Urgent! Contact The Dol Today!

L1011Ret said:
the latest rumor - that JW and/or his allies have set up a phone tree suggesting that if THB is installed, TWA F/As would be recalled and AA F/As furloughed. No court mandated seniority settlement would insist on such a drastic measure.

What a bunch of c$@p! When will they stop this nonsense, it's up to the courts and not JW or THB. :blink:
Tell EVERYONE you know to e-mail, call, fax...WHATEVER,
the DOL urging them to certify the last ballot count.
This is certainly one area where many of us can agree.
Let's pull this one off TOGETHER and get Ward the hell out of here ok, guys ?
pooksmom said:
Tell EVERYONE you know to e-mail, call, fax...WHATEVER,
the DOL urging them to certify the last ballot count.
This is certainly one area where many of us can agree.
Let's pull this one off TOGETHER and get Ward the hell out of here ok, guys ?

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Does JW have supporters among the moderators at USAviation.com? Why was this thread moved to the generic Labor & Union Issues thread when it affects no one except flight attendants at American Airlines?
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I'm going to keep posting here periodically; so, it will appear on the list if you click on view new posts.
Screw the Officer Election, I want an investigation into the Concession Ratification Balloting.

That is where the BIG SHAFT really got inserted.
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Decision 2004 said:
Screw the Officer Election, I want an investigation into the Concession Ratification Balloting.

That is where the BIG SHAFT really got inserted.

Well, that didn't get investigated by the DOL because the APFA found all the charges to be "without merit." So, a suit was filed against the union on the reopening of the balloting and the later decision by the BOD to decide for the membership to accept the RPA. That suit is still pending in Federal court. It has just been assigned to a different judge; so that will delay things again while the judge gets up to speed on the depositions, etc.
After the the last 16 votes were counted, the DOL did not require Ward to leave office immediately, in part to allow APFA time to clean their own house, but also more significantly, to conduct "further investigation."
I found that sort of intriguing! And yes, what about that EXTENDED RPA vote !! Just MIGHT determine some fraud here too.
Just MIGHT be, we see JW escorted out in cuffs !!!
To the Flight Attendants;

Good luck with your efforts to rid yourself of a person who would not lead.

You should realize how fortunate you are to be able to hold your leaders accountable.

John Ward let you down. He failed to challenge or stand up to the company's threats.He forced a revote after you rejected the concessions even though if they would have reviewed the companys 10K filing it showed that much of the companys "losses" were due to things like lost Goodwill"-$988 million and prepaid leases etc.

As a mechanic we are still stuck with the TWU, the union that you left 25 years ago for good cause. The union that your leader, John Ward, trusted for information suggesting that we give up more concessions with the "threat" of bankruptcy than other workers gave up in bankruptcy. Under John Ward, you may as well be in the TWU. But luckily for you, you are not. You can rid yourselves of him and get a real leader.