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Execs Dumping Stock

Just as you fail to recognize the difference between Former US management and Former AWA management. As long as it walks and talks like management, it has to be evil. 🙄

Were Lakefield and Crellins previous stock options converted to LCC stock? No. Did they earn stock options in the new company, yes. Big difference.

As for stock options....if it was the company that negotiated the stock options for employees but it was the investors that said no, what are you going to do? Without the investments to forge the merger, we were history. Employee stock options would have meant nothing. We would not be here today if it weren't for the investors (and employee concessions....). Since you were so close to the know.....why did the investors defeat the employee stock option? Greed? Possibly. I have no idea.

I am only debating what I know....or have read. (not to rehash....so read my above posts). I am not versed in what happened to the stock options for employees, I am not versed in which creditors received stock and which didn't. My point in all of this is, and has been, that they AWA Exec's were entitled to the stock, there were entitled to cash it in and it cost us, as a company, nothing.
So obviously, then, since Crellin was awarded NEW stock options, so would the AWA execs, whether they had it from before, or got new stock. The only reason why their cashing in is because their old stock is now vested. AND THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE RAKING IN MILLIONS NOW, VS. THEN IS BECAUSE OF THE SACRIFICES MADE BY THE EMPLOYEES WHICH BRINGS VALUE TO THEIR STOCK IN THIS NEW COMPANY (NOT AWA).
Besides this sudden increase in value of the stock and instant wealth, management can't fathom employees receiving an increase to their wages in this newly merging company.

I see...

You finally got the point after several posts. Didn't matter what the contract read or what was negotiated as a return, the only agreements not to be honored was labors. The company did not honor it, nor have the need to argue it because it was just labor's end; expendable creatures, and heck, they have a job, right? But some how these execs were able to convince the investors for their own lion's share of the stock and bonus packages in the new company. Their necessity is so much more valuable and important.

I think most of us have already caught on, some time ago. Most of us just don't take the kool-aide intervenously. Guess the company still has to continue working overtime in the "spin department".
Yes, I would imagine all of the executive team of the combined company did earn additional stock options in LCC. (I am not sure how stock options are offered, I am assuming they are given annually.)

Yes, ONE of the reasons they are making money is because the employee concessions helped to ensure the company would be profitable. Had the meger not gone as well (up to this point) then the stock could also have been worth only 2.00 a share and worth far less then it is currently.

As for convincing investors to give the Exec's stock in the new company, half right. ALL AWA stock was converted to LCC stock. So any executive holding stock options in AWA did have it converted to LCC stock. Any executive holding U stock did not have that stock converted to LCC. It was worthless....again, but they did receive new stock options in the combined company.

Just a question......1 year ago.....if I offered you 1000 shares of LCC stock would you ever have thought that it would be valued at what it is today? I know I would have taken it, but never, in my wildest dreams, thought it would ever be back in the 40.00 range.

Lastly.....to the Mama.....No.....I am not a person that profitted from the sale of any stock. I, like many of my co-workers, watched the stock I did have become worthless in BK1.

Labor, who was intimately involved in these negotiations, actually negotiated stock options. Why? Because we know that that is where the compensation is for the execs and in every pubically traded company...so we wanted to follow that bouncing ball. And as repeated history has shown, that's this managment's only focus.

One more thing "sunshine"... about AWA stock options. Their stock was a negotiated conversion (so they allege) that had to need approval by the BOD and investors, so again having a strike price of $21 and climbing to $46 or $50 in a matter of 6 months in this industry is a huge cash pay out for them. This company hasn't fully merged yet. I am curious, what date was the alleged expiration on AWA stock options that were held that they allege, and where can I find it? There is no mention of it in the SEC filing.

And while your at it, what happened to DP's shares of the old company that had some alleged expiration date ????? Care to throw a dart at that one?

IF it isn't written, (I've learned) don't believe them.
Ask Scott or Doug.....

Both! More info is better than less.

BTW, I'm outside with my computer and just got burned from the sun.


Just as fyi...once stocks are converted to a new company, there is no old expiration. Its a new distribution and new expiration. So, if there is an expiration on these newly converted shares, it should be in black and white.
Watch out for those UV rays.....you need to put the computer down and go for a swim! =) I was out for a little while, but it is to hot. I am looking forward to moving to PHX where it is a dry heat! lol

I will see what I can find about the expiration dates.....but I am not as big of a treasure hunter as Boeing Boy....he can find anything!
This post really shows the basic lack of economic understanding most union memebers have! It really is amazing (they used to teach this stuff in high school), especially the finite pie outlook shared by most unions, only so many pieces of the pie to fight over instead of making a bigger pie!
Unions could do so much better for their memebers if they taught them basic economics and financial investing and personal responabilty....oops they don't do that becuase then you might realize you don't need them, sad really sad!

Really, I should not respond to your idiotic comment.

