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American to focus on employees and product

Worldport said:
I'm on the US side we have better medical and scope. If he gives me a raise and holidays now whats the incentive for me to sign a contract? I'll drag negotiations out  as long as I can and keep my better benefits. He's running a business folks.As far as winning employees over he just gave us profit sharing and all I've heard is complaints
What the members see is the result of two unions screwing their dues payers by creating this abomination of an association. By doing this, creating this association, and attempting to get it approved by the NMB - delayed getting to the negotiations table by around a year.  This was done without input from the membership - no vote.  Who suffers?  The people who pay the dues, and expect better representation! 
So, now we have Doug Parker pacing around on stages giving town hall meetings implying it's the fault of the TWU/IAM membership for being stuck being represented by this shite sandwich of an organization.  He might have a point, if a vote had been taken.  This is not the memberships fault, but who suffers?
As for the M&R, we were really screwed by the TWU, and the company with the help of the Teamsters.  Lets not forget that when the Teamsters filed at the NMB to represent AAs M&R group; conveniently, AA produced the M&R verification signatures in world record time to the NMB in an effort to keep AMFA out.  Make no mistake about it, the company and the TWU deserve all the well deserved criticism they get.  American doesn't want AMFA on the property, and worked hand in hand with the TWU to keep them off the property.  Is that really who should be representing us?  Disgusting..
Vortilon said:
What the members see is the result of two unions screwing their dues payers by creating this abomination of an association. By doing this, creating this association, and attempting to get it approved by the NMB - delayed getting to the negotiations table by around a year.  This was done without input from the membership - no vote.  Who suffers?  The people who pay the dues, and expect better representation! 
So, now we have Doug Parker pacing around on stages giving town hall meetings implying it's the fault of the TWU/IAM membership for being stuck being represented by this shite sandwich of an organization.  He might have a point, if a vote had been taken.  This is not the memberships fault, but who suffers?
As for the M&R, we were really screwed by the TWU, and the company with the help of the Teamsters.  Lets not forget that when the Teamsters filed at the NMB to represent AAs M&R group; conveniently, AA produced the M&R verification signatures in world record time to the NMB in an effort to keep AMFA out.  Make no mistake about it, the company and the TWU deserve all the well deserved criticism they get.  American doesn't want AMFA on the property, and worked hand in hand with the TWU to keep them off the property.  Is that really who should be representing us?  Disgusting..
This is the one thing that we need to remember.  AA did help the TWU keep AMFA out.  Now consider that since AA did the TWU a huge favor now the TWU owes AA one.  
Last time I checked  A/C maintenance hasn't got a a dime since this merger.As a matter of fact we have moved backwards in every aspect.Work rules getting bent,denied grievances,lost vacation weeks due to Tasel,Pv days etc. 
Why do you think the company wants to get contracts done with everyone but the mechanics?
jcw said:
You all have the right to be bitter and hope everyone can get to a better place - it's just sad - lot more is caught with honey than vinegar - it takes a good bit of energy to carry so much bitterness
You mean Kool Aide dont you......well many of us drank the honey/kool aide for many years, believing in better days,....and made huge sacrifices, we did more work for less pay for years because "we got to do our part to save the company".....we didnt catch anything with this honey except watching in bankruptcy top executives leaving the company with our portion of honey,....not once,....not twice but over and over, Ive seen the most unflappable mechanics that I thought would never be foot draggers become I dont give a sh$t people.This energy you speak of is fueled by bills piling up, this energy is derived anytime I go to the doctor and get floored by my co-pays, by how much prescriptions cost, by having to work that much harder away from my family in working OT, not to save for a vacation or something nice for the wife, but to pay a bill......its laughable you suggest moving on.....most of us are in our 50's approaching 60 with many years at AA. So you want me to just throw away 26 years of service and start new......really? when retirement is just around the corner and my body and abilities I once had have dwindled because of age.....I am more than pissed.....livid would be more correct......and knuckle heads like you who are the "I got mine types" have not walked in our shoes or know not were we have been with this.....
WeAAsles said:
Ok wow that's huge and takes some cajones. A CEO without a contract?
I wouldn't need a contract either if I was set for life.
Just sayin'!
Rogallo said:
I wouldn't need a contract either if I was set for life.
Just sayin'!
Yea but they aren't normally any different than anyone else. They want as much as they can possibly get and don't like taking risks, usually.

I'm sure we see it differently but to me he's putting it all on the line with AA. Boom or Bust.

And go search and find out how many CEO's you think are out there without a contract?

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