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American to focus on employees and product

Vortilon said:
I am making less now than I was in 2002.  Do you really think I should be happy about the way AA treats my group?
At some point it's time to move on - with every step forward / the bashing breeds more negativity and doesn't help both sides to move forward
jcw said:
At some point it's time to move on - with every step forward / the bashing breeds more negativity and doesn't help both sides to move forward
The company could have given the 4% to the twu they chose not to. That breeds negativity. Make excuses but after years of concessions its going to take years to turn the moral around. Each day without a contract just makes it worse and I don't see any light in the tunnel....
Has the TWU negotiated a contract - no - so before you quickly blame the company - the union might take a few minutes in front of the mirror
jcw said:
Well it only took the first post to trash the company - it's clear some will never be happy and go to great lengths to be negative towards Parker & co
It's so sad the axe folks have to grind if some are that miserable they should seek help - half glass full is nicer than half empty
I'm assuming you are not an AMT nor "represented" by the twu. I have now been working under a concessionary contract for half of my 26 years at AA. We sit on the sidelines watching the other employees groups reap the rewards of a profitable airline. We all had a part in making that happen. Yet the fine Men and Women who keep those jets safe and airworthy are always last to the table. We are the forgotten work group. Personally, I hold the union primarily responsible for this latest debacle that is hurting my family. Although the company could certainly step up and offer a gesture of goodwill. We know they won't. So, yeah we are bitter and pissed off. We still go in every night though and do our best to keep'em flying, keep them legal and keep everyone safe. You are welcome.
I'm sorry you are bitter and pissed - I hope you find something that makes you happier and feeling better
Nice. I do not need your sympathy or patronizing comment. I can only imagine the whining and chaos if the tables were turned. If the pilots and flight attendants were the ones sidelined while AMTS and fleet reaped raise after raise. We have too many years invested here to start over. I don't know about you but Im not willing to quit on something I have a passion for. I'm not quitting on a job my family depends on. No, instead I choose to fight to make it better. To fight to hold my representations feet to the fire and do their job. I enjoy what I do and am good at it. I'm not going anywhere.
jcw said:
At some point it's time to move on - with every step forward / the bashing breeds more negativity and doesn't help both sides to move forward
Well you know what "point" that is gonna be. That will be when the AMTs at AA finally get a decent contract, and not before. We have had 13 years of the worst contract in the industry. We have watched as other employee groups have got huge raises, and increased benefits while we remain stuck in the suck. We all talk about it every day, endlessly - constantly reminding each other of how badly the company treats us. We talk about our self serving union leadership, that cares not for the quality of the contract, but the quantity of dues payers. After 13 years, we feel we have sacrificed long enough to contribute to AA's success.

Until we get the decent contract, the bashing and negativity will remain - as the morale remains at an all time low, the incentive to go "above and beyond" is near non existant.
jcw said:
I'm sorry you are bitter and pissed - I hope you find something that makes you happier and feeling better
I have to side just a little bit with these guys. They're right that we haven't seen those gains yet that other groups have. Until they come out of that tunnel it's kind of wrong to tell them that they should become shiny happy people in anticipation before the fact.

The company absolutely could show a measure of good faith and give us all a small increase in wages on what they promised is coming. But I very much doubt that they will. They also could very easily submit a comprehensive (and decent) proposal on all outstanding articles to try and speed the process along. But they haven't done that either.

After it finally all does come though it's also time for us to put down our swords IMO. The war may be coming to an end but it hasn't gotten there for everyone yet.  
jcw said:
I'm sorry you are bitter and pissed - I hope you find something that makes you happier and feeling better
we have the right to be bitter we have been lied to. By the union and managment we are the lowest paid mechanics in the industry. Everyone else has a new contract Its time the mechanics who keep the pilots and flight attendants safe get a industry leading contract. I did not work hard to get my license to give it all up. I have 31 years in I'm not leaving. It's time for the company and union to come thru on all the promises. Why dose every one else in the company that got there raises always say leave. I rembers in jetnet before pilots flight attendants got there raises and there complaining on jetnet. If Parker can give the flight attendant another 6 percent because ual hasn't settled. He can do that for the mechanics since our contract is taking so long.
You all have the right to be bitter and hope everyone can get to a better place - it's just sad - lot more is caught with honey than vinegar - it takes a good bit of energy to carry so much bitterness
jcw we are plenty pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they think that helps the operation more power to them.
jcw said:
You all have the right to be bitter and hope everyone can get to a better place - it's just sad - lot more is caught with honey than vinegar - it takes a good bit of energy to carry so much bitterness
The honey works both ways. I'm sick of seeing upper management talk about merging an airline and having the best operation and ignoring the elephant in the room. That is, that the airplanes depart safely and on time only because we take pride in our work and do our job as good or better than  anyone else at this or the other airlines. Yet we are far below in compensation. We have no choice but to go along with an association that we didn't chose and watch everyone around us being rewarded. Management could win many employees over with a small raise and some holidays that will no doubt be included when we do settle our contract. Don't talk about a new culture and treat employees like the enemy. Ultimately we are to blame because we let them get away with this farce.
AA89 said:
The honey works both ways. I'm sick of seeing upper management talk about merging an airline and having the best operation and ignoring the elephant in the room. That is, that the airplanes depart safely and on time only because we take pride in our work and do our job as good or better than  anyone else at this or the other airlines. Yet we are far below in compensation. We have no choice but to go along with an association that we didn't chose and watch everyone around us being rewarded. Management could win many employees over with a small raise and some holidays that will no doubt be included when we do settle our contract. Don't talk about a new culture and treat employees like the enemy. Ultimately we are to blame because we let them get away with this farce.
I'm on the US side we have better medical and scope. If he gives me a raise and holidays now whats the incentive for me to sign a contract? I'll drag negotiations out  as long as I can and keep my better benefits. He's running a business folks.As far as winning employees over he just gave us profit sharing and all I've heard is complaints
I understand the company doesn't want to lose leverage by giving us anything now. My point was 1)What's the "honey" we are supposed to give when the company is using contract improvements as leverage against employees who would love to see a ta tomorrow but know that we have absolutely no control over the pace of negotiations. 2) Complaining? Do you think Parker gave us profit sharing because we didn't complain about it? He knew he was about to get airplanes rammed up his a$$.3) Management talks about building a great company. They could do a better job with the TWU employees.
AA89 said:
I understand the company doesn't want to lose leverage by giving us anything now. My point was 1)What's the "honey" we are supposed to give when the company is using contract improvements as leverage against employees who would love to see a ta tomorrow but know that we have absolutely no control over the pace of negotiations. 2) Complaining? Do you think Parker gave us profit sharing because we didn't complain about it? He knew he was about to get airplanes rammed up his a$$.3) Management talks about building a great company. They could do a better job with the TWU employees.
In that case you are right

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