Prince of PAWOBs
Someone should ask Doug about the stock options and taxes in CLT on Wednesday. I wonder how he'll respond...
While I can understand the vitriolic anger directed at the rich who just keep getting richer, the fact remains that the lenders and new investors who enabled the HP deal (without whom US might not have survived) approved the terms of these stock options to the executives. So did the bankruptcy judge.
They couldn't unload for nine months. That restriction has ended.
Yes, the employees at the bottom suffered paycut after paycut. That's what happens when your employer files multiple bankruptcies and the various work groups are so addicted to their seniority that they approve massive wage cuts instead of moving on. Did anyone really think the executives would forego their big stock payoff indefinitely? In their mind (and the lenders/investors minds), they earned every penny of this windfall for keeping the debt service machine we call LCC alive yet again.
thanks Jim....
I knew you would find the facts/info. It is always a lesson in education on here. As i said before, I am no an expert on stock options....the information is appreciated.
I never said it was illegal and agree that it is unethcial and immoral. Having said that, havent judges thrown out contracts? So much for a contract is a contract...I guess it depends on whose contract.Sorry to disapoint but this is a capitalistic society. That means there are winners & losers. However having said that as PITbull pointed out there is room for restraint and Doug Parker showed it. There others did not. They're NOT obligated to use restraint.
I don't like it even a little but facts are facts and they are employed at the pleasure of the BOD and have contracts that provide Salary, Bonus, Stock Options and the like.
The downside to all of this is the fact that morale is fragile to begin with and the actions are of no help. It's frankly OK by me if Labor makes a huge issue of this because the fact is I don't agree with it morally & ethically any more than you do.
BUT, having said that, it's still their contract, just like AFA has a contract or IAM, ALPA, USWA, TWU whomever. You can't have it both ways. A contract is a contract is a contract whether is Barry Bonds, Doug Parker or 700UW.
Your options are to use make this an issue at contract time. Conduct informational pickets and effective use of the media to make your position known. Fairness is NOT part of the capitalist system.
I think the issue here Bob is said AFA has a well as IAM, ALPA, USWA, TWU. But I would say that it's more accurate to say that AFA and the others had a contract...and amended it to help the company. I would also submit that while the executives might feel that they deserve the "fruits of their labors", they would have NO fruits if it were not for the concessions of the aforementioned labor unions. How many times...not just as US, but at DL, NWA and UAL have we seen "without concessions from labor, liquidation is imminent". You know, the the IAM struck Eastern and forced them into liquidation. At the time I could not understand how they could have done that. But today, I am seeing quite well why they did. They gave and gave and gave again - and the company emerged from bankruptcy. What's pretty much the first order of business? Reward the executives for a "job well done".BUT, having said that, it's still their contract, just like AFA has a contract or IAM, ALPA, USWA, TWU whomever. You can't have it both ways. A contract is a contract is a contract whether is Barry Bonds, Doug Parker or 700UW.
No response to the information provided by Jim to show that only one option of one executive was set to expire in October of this year?
No reaction to how the stocks were sold they day the options became available?