In reality its a converstation that we really dont have to have. CASMs, RASMs, profits, none of that is relevant to our negotiations and what we should charge for our labor because we have zero control over any of it, what we need to know is what do other carriers pay their mechanics, what are the workrules, what are the benefits and what is the status of their agreements. In other words what carriers pay that are in negotiations or come up shortly doesnt matter because its a backwards view, we dont set rates in 2011 based on what the courts put in place back in 2002, the bargaining patten in this industry is to leapfrog off one another in an attempt to keep up with inflation. Do other people who sell stuff to AA care about AMRs CASM, RASMs and profits and use them to determine what they are going to charge AA?To add, it is only because airlines are still treated like utilities that there is the level of data exchanged.
As Jim notes, it is up to each individual "side" to decide how to extract that data and use it for their benefit. Subscriptions to these data sources are relatively low priced in contrast to the value that could be brought to bear in debating AA's position in labor negotiations, if labor will take the time to learn to use the data. Or you can hire a consultant who has access to the data.
Absent labor having data, AA (or any other company/analyst) can make whatever conclusion they want.
It is absolutely true that the data is indeed valid when compared with what is known; if nothing else, labor leaders at AA or any other airline have enough data that they should be able to "sniff check" some of the conclusions - including the numbers of personnel, flight schedules, etc.
Arguing that the data is flawed and the company is manipulating it while providing nothing to counter it is a recipe for allowing the company to control the conversation.
This round does present some interesting twists due to all the BK turmoil of the last decade and the mergers so really the only figure thats reliable is WN. With USAIR, UAL in mediation and Jet Blue and Delta non-union evn matching WN would not impair AA's postion for very long, the others would all surpass us within a short amount of time. UAL because they would settle for nothing less, USAIR for the same reason and the other two so their guys dont go Union, Jet Blue already raised their top pay to over $40/hr.