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Executive Consultant?

Hey JT I tell you what you go find a copy of that AMFA survey and post it and I will get a copy of the one Dim Little spoke of in the Twscrew express compiled by the presidents council. Lets see which one the members are most interested in. Sound like fun? Ready go. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
High Speed Steel said:
Is amfa actually a subsidiary of the McCormick group?
Is the TWU a subsidiary of FPA?

Thats the Insurance broker that the TWU uses, the one where Halls son worked.

Within weeks after the TWU gave away our 80 day IOD bank the TWU was sending us solicitations for the previously poorly selling STD. The TWU seems more concerned with selling the members benifits than getting them from the company. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the TWU gets more of its income from sources other than membership dues.(Look at the LM-2)

Lets not forget how the TWU has been peddling, and sued, for selling Disability Insurance to retirees. Disability Insurance normally is used to replace part of lost wages due to disability. Retired workers can not lose wages because they dont collect wages, they get a pension, whether they are running the marathon or hooked up, flat on thier backs to life support.

The TWU claims to be an "Industrial Union". Okay, what "Industry" do they represent? Transportation? Okay, they and many other unions do that, but how to Las Vegas Card dealers tie into that? Shouldnt they be in HERE? Shouldnt the TWU, an Industrial union strive to unite the whole industry? Why dont they? Why dont they go after all the workers in the transportation industry? Strength in numbers right? So they have to step on the IAM, IBT and a few others toes. Its good for the members right?

The fact is that the TWU is not an Industrial Union. They, like many others in the AFL-CIO are "Business Unions". They sell "representation" to anyone who will pay dues. While the leaders of these buisiness unions spout all their rhetoric the fact is that unionism is really just an opportunity to earn a salary that is far in excess of what they could have expected any where else, not as a union member of course but as a union officer. Look at the salaries of these guys on the LM-2. Look at Gary Yingst and Bobby Gless, could you see these guys earning six figures any where else?
Bob Owens said:
Is the TWU a subsidiary of FPA?

Thats the Insurance broker that the TWU uses, the one where Halls son worked.

Within weeks after the TWU gave away our 80 day IOD bank the TWU was sending us solicitations for the previously poorly selling STD. The TWU seems more concerned with selling the members benifits than getting them from the company. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the TWU gets more of its income from sources other than membership dues.(Look at the LM-2)

Lets not forget how the TWU has been peddling, and sued, for selling Disability Insurance to retirees. Disability Insurance normally is used to replace part of lost wages due to disability. Retired workers can not lose wages because they dont collect wages, they get a pension, whether they are running the marathon or hooked up, flat on thier backs to life support.

The TWU claims to be an "Industrial Union". Okay, what "Industry" do they represent? Transportation? Okay, they and many other unions do that, but how to Las Vegas Card dealers tie into that? Shouldnt they be in HERE? Shouldnt the TWU, an Industrial union strive to unite the whole industry? Why dont they? Why dont they go after all the workers in the transportation industry? Strength in numbers right? So they have to step on the IAM, IBT and a few others toes. Its good for the members right?

The fact is that the TWU is not an Industrial Union. They, like many others in the AFL-CIO are "Business Unions". They sell "representation" to anyone who will pay dues. While the leaders of these buisiness unions spout all their rhetoric the fact is that unionism is really just an opportunity to earn a salary that is far in excess of what they could have expected any where else, not as a union member of course but as a union officer. Look at the salaries of these guys on the LM-2. Look at Gary Yingst and Bobby Gless, could you see these guys earning six figures any where else?
Nice try BOB, Reaching a little here? Looking for substance to counter the topic of this thread? Maybe you would like to try your hand at answering for McCormick the Executive Consultant, and Delle the Consultant employed within the management ranks at NW....????

I will give you a head start!......See below 😉

There seems to be some speculation out there about McCormick and Delle being employed at NWA into management positions. Word has it that McCormick is listed as Executive Consultant and Delle as Consultant. Has McCormick risen above Delle in the ranks of the amfa? Has there been "Golden Parachutes" awarded to these two fellas? I was under the impression that McCormick was not an amfa member but his signature on the contracts was only an "Honor bestowed upon him"! Does he now execute authority over amfa since he is listed as the Executive Consultant?........Really, What's the deal?????

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
HSS you are asking the impossible here. these guys can not , will not answer the ?....they just can not do it. they have to put a spin on everything & if you keep asking them REAL ?'s about their amfa(PUKE) leaders they get all upset.
but, keep at it HSS. ya never know they flopped once they may do it it again.
you know, like dAAve the Ol' SCABmaster...did you read the post about "majority rules" i would'nt wanna be in that guys shoes! oooooooo! yeah, he flopped in the TWU & now he's trying this amfa(PUKE) bunch out. hummm how long will he go with them? wonder where his "loyalties" REALLY lie? opps i mean lay. i am not implying that he or anyone else in that ASSOciation would "lie" no, no, i wouldn't say that. they just follow the liars :up:
MAG Administrative Duties:

Support necessary to manage the affairs of the AMFA organization

Oversee the preparation of membership credentials and related documents

Provide office space, equipment, personal, and overhead costs

MAG will develop and maintain a database to track grievances and arbitrations

Edit and publish newsletters

Technical support for AMFA’s effort to increase membership

Monitor state and National legislative and regulatory activities

Maintain, prepare and publish all documents required for the operation of AMFA

In Conjunction with general council (Seham) develop a database for grievances, arbitration of past/present and related. Maintain Training programs for Officers

Coordinate, schedule and attend all meetings of National and regional organizations

Please explain the functions of the Amfa? That MAG does not have control over?
cio, why all the negative lies and spin toward AMFA when you cannot clean your own house? When will the twu start fighting for the thousands laid off here at AA?
If you look around you will see members being recalled at several locations.

