MAG Consulting:
Act as General Business consultant for AMFA including identify third party contractors, Insurance coverage, Independent contractors, Attend all meetings at National Convention and Attend and assist at contract negotiations as requested. Ever though why AMFA allows Farm-outs?
MAG Compensation;
40,000 per month for the first 10,000 members adjusted annual, begin 4/15/2000
36,000 per month for the next 10,000 members, in increments of 1000
31,200 per month for the next 10,000 members, in increments of 1000
26,400 per month for the reminder, adjusted per 1000 members adjusted per CPI-U
At the request of the National Director, MAG will make available a private office at its Laconia location for the exclusive use of the National Officers. -- (Who is working for Who?)
AMFA Agrees to reimburse MAG for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of carrying out its obligations under this agreement.
Agreement does not cover local organizations, separate contracts are needed..
MAG Administrative Duties:
Support necessary to manage the affairs of the AMFA organization
Oversee the preparation of membership credentials and related documents
Provide office space, equipment, personal, and overhead costs
MAG will develop and maintain a database to track grievances and arbitrations
Edit and publish newsletters
Technical support for AMFA’s effort to increase membership
Monitor state and National legislative and regulatory activities
Maintain, prepare and publish all documents required for the operation of AMFA
In Conjunction with general council (Seham) develop a database for grievances, arbitration of past/present and related. Maintain Training programs for Officers
Coordinate, schedule and attend all meetings of National and regional organizations
Please explain the functions of the Amfa? That MAG does not have control over?
In Conjunction with the National Treasurer ---part-time in 2003-
Maintain all financial books and records
Collect all dues and assessments and distribute funds
Pay all approved expenditures
Develop and publish monthly financial statements, Reconcile bank accounts
Pay Officers, Maintain all payroll records, Coordinate and pay taxes
My,My, what a tangled web woven here.
It appears that the (MAG) McCormick group has established quite the empire here, and has branched out to absorb the control of the
amfa..! I guess the phrase "Honor bestowed upon him", has become very lucrative for the (MAG) McCormick group....
amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!