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SuperBowl on LiveTV!

your attitude toward customers (im sorry,to you, they are just passengers) is reason why your airline and so many others are in the position they are in.
it has been proven by jetblue that passengers are extremely loyal if they pay a fair price AND get treated with respect. as previously stated,jetblue does not have the cheapest ticket. yet jetblue spent 23% less on advertising. (word of mouth)
the only threat to jetblue is when other carriers start treating their passengers as customers.
and that my friend will take a generation.
jbludriver wrote:

your attitude toward customers (im sorry,to you, they are just passengers) is reason why your airline and so many others are in the position they are in.

My argument is with the notion that this is still a servce industry. Stop and read my quote before you pass judgement:
"Granted more people are trying JB because of the service but don't think for a second that the $$$ was not involved. I take full planes to PBI,FLL,MCO,RSW,TPA,MIA,Yada Yada every week and I get the same, "I only fly AA" or "you guys are the best" week after week and I thank each one personally with a smile on my face"
This is on the top of the page. My airline is not in it's current position due to the employees. I have never met an AA employee(flt crew) that was not happy to serve with a smile on their face.

it has been proven by jetblue that passengers are extremely loyal if they pay a fair price AND get treated with respect. as previously stated,jetblue does not have the cheapest ticket. yet jetblue spent 23% less on advertising. (word of mouth)
the only threat to jetblue is when other carriers start treating their passengers as customers.
and that my friend will take a generation.

This notion that JB does not have the cheapest ticket is absurd. So your ticket is $299 when cheaptickets.com has it for $279. Big deal. Neelman is on record stating that he will add aircraft to a route before he raises prices. Show me one airline that has ever survived on service? I can show you plenty that make it on price.
Speedbird wrote:

Where do you get your definition of a LCC?

Low Cost Carrier.

Just because an airline defines itself as a LCC doesn't always mean that it's prices are rock bottom. Albeit, low costs help an airline that offers low pricing to attract customers and sustain their operations, but the two are not joined at the hip, so to speak.

It's all about marketing, you are an LCC. That's fine their is nothing wrong with that. In fact it appears to be the only group making a profit. But you are not a first class carrier. You are not Singapore or Cathy Pacific, or...... People are not looking at JB to define service, they come to JB for price. Again their is nothing wrong with that but don't ever try to tell me that people come to you for service first. It's price first, then service.

For example, jetBlue maintains a yield premium in many of its markets even though its a LCC. You can't ignore the value aspect that I mentioned in my previous post.

You need to define yeild premium for me? AA get's plenty of yeild premium for it's first class or the belly cargo. Try to remember that you are unique you are an LLC competing against full service carriers. Getting a few dollars a seat more for coach is not a yeild premium if your competition is selling out first and business class. Your yeild or margin is gained by your LOW COSTS not your service.

Also, the passenger marketplace is too complex to lump all passengers into one category. Sure there are many passengers who buy their tickets in the manner you describe, but there are also a larger percentage of passengers who don't.

Your analogy of buying gas is a poor one.

I'll clear it up for you. When I was a kid taking an airplane flight was something special. People paid a premium for service because the price was set by the CAB. Back then every gas station was full service, you couldn't pump your own gas if you tried. Heck you even had a relationship with the guy who pump your gas(I remember his name).

Then came deregulation airlines started to compete on price and over night cost became the key factor. Around the same time you started to see the gas stations begining to offer self serve pumps people were more concerned about saving a few dollars then getting the service.

I am not sure where you reside but in NY self service stations are all you see. Sure you can pay extra for someone to pump your gas but to put it bluntly, that for the rich folks. The same demographic that is willing to pay the additional price for a first/business ticket.

Funny thing is, today the LCC are the ones that most folks are choosing. Why because they are concerned about price. Just like the folks who pump their own gas. They are not looking for the service and the don't care where they buy their gas from. It price only. Just like an airline ticket to FL. Get it now.

Maybe II'll bet that if had to spend four or five hours at a gas station every time you had to put gas in your tank, then somebody would come up with some nifty service features to attract you to their pumps. Since that isn't the case your example doesn't work.

What am I missing here? TV alone is not going to cut it. That's obvious from Song. If it makes money and they can copy it they will. The only things they can't copy are service and price and the public is concerned about price. Not service.
The only things they can't copy are service and price and the public is concerned about price. Not service.


You have no clue..no wonder you passed up an opportunity to fly with JetBlue. Service is just what all the airlines lost sight of in recent years. Thus, the clamor for laws to protect passenger rights and ensure resonable SERVICE!

For those that don't know G4G5, he claims to have turned down a job offer at JetBlue. Since then, he has trolled multiple bulletin boards in a feable, persistent and spirited effort to discredit JetBlue and those of us that work here.

I suggest he be relegated to a global ignore list.


Nice flame job, so let me ask you where on this entire post I have flamed JB? Please quote it or feel free to apologize.

Again to make myself crystal clear. The industry has shifted to a price line comodity. Funny thing their is a web site with the same name that sells airline tickets(note it's not called serviceline.com)

Service is something that each one of provides. It's something that you should provide. It shows personal pride in what you do. This is a people business and we all care about the folks who come to fly with us. That's not my point.

My point is people don't choose an airline based upon service. They choose it on price.

So again, unless you can show where I flamed JB. your credibility has just dropped another knotch.

I'll let the readers decided whose post look more like a flame job and who should be added to the global ignore list.
You know, I was just reviewing the back-and-forth on the value vs. price debate, some of which I started, and I was just thinking: does it really matter? This is a chicken-and-egg debate and ultimately unproveable. G4G5, you have some excellent points regarding what draws customers, but I have a nagging feeling that you don't have the whole answer. Likewise, JetBlue people, myself included, think that something more than price keeps people coming back, but don't have the tools or data to prove it. Since this discussion, mostly professional, has started to deteriorate, maybe it's time to agree to disagree and move on. Nothing else we can say is going to contribute to the debate for now. What say you?
It's really amazing that the folks on this board can take a simple comment like "SuperBowl on Live TV!" and turn it into a jetBlue vs. the world debate. Does it really matter why people fly JB,it might be the service,it might be the price,or it could be that the flying public is tired of the Big 3. The other airline employees on this board need to fix the problems in their own backyard before coming to s**t in JetBlue's.
"On 1/31/2003 11:13:11 AM audio-nut wrote:

The was one mess of a thread to read. Wow. Hey busdriver, why don't you go read your own board...it seems some important things sre going on over there. here is a taste of the subjects of the 20 or so most recent threads....."

UAL has been around for over 70 years. comparing the board dialogue to JBlu's employees would be like a couple of fresh out of high school newlyweds questioning the strength of grandma and grandpa's marriage because they occasionally bicker after over 50 years of wedded bliss
Welcome back Busdrvr!

It's good to see you haven't lost your magnetic and charming personality.
On 2/16/2003 4:13:23 PM Busdrvr wrote:
UAL has been around for over 70 years. comparing the board dialogue to JBlu's employees would be like a couple of fresh out of high school newlyweds questioning the strength of grandma and grandpa's marriage because they occasionally bicker after over 50 years of wedded bliss

So you are comparing UAL's situation right now to marital bickering? How you seen the plan that the creditors are making you sign?!?

You need to make cumulative profits, dating from Dec. 1, 2002, of at least $46 million by Oct. 31, 2003. And you must make cumulative profits of at least $575 million during the 12 months ending Dec. 31, 2003. If you do not you go out of business. Or as your own bankruptcy filing says, "spell the end."