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Are JetBlue loads falling off? Is it true that certain routes are not even breaking even?


Oct 14, 2002
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[P]Are the rumors true???[/P]
On 11/3/2002 1:57:26 PM MileHighGuy wrote:

Are the rumors true???[/P][img

While I am relatively sure some of the newly innaugurated service out of LGB is not yet profitable, I have not heard of any other routes losing money. The company will post 3rd quarter earnings next week so that may give us a little insight into what is going on. Quite frankly, the loads I have seen are all extremely full (although that doesn't guarantee a profit). All grapevine soundings are positive.
Yep, all flights are going out with less than 28% loads.

The yields are actually in the negative numbers, some in double digits, on every single stinkin' flight made. Heck, sometimes they take up a collection for gas before the push.

The jets, which aren't being paid for in the first place, have a streak of dirt on the belly.

The maintenance, most of which will be deferred until the year 2009, consists mostly of pumping liquid nitrogen in the aft lav flush condenser. Blue geyser ahoy!

And the pilots, previously considered as the best dancers in the industry, now appear to have hair growing on their backs.

Whoops, gotta run...Jerry Springer's on...

Psych! Quarterly earnings will be out next week--hopefully we at JB will continue to do OK.
MHG, what rumors? The only one I'm aware of is this thread you started.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 9:02:54 PM Rhino wrote:
[P]MHG, what rumors?  The only one I'm aware of is this thread you started.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]I heard it from a JetBlue res agent in Salt Lake City and from a JetBlue customer service agent in Syracuse. I don't know what their break even load factor is. but I do know that their load factors have been lower than expected for Sep. and Oct.[/P]
[P]Hopefully, we'll get a better picture of their situation next week.[/P]
[BR]I am only guessing but Neeleman would not offer a 3:2 stock split if his numbers stink. If it turns out the numbers stink, he will come across as desparate for cash(which I doubt).[BR][BR]We will know next week but one thing to keep in mind, he did back off on his second IPO.
Re the 3 for 2. Dave just took a page from the SWA book. $20-30 share prices create additional liquidity and lower volatility in the stock than $30-40.
Before anyone starts freaking out.....remember loads are usually light in Sep and Oct.....people who will be flying are saving up money for the trek to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving and Christmas(Thank god I'll be done with the airline biz before then!)
My wife's IAD-FLL flight on Saturday was 100% full and it appears that her return this morning is also full.
I just talked to my friend who flew in last Saturday night from SJU. He said the flight was about half full. Then again, he did have a couple of drinks on the flight. So maybe his math wasn't as accurate as it could have been.
Mile High, you need to lighten up on the ragweed as old Gordo likes to say. Maybe you could come back down to maybe a half a mile high. Then maybe you won't become chicken little after hearing about one SJU flight that was not full (remember? the dude who thought the sky was falling?). Amazing that you would start a thread based on such powerful testimony.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 8:26:02 PM eagleflip wrote:
[P]Yep, all flights are going out with less than 28% loads.[BR][BR]The yields are actually in the negative numbers, some in double digits, on every single stinkin' flight made.  Heck, sometimes they take up a collection for gas before the push.[BR][BR]The jets, which aren't being paid for in the first place, have a streak of dirt on the belly.[BR][BR]The maintenance, most of which will be deferred until the year 2009, consists mostly of pumping liquid nitrogen in the aft lav flush condenser.  Blue geyser ahoy![BR][BR]And the pilots, previously considered as the best dancers in the industry, now appear to have hair growing on their backs.[BR][BR]Whoops, gotta run...Jerry Springer's on...[BR][BR]Psych!  Quarterly earnings will be out next week--hopefully we at JB will continue to do OK. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]eagleflip...forget all that and let's get to the real issue...do they use ACARS????[/P]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/4/2002 9:03:20 PM Farley wrote:
[P]Mile High, you need to lighten up on the ragweed as old Gordo likes to say.  Maybe you could come back down to maybe a half a mile high.  Then maybe you won't become chicken little after hearing about one SJU flight that was not full (remember? the dude who thought the sky was falling?).  Amazing that you would start a thread based on such powerful testimony.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Ragweed? Surely you jest!?![/P]
MHG, No, I jest you not. I admit that I don't even know what ragweed is, but we've been accused of smoking it by Mr. Bethune. I thought maybe you had tried it, and that the intoxicating effects had caused you to make up this thread. Am I wrong? If so, accept my humble apologies.

KC, you are on the wrong page. Southwest is where we debate the tired ACARS issue. Of course WE use ACARS. Wouldn't it be a shame to have an airplane full of gadgets, and not have ACARS?