I see, the pie is only split up by those in authority to get the big piece. Labor tried to make the pie bigger, but when they are not part of the equation except by the terms and urealistic profit goals of the execs, excluded from stock options, the #### hits the fan. And when you don't make enough of a wage because you are a rank employee, your personal pie is only big enough for the bare neccessities in life.

That's why labor is organizes in certain companies.

What's the matter, did you take a hit in the stock market lately????? What? Trying to force the employees in companies to expect less, take less to maximise shareholder value and exec compensation. I suppose a smart economic move is to get involved in the "wall street gamblers arena". Or, maybe they should take personal responsibility for their own economic condition and play the lotto! :up:

Yea, I understand the pie, my friend.

Let's not rain and thunder on your parade. :angry:
This post really shows the basic lack of economic understanding most union memebers have! It really is amazing (they used to teach this stuff in high school), especially the finite pie outlook shared by most unions, only so many pieces of the pie to fight over instead of making a bigger pie!
Unions could do so much better for their memebers if they taught them basic economics and financial investing and personal responabilty....oops they don't do that becuase then you might realize you don't need them, sad really sad!
And also the Federal guidelines concerning stock options.
Really, I should not respond to your idiotic comment.

I see, the pie is only split up by those in authority to get the big piece.
I suppose a smart economic move is to get involved in the "wall street gamblers arena". Or, maybe they should take personal responsibility for their own economic condition and play the lotto! :up:

Yea, I understand the pie, my friend.

I don't want to come down on you to hard PIT but if you really believe this.... that's the problem! Yes you should be in the market! You should have a 401K and an IRA! You should make your own way in life! Go to college have a beter job. Make good chioces, look for oppertunity, work hard!
I really hope that with your life experiences that you passed on to your kids to take care of themselves and not expect the gov't or the union to!
And also the Federal guidelines concerning stock options.


Please educate us on the federal guidelines, oh, do tell.

Is their a federal guideline on exec stock expiration dates, OR are you trying to convey to the reader in your mumbo/jumbo post that the SEC has guidelines on when exercising stock options for Execs in their respetive company must be reported and made public????

Staighten us all out...inquiring minds want to know from the educator.

Please educate us on the federal guidelines, oh, do tell.

Is their a federal guideline on exec stock expiration dates, OR are you trying to cnvey to the reader in your mumbo/jumbo post that the SEC has guidelines on when exercising stock options for Execs in their respetive company must be reported and made public????

Staighen us all out...inquiring minds want to know from the educator.
Bull-you seem to know everything about everything, so why don't you just figure it out. Anything anyone posts on here (except for the few that agree with you) are going to get you pouncing your paws on them anyway!! So chew on a milk bone and relax...that comment wasn't for you anyway.
Really, I should not respond to your idiotic comment.

I see, the pie is only split up by those in authority to get the big piece.
I suppose a smart economic move is to get involved in the "wall street gamblers arena". Or, maybe they should take personal responsibility for their own economic condition and play the lotto! :up:

Yea, I understand the pie, my friend.

I don't want to come down on you to hard PIT but if you really believe this.... that's the problem! Yes you should be in the market! You should have a 401K and an IRA! You should make your own way in life! Go to college have a beter job. Make good chioces, look for oppertunity, work hard!
I really hope that with your life experiences that you passed on to your kids to take care of themselves and not expect the gov't or the union to!


Nah...I'm teaching them to NOT do as I do, but to rather spend time and money (some how) to get educated, because you can't expect any one to assist you, become a Republican, conservative...adopt survival of the fittest mentality, live for God, your reward is in heaven, live for your company, shareholders and execs, allow companies to abuse you, work more hours than expected to show your loyalty,try to do as many jobs as you can in your company, so that they can hire less employees, and if you come down with a health condition, you have a personal responsibility to share that with your superiors so that they can make a decision to eliminate you for a more healthy person who will have NO lost time...never ever expect, or ask for a raise...that's only for the execs to decide when, how much, if any. And always remember, the unemployed,old, sick, disabled are bums and leeches to society.

And when you reach the ripe old seniority age of 5 years in a company, do them, their shareholders, and execs a big financial favor, QUIT (2 weeks notice first) so that they can hire a more junior work force at entry level wages. That will ensure the health of corporate america.

Yup, that's how the economy will go round and round. And if you can't find adequate work at 40, KILL YOURSELF so not to burden the insurance companies, tax payers with your age and health problems!

Did I cover it for ya????? Did I cover your ECONOMICS 101?!!!

Bull-you seem to know everything about everything, so why don't you just figure it out. Anything anyone posts on here (except for the few that agree with you) are going to get you pouncing your paws on them anyway!! So chew on a milk bone and relax...that comment wasn't for you anyway.

Oh... Yea, OK. B)... heat is getting to me out here. :lol: Need some water to go with that bone.

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