Its only another click away......besides this is a free site! Quit whinning!jsn25911 said:How and where do I find the post that were about the DOL?
When I log on - it automatically goes to this page - so I am unsure where they moved the post to. It is an inconvience to have to search for post[post="169008"][/post]
MiAAmi said:It was the right thing to do in my opinion. Leave all the union topics in one area. We can still discuss whatever you want about union topics under a specific area. Why make everyone outside APFA have to read about union business when the topic is about AA. Its not about Ward supporters getting what they want, I think Ward should step down but I still support moving the APFA threads off the main American Airlines area.
MiAAmi said:I'm sure its more hateful discrimination towards the TWA'ers again! Does anyone know an attorney?
jsn25911 said:miami - As a group we try to discuss things here, however people like you try to cause division. If you note that most of your comments are not informational, but rather just to irritate.
If the DOL was such a burden to read - why in the heck did you open this post.
If anyone is whinning - I would say your aggravated because your man Ward is out the door!
Go read another post - if you don't like reading about the DOL
REMEMBER to contact the DOL!
MiAAmi said:You just can't take it that someone disagrees with you. As a group? Theres only 5 or 6 of you discussing this topic!
Lets leave the union threads to the new area!
MiAAmi said:John is not my man.[post="169135"][/post]
MiAAmi said:Everyone still has access to your threads if they want to read constant childish babble about the APFA election. Meanwhile, I have recieved e-mails from my friends from work on both sides of the fence asking my support in a more adult and professional manner.
And your constant barbs and mean spiritness against us is mature and professional? We are only doing what you or anyone else would do in our place and that is fight for what we feel is right.
I guess you could say JW put us on the street and we just returned the favor...
MiAAmi said:I did vote for John, but only because I thought he was the lesser of two evils. No one is silencing your views, just placing them in a more appropriate area. Everyone still has access to your threads if they want to read constant childish babble about the APFA election. Meanwhile, I have recieved e-mails from my friends from work on both sides of the fence asking my support in a more adult and professional manner. I must say this is much more effective than some of the threads I have read here on this forum. Reading some of this garbage is quite a turn off. And again I say that it is now time for John to step down.
twasilverbullet said:So, if you voted for him that meant he was your man, whether he was the lesser of two evils, as you like to put it. :blink: