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Execs Dumping Stock

Yes you should be in the market! You should have a 401K and an IRA! You should make your own way in life! Go to college have a beter job. Make good chioces, look for oppertunity, work hard!
I really hope that with your life experiences that you passed on to your kids to take care of themselves and not expect the gov't or the union to!
YOu know...there once was a bunch of MBA's...pretty smart guys and gals...they had their IRA's..they had their 401k's...and they were on the fast track for a company called "Enron". But it isn't just Enron. In the Information Technology field, there are a lot of the "best and brightest" who also have their IRA's and 401k's...and who put in 60 to 80 hour weeks (so I guess that fits "working hard)..but in the name of "shareholder value", their jobs were eliminated and shipped over to a programming center in India. Look at a company named "Sprint/Nextel". 50,000 layoffs from Sprint later (before the merger) worked so good for "shareholder value", that the execs got gobs of great bonuses and option upon option. And with the Nextel merger...there's a bit of "job redundancy"...and more jobs will fall to "streamline" the operation. Something smells really bad here.
This post really shows the basic lack of economic understanding most union memebers have!

And what about people who aren't union 'memebers' (sic) and have college degrees, but cannot stand to watch people who have too much money take more.

Meanwhile customer service in the same company relies on people who don't make a living wage, and won't stick around because those human beings in front-line customer service positions are considered disposable.
What would those AWA stock options be worth today had AW not merged with US? Even DP says AWA was facing BK otherwise. Thus, pre-merger, the options were underwater.

What would US be worth without the billions in labor concessions? Nothing, or next to it.

Hence, DP & co. are cashing in on the sacrifices labor made.

Simple, when you cut thru the bs.
In regards to the comment that the money did not come from the company, that is false. The stock that was granted to the executives could have been sold by the company to the same folks who bought it from the execs, putting money into the company, not the pockets of the executives.


You use lots of words, however this simple statement above by x-u is one example destroying the logic on exec stock options you are failing to sell many posters on. I have a degree in business and Pitbull is shaming you badly. Give it up, your pro mgt bias further disheartens the many who will not tolerate the ongoing company propaganda you spew out. :down:

We'll then, you just called the DOT a bunch of liars, and their investigation bogus, Lime man.

And obviously AWA West believed you had no worth either,nor credibility cause they didn't offer you a job now did they?

Have you been hired by another company? Or, are you still living off your severance bonus...cause it sure was hefy.

I think the Execs received $8 million our of that $51

Sorry, I noticed that I posted that the Execs received $8 million out of $51 last year in severance or retention bonuses...

I MEANT TO PRINT $18 MILLION OUT OF $51 million. So that left $33 million for the rest of NON-LABOR to retain them.

Now someone please tell me how much sacrificing the NON-labor employees did including the execs that Zeus posted they did?
Sorry, I noticed that I posted that the Execs received $8 million out of $51 last year in severance or retention bonuses...

I MEANT TO PRINT $18 MILLION OUT OF $51 million. So that left $33 million for the rest of NON-LABOR to retain them.

Now someone please tell me how much sacrificing the NON-labor employees did including the execs that Zeus posted they did?

The only retention bonuses were paid to upper management. Every one else in management was told stay until your release date or lose your severance.
IT doesn't matter. US employees EARNED their pensions, which were summarily dumped. And...they should have cashed out when AWA was just plain old AWA - the move they made to merge with a bankrupt carrier is, IMHO, still questionable.

Get over it! It is in the past. Pensions do not exist anymore. Save your money and plan for your own retirement it is not a company's or the government's job to keep you liquid during retirement. This is the new REPUBLICAN america. Unions and pensions are so democrate. And, how did you vote last time 🙂
You don't like mine either so what?! You have a valid point, but so do I. I never rely on anyone to put food in my mouth and neither have you. Stop passing out the tissue please! This is a new company, go tend to yours if you don't have anything to do but pass tissue out!
Aren’t you still riding on the coat tails of the government?
Get over it! It is in the past. Pensions do not exist anymore. Save your money and plan for your own retirement it is not a company's or the government's job to keep you liquid during retirement. This is the new REPUBLICAN america. Unions and pensions are so democrate. And, how did you vote last time 🙂
Mr. Republican,

If the government has no obligation to its citizens' retirement THAN STOP TAKING OUT MY SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!! AND RETURN ALL MY FUNDS SINCE I STARTED WORKING AGE 15!

Pensions are over you say???


And while your at it...lobby to pass a bill to stop and eliminate retirements for Congress and the Senate off the backs of the tax payers!!!!

What your post blatantly implies is the gov and companies have no obligation to the highly taxed working class folks OR those who are disabled, old and frail. But, let's all hail those Corporate execs...and protect the almighty wealthy! After all, they must be smart, honorable well-planned, and hard working to have achieved such status.

Stupid is; as stupid says!

Your republican-monopoly days are numbered! Get over it!
Watched CNBC Cramer tonight...recomended the only airline stock he would ever dare to trade...CAL. Closed UP $1.59 to $27 63.

He said its a good stock to trade (for airlines) and said there should be a pump up on the stock if there is a decision by Congress to vote on "open skies" as soon as this summer.

He said not to own it long-term, but there is some money to be made. He never mentioned USAirways and said he normally would never ever recommend any airline in the transportation sector (which is in his written book, as well).

He said CAL has a good management and sound business plan that has been consistant in a very volatile sector. Fuel prices he predicts have peaked and competition is not a factor impeding the airlines.


So, buyer beware in trading USAirways. Investigate the business plan and don't go on hype from execs to make a decision to buy any airline stock in the open market. For the long-term, look to sell as there are too many factors in play, imo, that hold the sector down.
Several interesting points raised.....

These options were about to expire

- James Walsh, Sr VP & General Counsel: over 47,000 shares, expired on 6/16/2014 and 3/10/2015.

- Derek Kerr, Sr VP & CFO: about 35,000 shares, expired on 1/24/2012, 3/23/2014, & 3/10/2015.

- Jeffrey McClelland, EVP & Chief Admin Officer: over 63,000 shares expired on 1/24/2012 & 3/10/2015.

- Scott Kirby, EVP, Sales & Marketing: 115,500 shares expired on 10/28/2006, 1/24/2012, 4/9/2013, 3/10/2015, & 10/28/2016.

- Elise Eberwein, Sr VP Corp Communications: almost 20,000 shares expired on 2/25/2014 & 9/30/2015.

- CA Howlett, Sr VP Public Affairs: over 104,000 shares expired on 10/27/2006, 12/14/2008, 12/13/2010, 1/23/2012, 4/8/2013, 10/7/2013, and various dates out to 3/9/2015.

Elise Eberwein, Sr VP Corp Communications: over 12,000 shares expired on 9/22/2013.

So almost none of these options were about to expire "soon", but one thing is curious - many were exercised on the date they became exercisable.....

The company didn't pay out this money

- Other than the point made before - the company could have sold this stock and made the money - there's the little detail of income taxes on the gains. Guess who pays that - the company, of course. I haven't added the gains up, but there's easily several million dollars coming from the company coffers to pay the income tax on this "windfall".

The only retention bonuses were paid to upper management. Every one else in management was told stay until your release date or lose your severance.

This is totally wrong. I know for a fact Station Managers were given retention bonuses. Our station manager made out quiet well..... :down:

You are by far the VERY BEST in researching facts. You know as well as anyone that one needs to question these things that are spewed from the execs. Not even the AFA MECs (East, West)would have looked into the expiration dates. But that kind of thing sets off some serious ethical issues about these execcutives that folks think 'walk on water'.

I hope Markmywords sees your post. I suspect the Exec that wrote to him was probably DP, or McClelland as he had some of his shares that would be expiring Oct of this year. Of course it wasn't this June, but he had to have an answer to divert the real issues of his new found wealth.

With regard to the obviously short-term gains income tax, (which I didn't know was paid by the company) I suspect not one of the kool-aide folks will address, or question it to the Execs.


Good thing I'm not there because this kind of thing would have made me crazy with anger...this info would have hit the media with no hesitation! But, I did send it to the MEC for their next company bs session.

As usual, you make THE point.

Really excellent work you do, on a regular basis.


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