I believe it would be benificial on your part to look at what your advocating with an open mind!
Checking it Out said:
If you look around you will see members being recalled at several locations.

I believe it would be benificial on your part to look at what your advocating with an open mind!
The only ones being recalled in M@R are the OSM's cio. I have yet to see any full mechanics being recalled. Easy to recall cheap twu labor because of the inhouse outsourcing OSM class.

What a slap in the face to be furlowed as a full AA AMT only to be offered a recall to an OSM position with a $15hr pay cut. My laid off friend told AA to stick the OSM position they tried to recall him for, he makes more money at his old job. Also, he can't wait to see the twu gone, ready to vote for AMFA if the NMB appeal is won or sign a card in the next drive.

Why? Because the twu has done NOTHING for him and never will.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, and Felons. The twu's finest.


In Conjunction with the National Treasurer ---part-time in 2003-

Maintain all financial books and records

Collect all dues and assessments and distribute funds

Pay all approved expenditures

Develop and publish monthly financial statements, Reconcile bank accounts

Pay Officers, Maintain all payroll records, Coordinate and pay taxes
CIO: correct me if I am wrong but did not the overhaul bases take concessions too? Haven't mechanics at these bases been affected by first the SRP and later on, the OSM?

We at the line stations have seen our work taken from us and handed over to line cargo and cabin service, and now Rockwell Collins.

At the OH bases, you have had your work taken from you and handed to lesser paid employees with no license requirements. Have you not lost pay, vacation, license premium too?

And please CIO, before you respond, try another answer behind "better than layoffs"!

We've heard that one all too often!
Hopeful we all have taken concessions at AA, no one more than me likes it! Thats why we have changed leadership in Tulsa. Now we are going to work on rebuilding over the next 18 months and unite the membership as we enter negotiations with AA. Anyone that is willing to see both sides of the issue of union vs. union can see the TWU is a better choice to lead us into negotiations.

As a paid adviser, moreover, McCormick helped install the Professional Flight Attendants Assn. (PFAA) at Northwest Airlines after ousting the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. With McCormick acting as outside consultant, the PFAA is now trying to supplant the Association of Flight Attendants at United. Note: Amfa claims a Mechanic only Union while subsidizing other groups!
MAG Consulting:

Act as General Business consultant for AMFA including identify third party contractors, Insurance coverage, Independent contractors, Attend all meetings at National Convention and Attend and assist at contract negotiations as requested. Ever though why AMFA allows Farm-outs?


MAG Compensation;

40,000 per month for the first 10,000 members adjusted annual, begin 4/15/2000

36,000 per month for the next 10,000 members, in increments of 1000

31,200 per month for the next 10,000 members, in increments of 1000

26,400 per month for the reminder, adjusted per 1000 members adjusted per CPI-U

At the request of the National Director, MAG will make available a private office at its Laconia location for the exclusive use of the National Officers. -- (Who is working for Who?)

AMFA Agrees to reimburse MAG for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of carrying out its obligations under this agreement.

Agreement does not cover local organizations, separate contracts are needed..


MAG Administrative Duties:

Support necessary to manage the affairs of the AMFA organization

Oversee the preparation of membership credentials and related documents

Provide office space, equipment, personal, and overhead costs

MAG will develop and maintain a database to track grievances and arbitrations

Edit and publish newsletters

Technical support for AMFA’s effort to increase membership

Monitor state and National legislative and regulatory activities

Maintain, prepare and publish all documents required for the operation of AMFA

In Conjunction with general council (Seham) develop a database for grievances, arbitration of past/present and related. Maintain Training programs for Officers

Coordinate, schedule and attend all meetings of National and regional organizations

Please explain the functions of the Amfa? That MAG does not have control over?



In Conjunction with the National Treasurer ---part-time in 2003-

Maintain all financial books and records

Collect all dues and assessments and distribute funds

Pay all approved expenditures

Develop and publish monthly financial statements, Reconcile bank accounts

Pay Officers, Maintain all payroll records, Coordinate and pay taxes


My,My, what a tangled web woven here.

It appears that the (MAG) McCormick group has established quite the empire here, and has branched out to absorb the control of the amfa..! I guess the phrase "Honor bestowed upon him", has become very lucrative for the (MAG) McCormick group.... :shock: 😛 :shock:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Act as General Business consultant for AMFA including identify third party contractors, Insurance coverage, Independent contractors, Attend all meetings at National Convention and Attend and assist at contract negotiations as requested. Ever though why AMFA allows Farm-outs?

Which is a better alternative? To hire professionals for 'ADVICE' (BIG word here for some of you folk), or listen to someone that is less informed/union career motivated?

I like advice, not a dictatorship!

16 Tons

You list MAG as a consultant. As they have been around since amfa's conception, don't you think they do a little bit more than consult? And at what annual cost? And MAG signs off on your contracts too? Elected? Sounds awful amfa like to me.
Nightwatch said:
You list MAG as a consultant. As they have been around since amfa's conception, don't you think they do a little bit more than consult? And at what annual cost? And MAG signs off on your contracts too? Elected? Sounds awful amfa like to me.

MAG has been around since 1964? Are you sure about that? Are you sure they have been involved with AMFA since then?

MAG signs off on contracts? Do you mean they sign as a witness, not a party to the agreement like our Presidents? Big deal! They could get someone walking by on the street to sign as a witness. When I closed on my house the clerk signed as a witness. It means nothing, only that they witnessed the agreement. The clerk has no rights to my contract just as the Presidents of the AA/TWU and AMFAs MAG have no rights to the contract.

Local 501 took the company to court and guess what the judge said? The judge said that while the company and the TWU International had a contract that Local 501 was not a party to the contract!