This is not Europe, the French strike when they want.
In other words they have Freedoms that we do not! Our founding fathers liked the French but imagine how embarrased they would be to see how we have created our own aristocracy, one that denys others of rights that even the French have!
NO, we represented by the TWu have Article 33 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
(a) It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that the procedures set forth
in this Agreement will serve as a means of
amicable settlement of all disputes that may arise between them, and, therefore:
(1) The Company
will neither cause nor permit a lockout during the life of this Agreement; and
(2) Neither the Union nor the employees
will engage in a strike, sitdown, walkout, stoppage, slowdown, or curtailment of work for any reason during the life of this Agreement.
This is why I was speaking to J7915, it was meant more for the political enviroment of the TWU Local 514. Where registered Democrats vote Republican.
Thats like Nassau County in NY where most of the people are registered Republicans but the vote Democrat for President. The Republicans that they do elect to Federal positions are often more pro-labor than most Democrats ie Peter
I do not believe I asked about the Republicans, but they have not done much either.
Both parties are guilty of disloyalty to their constituants.
I must disagree, the Republicans have done a lot. But I dont like what they have done, Part 145, PEBS, "No Stikes in the airline industry while I''m in office" loans tied to permanent concessions from labor, etc.
So the Republicans have:
Part 145, this is of course a disaster in the making and I feel treasonous.
PEBS, My how may wages increased....
No Strikes, Art. 33 of the TWU/AA CBA.
My beef is with the Democrat based philosophy of unionism based on a structure where the AFL-CIO has the ultimate power and does not use this for the good of the rank and file.
But that is where you are mistaken, the AFL-CIO does not have the ultimate power. The unions dictate to the AFL-CIO, not the other way around. This is a common misconception and it makes a handy excuse for leaders like Jim Little who blame them for his failures, but it sounds good. If member unions disagree with the "official position of the AFL-CIO" they simply leave, like the Carpenters and the Teamsters have done several times. Maybe we would be in better shape if the AFL-CIO had such power, but then again you know what they say about power.
You sir are incorrect when it comes to the TWU in the airline industry at American Airlines.
And just how do the members of the TWU at AA leave the AFL-CIO?
Maybe if the AFL-CIO flexed the power it has, labor might just get a new look.
From discussions I''ve had with AFL-CIO representatives they have no problem with the idea of craft or specialized unions, why would they, they have loads of them. The largest union of all, the SEUI, which I believe is where Sweeny came from put out a paper called "United We Win" which softly criticizeed catch all unions that divy up workers for the sake of dues even though they know that they can not provide the specialization needed for optimal representation and effectiveness. Its on the 562 website if you have the interest or the time.
So when it comes right down to the issues it is about dues for the AFL-CIO. A collective representation would go a long way to shore up labor.
If the AFL-CIO cannot provide optimal representation and effectiveness, then why would you want to support them?
I will read the info on 562