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F/A Crew Scheduling Strikes Again

Hmmm. I thought it was the unions that I despised. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Since all my posts show hatred for FA's, can you please point out one post on this thread or in the 1600 sk list thread where I show hatred and bitterness?

[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='559692' date='Jan 9 2008, 08:59 AM']Between you and your buddy Garfy, I don't know who the bigger DH is?[/quote]

I am pretty sure it's me.

[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='559692' date='Jan 1 2008, 10:05 PM']Here is the deal for the last 5 days:

1. Yes, you must answer your phone if CS calls you. If you don't your GUAR will not be protected. You can call back and see if they have anything and then take it. Then YOU WILL BE PAY PROTECTED.

2. You don't have to accept a trip greater in time or days then your original trip. If CS only has a trip greater in time and days then your original and you say no, YOU ARE PAY PROTECTED!

3. If CS calls you with a trip that will make you illegal for your next trip, you don't have to accept it. A MU trip to protect your GUAR can't cause a legality for your next trip. You are still PAY PROTECTED if you say no to a trip that causes such a legality.[/quote]

Still does not make you right about any o this stuff. :lol:
I am pretty sure it's me.

Still does not make you right about any o this stuff. :lol:

1. I agree 110% that's probably you.

2. I think you should take that blue book, the thin blue book and the white bs book, on your desk and read them all over again.
Please see post #18 of this thread and tell me what part of the contract supports your theory.

Questions to answer.

1. where does it say seq protection will be reinstated?
2. Where does it say you do not have to pick up a trip larger than the one you lost? (hint 4B)
3. where does it say that you do not have to pick up a trip that makes you illegal for a trip in the next month?

Remember, the rules are different for the lat 5 day of the month. Also, remember that the current month always takes precedence over the next month (this is a hint for question 4).
Since all my posts show hatred for FA's, can you please point out one post on this thread or in the 1600 sk list thread where I show hatred and bitterness?

Sure, no prob. Except I'll point out more than one post:

All the threads where you refer to F/As as "bombing in" sick. I don't think I have ever seen you use the term "call in" sick or something similarly neutral and non-judgmental. With you, it is always "bombing in." This, to me, implies you initially assume every F/A sick call is bogus, that F/As who call in sick are faking it and are only doing it to screw the company and make your life more difficult.

This simplistic and automatic characterization of what at least sometimes are surely legitimate sick calls indicates hatred and bitterness. Or at the very very least, a lack of basic respect for your co-workers.
Sure, no prob. Except I'll point out more than one post:

All the threads where you refer to F/As as "bombing in" sick. I don't think I have ever seen you use the term "call in" sick or something similarly neutral and non-judgmental. With you, it is always "bombing in." This, to me, implies you initially assume every F/A sick call is bogus, that F/As who call in sick are faking it and are only doing it to screw the company and make your life more difficult.

This simplistic and automatic characterization of what at least sometimes are surely legitimate sick calls indicates hatred and bitterness. Or at the very very least, a lack of basic respect for your co-workers.

Nah. if you read more of my posts you will find that I assume that about 50% are not sick (there was a study several years back that came to the same conclusion nation wide. I wish I could find it again) and that during the holidays the percentage increases. The only time I address te sick list is during the holidays when a majority of the people on the sick list are not sick. So if that is your basis for saying I have a negative attitude for FA's then I would have to agree. But I would have to qualify it by saying the attitude is toward those who bomb in sick during that time frame. Those who show up for work and do their job are not in tat category.

BTW, if I am so filled with hate and bitterness, why am I bothering to try and explain what the process is for last 5 days flying? Why did I explain why certain aspects of the contract idea were good while other were not? Why would I even care? Why would Op or my self even bother to hunt down paperwork from the 30th and try and piece together what happened when no one wants an answer that explains why what happened was by the book? Like we did to have better things to do.
BTW, if I am so filled with hate and bitterness, why am I bothering to try and explain what the process is for last 5 days flying? Why did I explain why certain aspects of the contract idea were good while other were not? Why would I even care? Why would Op or my self even bother to hunt down paperwork from the 30th and try and piece together what happened when no one wants an answer that explains why what happened was by the book? Like we did to have better things to do.
You do all that to put your spin on things -- that you and the scheduling dep't are always right and F/As are always wrong -- to keep someone from getting the audacious idea that even once in a while it might be the other way around.

IMHO, of course.
You do all that to put your spin on things -- that you and the scheduling dep't are always right and F/As are always wrong -- to keep someone from getting the audacious idea that even once in a while it might be the other way around.

IMHO, of course.

Ahh darn, you discovered my sinister plot.

Please show me where anything I said deviates from the portion of the contract mentioned in post 18.

And just for the record, Crew Skd screws up on a regular basis. Sometimes we can fix it, sometimes we cannot. Never meant to imply that i had any impression that we were flawless. Ohh and I'll let you in on a little secret..... I have been pay claimed successfully a few times in the nearly 10 years I have been in Crew Skd ...........Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! :shock: