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Extension of CARES act less likely

from what i heard the other day, mia is a total $hit$how regarding transfers and layoffs. dozens and dozens of grievances already filed.

i heard FSC are getting laid off after selecting clt for a transfer - while FSC with less time are getting clt transfers.
Speaking of MIA... last Thurs I had heard from a Miami based ramp who was flying thru say some 300 FT are going down to PT
well, the airline execs. and unions met with pelosi on friday. so, next week is do-or-die week.

pelosi is on the record as rejecting any clean stimulus bills. only her all inclusive bill or nothing.

she said that and then attempted to pass a clean post office bail-out bill. hmmm..

ok. trump is on record saying he has no problem with a clean airline bill from pelosi. i'd say it's all on pelosi and the democrats now.

It's always been on Pelosi and the Dems. She has and still does not budge an inch as the Reps have moved twice now. "SHE" refuses to move, therefore "SHE" is the cause of all this delay and possibly the cause of it going by the waste side and ruining thousands upon thousands of peoples lives. All the job losses coming will be solely on her hands with some blame also towards all the Dems.
The way the two political sides are going at it I don't see a deal this week. Hope I'm wrong. With Ginsberg passing away another large fight on the horizon. Wish the election was over, and maybe they will be more apt to negotiate. Maybe not.

well, white house spokesman meadows said it best - $25 billion is a lot of money, but when compared to pelosi's $2.7-$3 trillion demand, it's a small sum to directly save tens of thousands of jobs and the president wants to save these jobs, along with the airlines.
Many of you are just looking for a reason to hate on Pelosi, but it is mcconnell who is standing in the way of more airline aid. Yes, he did make a counteroffer after Pelosi did, but it was for less than his first offer. He called it a skinny stimulus or something. Sounds more like a diet he should be on than a stimulus package he should pass. Amazing how more airline aid has enough votes with nearly all Senate Democrats and a few republicans, like Cornyn in Texas supporting it, but mitch still won't allow a vote. It's not Pelosi, and it's not even trump which surprises me, it's mitch.

Many of you are just looking for a reason to hate on Pelosi, but it is mcconnell who is standing in the way of more airline aid. Yes, he did make a counteroffer after Pelosi did, but it was for less than his first offer. He called it a skinny stimulus or something. Sounds more like a diet he should be on than a stimulus package he should pass. Amazing how more airline aid has enough votes with nearly all Senate Democrats and a few republicans, like Cornyn in Texas supporting it, but mitch still won't allow a vote. It's not Pelosi, and it's not even trump which surprises me, it's mitch.

Sorry but Pelosi was asking somewhere around 2 trillion in aid to help out the cities that were burned down and looted. She doesn't care because she won't miss a paycheck just like all politicians in Washington. It never affects them.
They are worried only about their political parties agenda. Both parties.
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Sorry but Pelosi was asking somewhere around 2 trillion in aid to help out the cities that were burneddown and looted
She could have helped by pressuring her party not to encourage and organize destruction.

She could have chosen not to pander to BLM and ANTIFA.

Those cities could have avoided a lot of the destruction had the politicians not been hamstringing the police and keeping them from enforcing law.

Funny how leftist "help" always comes with debt and an eventual tax increase (especially when THEY created the problem in the first place).

I say screw them. If those people choose to live in a leftist cesspool and act like a bunch of anarchist let them live with the consequences. Let them live in the filth they created. I don't see the country as a whole going into trillions in debt to clean up the mess of blue state scum.

Reap what you sow you socialist bastards.
As we head into the final full week left with only 3 days after this week, time is passing. No matter what side is at fault, if they allow this crap to fail people will get removed at election time. We will all be able to figure out WHO and of course WHY they allowed it to fail when it's all done and over with. And if it does come down to any Republican that is at fault, they too will be removed from their seats, Americans will no longer stand for their gamenships being played at the expense of the taxpayers working class. Now get your a$$es (both sides) back to the table and get a deal done because will end up affecting 10 million or more thru-out the trickle effect...

Many of you are just looking for a reason to hate on Pelosi, but it is mcconnell who is standing in the way of more airline aid. Yes, he did make a counteroffer after Pelosi did, but it was for less than his first offer. He called it a skinny stimulus or something. Sounds more like a diet he should be on than a stimulus package he should pass. Amazing how more airline aid has enough votes with nearly all Senate Democrats and a few republicans, like Cornyn in Texas supporting it, but mitch still won't allow a vote. It's not Pelosi, and it's not even trump which surprises me, it's mitch.


