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Elvis has been seen flying into Las Vegas on JetBlue!

So now, it is unethical to offer lowfares to Las Vegas. Wow, I think I need to take an ethics class!

Imagine all the companies that operates in an unethical manner. The oil and car companies for promoting global warming, McD for selling bad-for-u food, the weapons industry for promoting war and violence, Microsoft for enabling people to look up porn on the internet, the list is endless, but not to include UAL? Ups, I forgot, UAL serves free alcoholic beverages on some flights, promoting alcoholism.

I must concur with MGA!
[P]Hey...they call that the Dutch red eye.[/P]
On 11/5/2002 1:39:37 PM Farley wrote:

United is operating at a loss right now. In 1999 you slowed the airline down to a crawl, so you could get more money. You fought giving concessions more recently and thousands are on furlough. Now tell me more about these ethics of yours?

I've NEVER intentionally slowed down operations, and I have been a supporter of BOTH ERPs from the begining. So you attempt at getting personal falls short. BTW, I'm not the one flying for significantly less than union wages because I couldn't get a job with one of the majors....
United is operating at a loss right now. In 1999 you slowed the airline down to a crawl, so you could get more money. You fought giving concessions more recently and thousands are on furlough. Now tell me more about these ethics of yours?
On 11/5/2002 1:44:26 PM Busdrvr wrote:

BTW, I'm not the one flying for significantly less than union wages because I couldn't get a job with one of the majors....

Tsk, tsk, busdrvr. That was no closer to on target than Farley's comment. You should know better than that. There are other motivations than getting the biggest paycheck.

On 11/5/2002 2:21:52 PM Jeff G wrote:

Tsk, tsk, busdrvr. That was no closer to on target than Farley's comment. You should know better than that. There are other motivations than getting the biggest paycheck.



Jeff, when are you going to take me up on that offer to hand out those cards? Sorry, I fight fire with fire. Something distasteful about a professional aviator bragging about his low salary. BTW, if UAL, DAL or AMR had the same labor cost per ASM, then they'd all be profitable. we're on the way down to your level, where are you gonna go?
On 11/5/2002 5:10:55 PM Farley wrote:

You also hurl insults around like you don't belong where you are.

It's hard to get to know somebody during an hour interview.
On 11/5/2002 5:10:55 PM Farley wrote:

You have the largest salary.

Salary? Is that your pet name for it?
On 11/5/2002 11:51:39 AM Busdrvr wrote:

Oh course it's revenue management. That doesn't change the destination. If KLM set up a nice little office on some of those liberal yankee campuses and offered a "quick turn" trip nightly to Amsterdam, complete with "free needles and roach clips", it may prove to be VERY profitable but again "ethical"?


Why do you think KL/NW offers 4 daily DTW-AMS?

You win. You have the largest salary. You work for a major. You've got it all. You also hurl insults around like you don't belong where you are.

I won't downplay the effect our crappy economy has had on the majors. In my mind, that's the largest factor that is acting against our industry. But...

We're in the middle of a revolution in this industry as well. Look around; the old (somewhat closed) system of charging everyone a bazillion dollars to go from point a to b is shifing to a more competitive model that allows established airlines (a la Southwest) and startups (us) to offer a great product at a fraction of the cost.

It's called the free hand of economics. You build a widget, I build a slightly better or different one. What's wrong with that? As for pay, just because we're not unionized doesn't make us underpaid. We're just three years old--with the other forms of compensation provided, there aren't too many folks here that are worried about pay. Obviously, it bothers you.

I think your issue is that we non-union scum seem to be placing pressure on your company, either through loss of revenue or by providing management rationale to drop your pay. Sorry--I really am. I think all pilots at the majors should be able to keep the paycheck they originally thought they were going to get.

On the other hand, maybe you should also pimp Southwest pilots for accepting less money than you and therefore providing similiar significant pressure. Oh, I forget...SW is unionized, therefore they're ok.

So, is your real issue unions vs. non-union? Or are you just po'd at us in particular?

BTW, a lot of the folks here used to fly for the majors or bypassed them entirely (me included), so your analogy is a bit faulty. I may be proven wrong in ten years--I hope not, but I consider it a gamble worth taking.
[P]I think your issue is that we non-union scum seem to be placing pressure on your company, either through loss of revenue or by providing management rationale to drop your pay. Sorry--I really am. I think all pilots at the majors should be able to keep the paycheck they originally thought they were going to get. [BR][BR]On the other hand, maybe you should also pimp Southwest pilots for accepting less money than you and therefore providing similiar significant pressure. Oh, I forget...SW is unionized, therefore they're ok.[/P]
[P]If you've read many of busdrivers comments, SW pilots are also dregs since they make less and as a consequence, are dragging down the pilots of the other major carriers. It really has nothing to do with unions.[BR][BR]So, is your real issue unions vs. non-union? Or are you just po'd at us in particular?[/P]
[P]Not Jetblue in particular...all low fare carriers in general. As for JetBlue, he may be a bit upset because you take home all of your pay and don't have to pay union dues. [BR][BR]BTW, a lot of the folks here used to fly for the majors or bypassed them entirely (me included), so your analogy is a bit faulty. I may be proven wrong in ten years--I hope not, but I consider it a gamble worth taking.[/P]
[P]Sounds like a fair trade - employment and job security versus living on edge, watching your seniority number creep ever so close to the furlough list.[BR][/P]
On 11/5/2002 4:53:40 PM Busdrvr wrote:

Jeff, when are you going to take me up on that offer to hand out those cards?

Woops, missed that ref...? Referring to that other board? PM me.

Sorry, I fight fire with fire. Something distasteful about a professional aviator bragging about his low salary.

I'm not sure it's bragging about low pay as much as head-scratching about your (referring United pilots, not you personally) resistance to the obvious need for significant concessions in the face of a legitimate crisis. Actually it's not a problem limited to United pilots, but all of United's labor groups, and even wider to the industry at large. Not all of the management whining is legit, but it's closer to the truth than usual.

BTW, if UAL, DAL or AMR had the same labor cost per ASM, then they'd all be profitable. we're on the way down to your level, where are you gonna go?

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