked with several in Ops in STL yesterday when they came in to pick up their parking decals. Other than STL, I think the whole system is going to be open to all of you in short order. I heard through the grapevine that they are making every effort to clear the DFW transfer list. According to one of my sources, there will be another transfer to DFW pulled within the next two weeks--also to be effective 31JAN11.

I also heard a rumor that f/as with Flight Academy instruction experience are being polled to find out their interest in coming back to the Academy to teach new-hire classes! If true, that means they intend to clear the furlough list asap. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
And Mark, welcome back to you and all the former TWs! I talked with several in Ops in STL yesterday when they came in to pick up their parking decals. Other than STL, I think the whole system is going to be open to all of you in short order. I heard through the grapevine that they are making every effort to clear the DFW transfer list. According to one of my sources, there will be another transfer to DFW pulled within the next two weeks--also to be effective 31JAN11.

I also heard a rumor that f/as with Flight Academy instruction experience are being polled to find out their interest in coming back to the Academy to teach new-hire classes! If true, that means they intend to clear the furlough list asap. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Congratulations Jim! Don't think this is going to get you out of your 4th Thurs. in November tradition. The Harrs send their best (and congratulations)
S80dude is correct. I am pleased to report that effective 31JAN11, I shall once again be a DFW flight attendant. Gee, it only took me 6 years and 2.5 months of commuting to get back! :lol:

Thanks for all your good wishes. And, I would be remiss if I did not add that I shall miss STL a lot. Being in a small base really makes you more of a family because you see and fly with the same people often. And, the management at STL is wonderful.

That being said, I shall not at all miss the commute.

Congratulations Jim. I'm glad you are finally home. I took the transfer to Miami. I am down in Miami now looking for a place to live.