Nice try to deflect there. If, as you say, it's McConnell holding things up, then why didn't ALL the airline CEO's set meetings with him? Because he is not the hold up, it's Pelosi and crew who is holding things up REFUSING to move off her crazy a$$ demands, hence why ALL the CEO's called out her for a meeting to explain why and how bad that the country needs to this extension to pass. So this meeting with Pelosi took place on Fri. no meetings with McConnell and it's a no brainer why.
"Their bill would protect airline workers until the end of March"

Then what. Just continue to kick the can down the road?

Eventually the airlines will need to adjust manning due to the obvious reduction in flying.

Stop using logic and reason Democrats HATE that.
This is how I feel this whole thing will go down.

It is an election year and Trump has stated that if a deal is not made he would take "executive action". In my opinion there is no way in hell the Democrats will allow Trump to be the "good guy". They will stall until the end then cave and try to spin it that they reluctantly agreed to Republican demands in the interest of the public (when in fact they were just trying to get ahead of his executive order to save face).

It is no accident airline support expires Oct 1st.
Nice try to deflect there. If, as you say, it's McConnell holding things up, then why didn't ALL the airline CEO's set meetings with him? Because he is not the hold up, it's Pelosi and crew who is holding things up REFUSING to move off her crazy a$$ demands, hence why ALL the CEO's called out her for a meeting to explain why and how bad that the country needs to this extension to pass. So this meeting with Pelosi took place on Fri. no meetings with McConnell and it's a no brainer why.
You have a point. The CEO's met with the President first. Then the CEO's met with the speaker of the house. Then it became a wait and see fiasco again. If this passes it will more than likely be September 30th for a resolution. In the meantime fellow employees are already mentally and physically preparing for the furloughs, bumps and downgrades. That in itself is a stressful position to be placed in by our politicians who never lose a paycheck, benefits and of course their positions to cutbacks. So we are already suffering the affects of Washington concerned more about thier political careers and party.
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Many of you are just looking for a reason to hate on Pelosi, but it is mcconnell who is standing in the way of more airline aid. Yes, he did make a counteroffer after Pelosi did, but it was for less than his first offer. He called it a skinny stimulus or something. Sounds more like a diet he should be on than a stimulus package he should pass. Amazing how more airline aid has enough votes with nearly all Senate Democrats and a few republicans, like Cornyn in Texas supporting it, but mitch still won't allow a vote. It's not Pelosi, and it's not even trump which surprises me, it's mitch.


your media source is from 2 weeks ago. the skinny bill that failed 2 weeks ago from mcconnell was meant for meat and potatoes, and everything else after that (including airlines) to be done, cleanly, if possible. the reason for this is that republicans are dead set against nearly $600-$700 billion dollars going to states and cities (under the guise of lost revenues from the virus) to shore up state & city pensions - generous benefits given to basically ensure democratic votes.

recently, pelosi attempted to draft a clean bailout bill just for the post office, after stating there will be no clean bills because she wants to send tons of money to states/cities for pension issues and clean bills would deny her this.

the post office is another example. i read where the yearly revenues of the post office don't even meet pension obligations - let alone wages/benefits for it's current staff. the post office votes in a huge bloc for the democrats.
As we head into the final full week left with only 3 days after this week, time is passing. No matter what side is at fault, if they allow this crap to fail people will get removed at election time. We will all be able to figure out WHO and of course WHY they allowed it to fail when it's all done and over with. And if it does come down to any Republican that is at fault, they too will be removed from their seats, Americans will no longer stand for their gamenships being played at the expense of the taxpayers working class. Now get your a$$es (both sides) back to the table and get a deal done because will end up affecting 10 million or more thru-out the trickle effect...


well, with the changing demographics over the past few decades, the democrats are convinced they can get power without lifting a finger for unionized airline workers. in years past - every election the dems would dust off their old union card shtick and after elections, proceed with legislation - along with repubs - to outsource american jobs and not protect american products in american markets from foreign junk - while the japans, the chinas and south koreas have the most closed markets to foreign imports, protecting their citizens. incredible tariffs on american products in those nations.

i believe the repubs have realized the changing demographics and now want the blue-collar vote. when the republican party and the chamber of commerce go to war and the chamber of commerce is now backing many democratic candidates at all levels, you know a sea-change has occurred in the usa. to me, for years, the chamber of commerce represented - we want workers' money to be given to the .01%ers, the captains of industry...disguised under 'job creators'.

when the chamber of commerce and the republican are in an open war, that tells me the republican party has turned to the lowly american blue-collar worker by necessity...because the republicans won't get too many votes from new americans who came here from 1986-now.

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